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Everything posted by Professor

  1. As I see it, there are advantages and disadvantages as follows: EVs are not as annoying to listen to as those 4-cylinder slow pieces of crap that are slow but sound like LaMans racecars with bad mufflers or manifolds. On the other hand, EVs are silent but deadly. You don't hear them coming. What is the future of vision impaired people crossing streets? There are plenty of gas stations but very few EV electric hook-ups. Gas propelled cars are more reliable. Oh yea, there are lots more weirdos that drive EVs (I believe I read that in the Charlotte Observer for which I am not a subscriber), Thats all I have. Good posting smeagolsfree. We need more and cheaper petroleum.
  2. Not only Lowes, but Novant Hospital is also very cloes with many doctor's offices. It would be a perfect stop. There is a rail into downtown Mooresville and it would be perfect. I can't image anyone not supporting the red line with the population explosion in the area.
  3. Do people seriously thing that this building will be in the center of nothingness in the future? I welcome construction diversity as long as it doesn't become a center for squatters or freeloaders. Variety is the spice of life, even in construction. How would they like living in London where 80 percent of all homes look identical and have lousy heating and plumbing and parking is a nightmare normally? I was fine with it, but that's me. Thanks for your ray of sunshine reminder.
  4. The only issue I see in Cornelius is at the I-77 bridge pedestrian walkways crossing over the highway. That walkway is confusing with the placement of the zebra crossings insanely configured and that stupid "merging diamond" monstrosity system of construction. I walk a lot and I am particularly careful to not drink too many if I have to walk across the bridge. Other than that, Cornelius is a very walkable town.
  5. There are consecutively just one or two cities in the U.S. larger than Charlotte (population wise) that are growing as quickly, i.e. Dallas or Houston. Developers sometimes want to present uniqueness. Why would they pick Charlotte over Nashville? Maybe developers feel the tower and retail development fit in with the river running through Nashville. Charlotte only has a creek to offer, and it isn't that central.
  6. I believe you are correct in your assessment. Fortunately, our kids generally start seeing reality, forming their own opinions, and questioning their former peer and college instructor driven ideologies the closer they get to 40.
  7. I know some hotels out near the airport are bad and in precarious areas, but uptown and South Park should be a treat for them unless they are just don't adapt to places that aren't their hometown or usual environment. Some people just aren't outgoing and are never adaptive or happy. Their problem. As far as the airport, I think it is as good as any large U.S. airport, better than most. Yea, it gets busy, but that is what makes it prosperous. Charlotte airport has what was the the second best USO in the U.S. That is a plus for veterans and those on active duty.
  8. Don't worry about them. We don't have a shortage or a quota on morons, and we don't need more. Just go along with them. They will just complain about everything so you can't fix it. I'm not saying that lots of hotels in the airport area are in screwed up areas, but we certainly aren't alone. They must not realize that airport areas are usually low rent areas.
  9. Charlotte, but Winston Salem deserves recognition for banking, R.J. Reynolds and other innovations.
  10. I consider neighborhoods where individuals are able to walk to work in the main business district. It is possible to walk from "Midtown to uptown and from most of South End.
  11. So you have low standards and expectations but are very sensitive. Are you stalking me?
  12. There are lots of variables, but I am happy with the ratings and don't disagree. Lots of people are unhappy about not being able to criticize Charlotte for a lack of sidewalks compared to the streets where they come from. etc. Charlotte is becoming more pedestrial friendly every month. We are growing and getting better. Many places are older and getting worse. Overally, it seems to be relative to where in the city one lives as far as one's perception. I live in a walkable place and hardly use my car.
  13. As soon as the finish the Intercontinental Hotel on top of the old Carolina Theater project.
  14. We've been waiting for years. And to think, the foundation got the land for a dollar. I've given up. We should have had a showpiece there by now.
  15. With a little coal smoke, this could be an American version scene for BBC's Coronation Street?
  16. Wow! So I can scratch my comment? How did an old posting like that get mixed up in this discussion? Oh well. I will check dates in the future. Thanks for letting me know that you think that I am likely an idiot.
  17. Sorry, is there a connection with this Southpark thread?
  18. Carolina 1792, Pleases define "popular culture." Charlotte's city population is now over 900K and quickly growing.
  19. It was still good and not outrageous. The only sandwich I have spent $18 for was recently in Bar Harbor, Maine for a lobster roll. It had no taste, and the deli was supposed to be the home of the lobster roll. This place in Midtown is charging $18 for a pastrami sandwich and the place isn't even the "home of the pastrami sandwich." He had a thriving business for a long time. He probably did well because he was reasonably priced even back then.
  20. Maybe someone needs to contact Leo from the former Leo's Deli on Elizabeth and ask him or his former employees how they managed to avoid inflation prices one items like pastrami. Opps! Sorry, there is no inflation. Right?
  21. Just booked my hotel in Berlin (Mitte). I'll take notes. I'll be going back and forth from Frankfort (Hb). I see Frankfort as much like Charlotte. It's a business center and not a big tourists draw. The only thing that I really would like to see in regard to copying Europe is Innercity transportation. There are only a handful of cities in the U.S, that are really close. However, in many European cities, it is very difficult to own a car due to restrictive parking, etc. I love public transport, yet I like the freedom of being able to have a car that is easily accessable as well.
  22. Underground rail all over the world slows down after rush hour especially 9:00 pm. Isn't there a schedule posted?
  23. The only thing that impresses me about Munich other than historic structures is the underground where I usually eat. I like the Hofbrauhaus and visit the English Garden where there are some hot women almost nude in good weather, but after a few days in Munich, it's time to move on. Like most tourist cities, we become infatuated. Don't see how we could model after it without destroying our modern architecture and reinstalling really bad plumbing like much of Germany has, i.e. steam heat, circa 1950s school buildngs. Good place to visit or enven live for a while. But, I'd prefer to keep Charlotte. Some of their tourist spots would be nice.
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