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Everything posted by Chickenwing

  1. I finally had dinner at Justin's last night after hearing so many good things about it. I couldn't have been more impressed.
  2. Making old photos is fun. This is not Greenville, but it certainly is worth the drive. Unfortunately, the late freeze killed most of the flowers this year.
  3. If you are using 800px width, then you are missing the stuff on the right hand side. I am viewing it at 1280x800 and although I can see everything, there is still a horizontal scroll bar. There is waaaaay too much stuff going on with this page.
  4. It's pretty bad. Nothing is worse than horizontal scrolling though. Either the columns should be relative widths or the page should not be larger than 1024px. Just makes for a frustrating user experience.
  5. mainthepark, you might want to try an orange filter. It could look something like this. Hope you don't mind that I altered your photo. I like the cooler tones in the original personally, but I went pretty drastic with the software filter for emphasis. An on camera filter should look nicer.
  6. I used to play there a couple times a week after work.
  7. I guess I should actually pick those things up out of the driveway and read them.
  8. I noticed there is a new sign going up at the old Winn Dixie Warehouse ... says Hampton Park
  9. That is such a great piece of property. I would hope for something better than a grocery store.
  10. Found this old picture a couple of weeks ago. (This is a picture of a picture.)
  11. Skyliner, I don't know if you make it up and down Stone Ave very often, but Trojan Labor's sign uses the SAME colors as your signature picture.
  12. The have started laying the block for the statue today.
  13. If something substantial were to happen with these two properties, it could really be a catalyst for the changes proposed in the Gateway plan, esp. with them being there at the main intersection.
  14. There are Atlanta developers with national tenants interested in this area.
  15. Ssshh! Keep the Taylors talk on the downlow. I don't want anyone else to find out how good we have it over here.
  16. Yeah, they sell their overpriced wares via catalogs sent to your home as well. (My wife has bought quite a few things)
  17. That is a really nice shot. Big fan of that one.
  18. Carbon fiber is growing in many industries. They use it quite extensively in the cycling industry as well. Everything from handlebars and seatposts to frames and wheels. It is strong, light and absorbs vibrations, kind of like titanium, but it can be molded into aerodynamic forms.
  19. The registered agent for Town Gate is Jerry Saad, a CPA. Maybe the CPA for Collins Estate?
  20. Count me as part of the group that wants the best deal on the cheapest crap. Everything is disposible these days, so you don't need it to last. Tastes/what is cool are changing more rapidly, and people want to keep up or change more often. It doesn't make sense to buy something that is twice or 3 times more expensive when you change it and save money. Haggling over price is what I do. I will do it anywhere, and have even done it at Walmart. Sometimes you get a price break and sometimes you don't, but it never hurts to ask. If I save a few bucks, then I just got a "free" lunch. There is nothing wrong with being cheap. I guess what I am saying is that I will always look for the best price on commodities/goods. I am not going to pay more to subsidize a poor business model. Services is a completely different story, and I will pay more for better service. If these small shops really want to differentiate themselves, they need to offer more in the way of value added services. If they cannot offer something more, then they do not deserve my hard earned money.
  21. Too wild. I drove by that mill today, and thought, "I should go take some pictures of that old place". Looks like I was beat to it!
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