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Edgefield D

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Everything posted by Edgefield D

  1. That's what I thought too. I'm just concerned that as more apartments, etc....allow STR there's not going to be as big a demand and this ugly building is going to end up as some type of haven for who knows what. Time will tell.
  2. The site plan on the Boyle website for Block D (I think that’s correct) shows the grocery on the end by the train tracks.
  3. Thanks for sharing that.....I wondered what is taking so long for this to move forward. I assumed it was because the new Youngs Fashions building wasn't quite finished yet. I guess maybe there is more to it. I would not be upset if it was a Publix though.
  4. I went onto Loopnet and noticed that the parcel that has Battered and Fried, Drifters and the building behind Drifters (?) is for sale as one parcel. Interesting....
  5. They actually need to be touched. Up close they look like they are going to fall out. I think they will have to “fix” them...which will be good. But, they won’t be able to modify the exterior much.
  6. Expounding a little more on that, our property taxes decreased this year. Not much, but they did even when our house shot up in value. Our house is 100 yrs old and we have several improvement projects going on. I feel quite sure we could have appealed and gotten it even lower....we didn’t. For that many people to successfully appeal, I don’t think they have very strict guidelines on those appeals. I’ve seen some really crappy houses sell for $300-$400k. The value is still in those houses. I realize many people who appealed could not afford their taxes and there should be some other mechanism for that, but if you are going off strictly what the house value is....you need to rethink the appeals process.
  7. I also noticed a Zara in the first image I believe. First store on the right.
  8. These Endeavor people don't play! I'm excited for this...I can see my house in those top 2 photos. If this gets developed, Cayce is redone and transit goes through...I may never move. It's amazing how quickly our landscape is changing. I hope it lasts for a while.
  9. Boom Bozz (sp?) Pizza is under construction at the old Crystal Fountains church at 10th and Russell. There’s the Fireman’s Credit Union on Woodland (being a fireman may be a requirement though...not sure)
  10. I had emailed a friend at the chamber, and she emailed someone at For Transit but never heard back (not good in my opinion). When I saw your post about getting a response I was hoping they were just backlogged trying to get signs. I think they should have focused on getting the sign distribution running smoothly before now. I HAVE seen more lately...it’s odd that it’s so difficult to get a sign though.
  11. I've seen a lot more For Transit signs in my neighborhood in the last week or so.
  12. I’m pretty sure it was supposed to go in the parking lot that’s tucked away between 5th (where it splits with Spring and Ellington) and I24.
  13. My friend at the chamber gave me a transit sign for my yard. I told her there are several people out there that are having trouble getting signs. She said she would bring that up with them....I'll follow up and see if she found out anything.
  14. Now that I think about it....I think where I saw it was on the Boyle website. There's a marketing brochure for Block D
  15. From the plan I saw (somewhere)...I think the Publix will front Charlotte on the ground level, but on the other end away from this corner.
  16. The whole driving across state lines just never made much sense to me. So, if my grocery bill is $100...in TN I'll pay up to $7 in tax. Is it worth driving to KY to buy groceries? Also, prices are not always the same (I've compared when I'm at Kroger up there). And, my partner and I own a house in Bowling Green (he works up there)....so I kind of have some reason to go up there (but I don't very often). He also pays KY state income tax and Bowling Green city tax. It comes out to about $9800 per year for him. You can buy a whole lot of stuff in one year and pay $9800 in sales tax.... I know it's a bit off topic....but as it relates to transportation and driving somewhere to save money...it seemed relevant.
  17. I saw there was also mention of a retailer eyeing a spot at 505 CST. When I first saw it....I thought they meant Publix was eyeing some sort of spot there? I'm sure that's not what it was.
  18. I always take the total charge, including financing, into account when making a purchase. I do think it's a little whacky for people to talk only in those terms. I've never asked someone what they paid for a house or a car and they gave me the total after financing charge. It's just not the way people normally communicate. Here's a personal anecdote. My partner and I were going to build a garage around 6 or 7 yrs ago. We had $25,000 saved up....the cost was going to be $35,000. My partner, being the uber financially conservative person he is that doesn't believe in borrowing money...said no, we have to wait til we have $35,000. So...fast forward to last year and getting a garage built. Guess how much the garage actually cost. $70,000. Which was the smarter decision? Sorry...I know that was a little off track....but it was what popped into my mind.
  19. That was an interesting article. There is no question we need a transit system and I like the one proposed. What I took from the article is that project management plays a huge role when it comes to cost.
  20. I think higher ed institutions like Vanderbilt played a role
  21. You know....I was just thinking....how convenient....just when they announced the $29 battery replacement. At least there is a store in Cool Springs....so I'll be going there before the end of the year (when this deal expires).
  22. I'm going to take Amazon at their word that they used their criteria to come up with the list of 20. I think they may have thoughts on where this will go, but I think they are now going to take these 20 and really go through them with a fine tooth comb to determine which city is going to work best for them in the long term. The thought of them choosing Nashville is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.....for me.
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