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Everything posted by CLT704

  1. It looks like a hotel in Las Vegas to me for some reason.
  2. She's not unknown when her face stares at you in every single elevator
  3. Its how the logo is designed though, there are the brand standards that have to be meet so options like that aren't feasible unfortunately.
  4. So Duke said they'd start the Tower at the end of April but, looking at accela, there were revisions needed (which I don't actually know what that means) so what would be the realistic timeline before this starts?
  5. Call me dramatic but this could have been something amazing, it was one of the prime development sites and its been executed terribly. Was Lincoln Harris always going to develop this or was it open to bids? I wonder what other companies would have done.
  6. I'm worried about value engineering because woah momma that's a good looking building.
  7. I can't tell if these gates look bigger, they do but it could be an illusion I guess.
  8. When I rode the KC streetcar it was packed and they had surveyors asking people why they took the streetcar: responses included that it was free, goes from the market (half 'tourists'), goes through downtown, its fast etc. The KC streetcar is the model we should aspire to, the CityLYNX has the potential to emulate that success; although, we do need to implement a whole host of 'improvements', such as signal priority and free fares.
  9. That ranking is for % growth not the actual size, unless I'm mistaken.
  10. Can we please avoid politics, or insinuations to politics, in a thread like this?
  11. Somewhat seriously, does the city have a trademark on the crown? Because if so, RBB is a clear infringement.
  12. I think its due to how the logo is constructed, the flag part is set higher up than the font so there has to be more space above the font even though it looks weird.
  13. I wondering if there were people up there in 704Dimitri's photo, is the logo going to be backlit?
  14. I always prefer the skyline on a gray, cloudy day tbh. It makes everything pop more whilst hiding some 'imperfections', I almost like LU when the weather is like this. Thank you for the photos!
  15. No, gray and beige is how its gonna be. That's my main problem with it, the contrast of colors. Although, the only angle I like LU from is the airport where it doesn't look too bad.
  16. Breaking my rule of not to post on this thread anymore, but BofA, Honeywell, and SunBBTrust?
  17. Jesus, @Dandy Chiggens obsessed much? 1. No I don't, it is always horrible when people are killed. 2. Another person on the forum obviously can't understand basic English or the context which a reply is written: if you think I was claiming Charlotte isn't a Southern city, you don't have comprehension skills. 3. Take or it leave it, global warming is very real and to dispute it is idiotic. 4. And one person? Are you actually serious? Please give me evidence to show that it a massive problem. Here's my informed view, voter fraud is a tiny problem that occurs on both sides but lets talk election fraud shall we? NC 9th District? https://www.snopes.com/ap/2018/08/03/report-trump-commission-not-find-widespread-voter-fraud/ Report: Trump Commission Did Not Find Widespread Voter Fraud https://www.factcheck.org/2019/01/more-voter-fraud-misinformation-from-trump/ More Voter Fraud Misinformation from Trump https://desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-and-courts/2017/07/07/iowa-woman-charged-voting-twice-trump-pleads-guilty/459718001/ Iowa woman charged with voting twice for Trump pleads guilty Voter fraud is not a problem but I agree with the concept of voter ID (again to make it super clear, in principle) except it disproportionally disadvantages minorities communities, which is why I am opposed to it. It's also another tricked used to suppress voters, e.g. gerrymandering. This is the finally post I am going to write for this thread because its getting boring and the multiple replies is repetitive. It's going to be fun watching you reply 17,000 times to this post criticizing me and the other libtards but come at me for all I care.
  18. See the Future Skyline Rendering topic in the coffeehouse.
  19. Well, there is no evidence that illegal immigrants vote. However, for what it's worth, I think illegal immigration is a problem, if you want to come to America do it legally like I did. However, we have got to remember illegal immigrants are people and must be treated as such. I do not think a wall with stop illegal immigration- mainly since most overstay vistas and do not cross the border- however, I think there is a need for comprehensive immigration reform. You probably disagree entirely but Dreamers/DACA-recipients need a path to citizenship because it is not their fault they came to USA illegally and it would be incredibly unfair to send them to a country they have never been to. Immigration is a difficult problem to talk about because immigrants are people so have the same rights as you and me, however, as a concept, being an illegal immigrant is wrong.
  20. Can you not read between the lines? It was a divisive, hypocritical attitude: vilify the Democrats and whine like brats when it happens to them. The GOP is the most hypocritical party I have ever come across, and I have lived in 4 different countries. See examples of investigations into Benghazi and Clinton's emails and compare that with Republicans screaming the house down with the Mueller investigation, while there is "no collusion"- although not exonerated mind you- there were/are multiple indictments, guilt pleas, prison sentences etc all this while the GOP had a meltdown about witch hunts and total exoneration: H Y P O C R I T E S. Also, seeing their votes re healthcare, taxes, social security: all votes contrasted their pledged positions of "we'll replace the ACA with something better", "more Americans will have more money", "we won't cut social security". The Democrats are definitely not perfect but they're a lot better in my eyes.
  21. Grading permits were approved today by the looks of things.
  22. Is the need to re-rebuild Hawthorne official? I've seen it all on UP but nowhere else, not doubting it just wanting to see if CATS really is that braindead.
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