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Edgefield D

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Everything posted by Edgefield D

  1. I think the consensus was that the extra tall floor with the steel trusses is the basketball court. It’s extra tall like the basement level where the pool is. I think what they are working on now is the the rooftop outdoor workout area. At least, that was what I took from others comments.
  2. I’m pretty sure the one with the steel is going to be the outdoor rooftop workout area. I was looking at the renderings on the wall at the Y the other day. At least, that’s what it looks like to me.
  3. I went to a new place on Dickerson Road a week or so ago (Cherries). It’s next to that Last Chance Liquor place. I couldn’t help but sit there and think how much different that whole stretch will be in 5 to 10 years. This will only accelerate it.
  4. From what I remember of the plans it’s 6 levels. Can’t remember if the basement level with the pool makes it 7? There is an indoor basketball court on one of the levels. There is also an outdoor roof top yoga type space. As other people said, gyms have tall ceilings. The open free weight area of the current structure is very tall.
  5. I agree with many of your points. I don’t necessarily think this will make things more affordable. I know, in my own neighborhood….I think what would happen is that the remaining little 50s ranch houses would be gobbled up (for probably 500 to 600k…at least). Those are the ones that can be knocked down. Then, some high end condos would be built back. It IS about supply and demand. Nashville DOES have a housing affordability problem…I’m just not sure this is the fix. I will also take the criticisms for my position
  6. Getting in and out of the Y right now is a total PITA. The other end of YMCA is closed because they are working on the bridge so you have to navigate the Church Street end and share it with the valet in the residential building. I can tell the Y knows that people are frustrated because they are posting more timelines of where they are and what comes next.
  7. Thanks. Yeah….that one is close enough for use to walk….but parking did become more difficult once Snooze opened.
  8. I was curious. Does anyone know anything about the future of Hunters Station? That used to be a regular stop for us (as we don’t cook)…but it is beyond sad to go there nowadays. It used to just be packed. My partner loves Taziki’s and their corporate told me in the Fall that they were putting one there. Recently they confirmed that they are not moving forward with it. I know that Fresh Hospitality has that food truck incubator in the basement and I see lots of permits for that. And, I think there are offices on the second floor. It just seems like such a waste and I can’t figure out why they don’t get some things in there to replace everything that has closed. Just curious if anyone has heard anything.
  9. My apologies if this has already been discussed (I’m not on here as often as I would like). But, is 800 Main dead? I don’t see it on Development Tracker anymore. Thanks.
  10. I talked to the manager at the Y the other night when I was there. She was telling me that they are assured that the new portion will be open sometime in September. I told her I was afraid they were behind on their timeline. She said they WERE set back a little when they dug too far down and then hit the building. It happened around 8:30 during the week when they were open. The only way into the Y right now is through the garage. You take the elevators to the second floor and it dumps you into a lobby with a desk. There used to be a cabinet running along the outside wall (next to the construction). She said that when they hit the wall the coffee went flying and there was a huge crack in the wall (I had wondered what happened to the coffee). She said they have been making up time though and they for sure will open in September. Just thought I would pass that along.
  11. At the time that they said 18 months I thought that was an awfully long time….but even September seems optimistic at this point. I’ve kind of gotten used to the lesser amenities….but I will also be glad to get the new digs.
  12. I know that when they closed the portion of the Y that was torn down, I’m thinking that was last November? At the time, they said it would take 18 months for it to reopen. I wonder if that’s even possible?
  13. A couple of pictures from a different vantage point. Sorry, they were taken through the window. I had not noticed this plot directly behind the parking garage that’s is being graded. Maybe for overflow Y parking when and if enrollment picks back up. Also, not sure what’s happening to the little brick building. Maybe that’s part of the plan for the high rise. Apologies if it’s been discussed before.
  14. Yeah, the corner of Church and YMCA Way will be the Y. The new section of the Y is fairly shallow though. When the Y is done I’m sure it will look nice, but overall I think we are loosing amenities. It’s disappointing on that front. I know lots of long time regulars that have moved on to other Ys (or other gyms). I guess time will tell if they come back…
  15. As far as the section of the Y is concerned…I think it just has to be deep enough for a basement level swimming pool. No parking over there for the Y.
  16. Wow….this is really game changing for Main, to me. I wish there were some retail on Woodland too. But, overall….I think it’s pretty impressive for that plot of land. The plan was always to redevelop that property….my only surprise about it is that it took this long.
  17. Sure….I get that, and trust me. I don’t always agre with all of my neighbors. Everone has a different opinion of it. Sometimes a specific street is affected more than others and that affects peoples feelings on something. I personally like this plan….and like I said earlier, it’s outside of Edgefield. And anything, especially on Main, is fair game. Main has a long way to go to feel like a cohesive vibrant area.
  18. Actually, there are very few people left that bought in the 70s. We are the owners of an old house, I’ll always be grateful they fought to keep them. Because if they hadn’t, it would be a neighborhood full of those 80s looking townhouses on the 900 block of Russell. We have a newcomer’s brunch every year and there is always a steady stream of new people. More and more with kids. One of the most vocal now is from California, actually. It almost always comes down to quality of life issues. Most people I know are not against development.
  19. I’m on Russell. I haven’t been involved or aware of this development though. I think there is a way to preserve historic character, maintain a quality of life and still have development. For me, since this is outside Edgefield I’m all for it. Some will say it will push traffic/parking onto Edgefield streets. And it will, just like WeWork did. But, there are other ways to deal with that. A lot of what I was seeing on FB was people complaining about things changing, more expensive apartments….etc. I would still rather have nice buildings around me than run down ones. There is going to be a lot of development around Edgefield…a lot still left to go…
  20. Oh I know….people are lamenting the loss of the half empty parking lot with UHauls. Don’t get me wrong, it might be tough for the other businesses…but it’s not impossible for them to find something else. I didn’t recognize any of the FB people as my neighbors…but there will definitely be people who don’t like it.
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