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Everything posted by Chickenwing

  1. I thought the price tag was over $2mm. I didn't like the eminent domain, because it set an ugly precedent (I realize the laws have changed now), but it does look A LOT better now.
  2. Billy Mitchell owned the record shop, not the residential dwelling. The person who owned it, was a former student of the architect who designed it. Both structures had sentimental value for the owners.
  3. Chipwich is 2 chocolate CHIP cookies with either white or chocolate creme sanWICHed between them. Thus, a Chip-wich. They have them at Duke's too (from the Chocolate Shoppe)
  4. Agreed on Cline. Junkyard - I suppose you mean the steel scrapyard. It is pretty far up from this immediate area, but will definately need to go if all of Poinsett between downtown and Cherrydale is revitalized. What entities serve the homeless in this area? I know Labor Finders is in the area, but what else? I noticed the other day that on the corner of Rutherford and Poinsett that the refurbished building has a new sign on it. Snapshot, a photo and art bar, is the name on it. Looked like they were unpacking boxes in there too. Looks good.
  5. It still is not attracting anything!! It just happens to be in the way.
  6. Most likely the last part of the statement has been left out so it sounds better. Housing will be available for all income levels (above $150K per year; it will, however, not be available for incomes levels lower than that, because we certainly cannot have the hired help moving into our upscale gated community). In all seriousness, I am kind of glad to see something other than a golf course community.
  7. They had some lots, pre-phase 1, that could be bought for $95K. The builder could buy 1 at that price, but has to buy a package of 3 or 4. Something like that anyway. Either way, it's going to be pricey there!
  8. My understanding is that the initial lot prices were $95K and up. Oh, and the developer tells the builder what to build.
  9. Do people in places like Pelzer and Marietta know what a latte is? In all seriousness, I would probably be ok with it, since I live near the urban areas. The increasing price of urban area properties is going to push alot of the service industry people farther away from their jobs. We need something to accomodate them. But, I can also see understandable opposition from people in the more rural parts of the county, who it may not benefit.
  10. Isn't that TIC Properties? TIC meaning Tenants in Common.
  11. I wonder which it is: TLC Properties, Inc TLC Properties of Columbia, LLC TLC Properties of the Upstate, LLC
  12. I am intrigued by this idea and would consider it. Oh, and I hate taxes.
  13. That was back when Zaxby's served beer as well.
  14. From what I understand, the plant is supposed to stay open with around 20 employees or so. They will be working on touch screens. The way it was explained to me is that they are working on something else to go into production there in the next few years or so. Not television related, but more along the touch screen lines.
  15. I think it makes more since in Charleston, considering part of the fuselage for the Dreamliner is going to be built there.
  16. If you decide that the 1 gb card is not enough, go to shop.kingston.com/savebig and pick up the 4 gb elite for under $70.
  17. I have the Canon, but for me it came down to cost between it and the Nikon. I did not look at the Sony, although I have heard good things about it. I don't know if the Xti is a huge upgrade over the Xt though. Yeah, you get more MP, but the sensor is the same size. Btw, I got the camera w/ lens kit for less than the body itself retails for, so it was a pretty easy decision to go that way for me. Otherwise, I would have given more consideration to the highly rated Nikon. The lens is ok. I will definately upgrade it at some point. First thing I bought was a 50mm 1.8 though, because at $80, it is a great deal. I use it all the time when doing shots of my 3 month old son. If you were to ask me, that should have been the kit lens.
  18. This page should have what you are looking for: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/files/electio...ECTION=POLITICS Scroll down to see the amendments.
  19. On a related note, amendments up for vote tomorrow, I hope everyone will vote against the 15% cap and for the limitations on eminent domain.
  20. Pretty much sums it up for me. When God created Eve from Adam, he said in Genesis 2:24, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother, and be united with his wife and they shall become one flesh." Thus giving us the first marriage and creating for us the Biblical model of marriage, i.e. one man and one woman, a monogamous heterosexual relationship.
  21. I suppose I am the only one voting yes.
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