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Everything posted by Professor

  1. What the "F" are you talking about? Are you stoned? What is the "Big Lie?" Who is the hater of Constitutions (by the way there is only one) What about the second amendment? Finally, it would be better if you didn't attempt speaking to impress. Making a sensible statement or asking a "clear" question is more important.
  2. I'm O.K. with your thinking that I am blinding myself to the truth or something. I'm not sure what something is, but I'm O.K. with it. I just hope that elections in the future are monitored and regulated without bias unlike in the past. I look forward to our next elections finally reflecting .
  3. The Democrats should have convinced us that we need to trust their judgements. This country is now perfect under the great leadership of Biden and Harris. We are the envy of the world. I am also proud that President Biden has proven time after time to possess the integrity, and loyalty to the constitution to continue his great leadership into his 100s. I am ashamed that the republicans want to set up districts based on population and not race like the democrats have done and gotten by with for many years. And democrats, remember, all people are equal, and we don't need to set up districts based on race. You wouldn't want to appear as racists. Have a nice day everyone.
  4. Speaking of "nothing to comment about," I congratulate you on your great comment.
  5. If we get the red line, I wonder if it will be available for passengers before stations (sheds or whatever) are available. In other words, will temporary passenger waiting (board and unboarding) areas be used initially. I'm not getting any younger, therefore, I wonder how long it will be before I can start planning my pub hop tours by rail to uptown from the lake?
  6. I am just curious if anyone is excited at all about the possibility of the Red Line being back on the possibility list? One of the things that enticed me into moving to the lake area was talk of the Red Line operations which was being planned at the time. The hold up was Norfolk Southern which is now ready to talk. We really need to take this seriously and build it. The area isn't getting any smaller nor is the traffic situation. I hope this is seriously pushed. I doubt if the Charlotte City Council much gives a rats arse, but thousands of us others do
  7. If that's the case, why are black neighborhoods called historic "black" neighborhoods and many of their schools referred to as "Black" historic schools? Why is one group allowed to have a label and not the other? I agree that they all should simply be called historic neighborhoods.
  8. I lived in the apartments on West Blvd. across from Wilmore when I was young. Wilmore was predominately a working-class white neighborhood highly occupied by returning WWII veterans. It wasn't occupied by blacks until the mid to late 60s. Wouldn't that make it a "historic" white neighborhood if a label must be given? Who gives a crap anyway? Times have changed. Anyone that can afford to live in Wilmore is allowed to do so. I wonder if we will ever be able to label Thomasboro and Hoskins as "Historic" white neighborhoods? They were historically all white and occupied by poor white mill workers that lived in small "cracker" type houses?
  9. I can't say what I mean. It isn't woke enough. How do you think I am playing a "victim." That's pretty mindless.
  10. I'm not crazy about fish n chips, but the best I have ever had on this side of the sea was on Friday nights at Big Al's in Cornelius. That was night they featured fish and chips. I suspect it was cod, but who know. It was large, fresh, and the batter was authentic. The problem with batter in the U.K. is that fish, chicken and sausages are often deep fried in the same cooking oil. It is a good thing that England has so many nations represented. That guarantees a selection of actual flavorful food. It beats their roast, peas, and bean slop. LOL. I tried fish and chips as well as curry at Big Ben and also consider them as "serviceable" at best. The same for the place behind the Park Road Shopping Center. I haven't been to either one since covid days.
  11. Waterloo has improved over the years like most of east London. Did you visit the "Dungeon" at Waterloo? I lived in Lancaster Gate (2 different places), Earl's Court, Ruislip, and Finchley. Have you checked out Camden Town, Queensway, Liverpool St. and Mile End? I am having a vicarious moment. Enjoy your trip as long as you are there. One last item, if you happen to be near Finchley Road, you can crosse the street at Tesco, walk up the hill to Frognel Street towards Fitzjohn's Street (Hampstead) and visit the home of Sigmund Freud. It is in a nice residential area with many of London's finest private schools and close to bus stops and amenities. By the way, I also love a good Cornish pastie, but I wait until I am in Cornwall.
  12. Glad you made it. It's a nice walk from Westminster to the museum. Glad to see the weather is dry and cool. I think the ad on the bus is a nice change. As a person not very religious, I find peaceful ads representing something good are a pleasant change. Eat some great Indian food while there.
  13. Nice photo. It looks like a nice cool, dry day in my favorite city. I like the ad on the bus. I am not a religious guy, but It represents peace and love. Such ads certainly can't hurt these days.
  14. All cities have their quiet periods when most people are working. I was just thinking that a photo taken at lunchtime when everyone is out walking would be a good time. But, street level shops would be helpful. Unfortunately with cost of renting spaces today and with ordering by phone, it is really hard on shop owners to sustain businesses.
  15. These are great pictures. I wish that they were taken during the week at lunch time when the sidewalks look crowded. It looks like we are under a bomb scare and everyone is hiding in the subways. And yes, there are no subways.
  16. My last long-time residence away from Charlotte was in Boston. I liked it fine and had no adjustment issues. I found people there friendly enough, and any comments or humor about my accent were always positive. People seem to be less hostile in their own environments, I didn't generally see much difference in locals from here or there except for their odd accent. In regard to negativity about asking an Asian or anyone else where they are from, I don't understand the racist assumption. I don't care if I am in a bar or any other place. If someone speaks with a non-familiar accent, I often ask where they are from. I only do it as an act of friendliness, hoping to open an interesting conversation. I also ask "white" people where they are from if they have an unfamiliar accent. I casually present the question after a friendly tone has been established and don't just walk up and ask. My best friend is from southeast Asia, he is fine with being asked where he is from. He often asks others the same question. Maybe being educated and professional makes him feel secure? Other Asian friends are not offended if asked in a friendly tone. Perhaps it is because they see me interacting with strangers and see me as either innocently curious or nosy. In reality, I'm probably both. When I travel abroad, I am regularly asked about my accent. Why should I get angry? I am proud of who I am (not as proud these days if you know what I mean). Americans are probably the most hated nationality on earth. I do my best to change that image when I travel. Bottom line, who cares what some nut from NYC, DC, Boston, or Phili thinks? They are coming here and moving here not visa-versa. If we aren't good enough, they should stay. I have noticed that the ones move here are not as classy or nice as the ones that stay. They tend to mistake money with class. Besides, I am sure that they were not as advanced and enjoyed our standard of living we see today when they were small (compared to them) like us. We are a newer city and have lots to look forward to. All they tentatively have to look forward to is poverty, declining populations, and lawlessness.
  17. You should consider taking your racial issues to some other board that serves the purpose of venting. This isn't a good place for venting your "issues." Like most media, ads, other public services, there is a double-standard and your venting would likely get European Americans and possibly Asians banned as "racist" no matter how non-racist their comment may be. I was once suspended, ridiculed, and called a racist for saying that Cam Newton was a crappy quarterback. Personally, I think that the other guy should "ignore" you.
  18. This place was purchase by The Foundation of the Carolinas years and years ago for something like $1. and is still not operational. The people of this area really lost out on having a great venue in operation thanks to selling to this foundation and not a motivated city development minded opportunist.
  19. I was responding to Kayman's reference to readers being white. I didn't understand what being white had to do with his confusing article.
  20. I am a white male, what are trying to say? Is there a point somewhere
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