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Everything posted by Missmylab4

  1. Not a huge fan of the strip however I do agree it needs streetscape improvement. The amount of pedestrian traffic gets extremely high on the weekends. Plaza midwood like improvements would go a long way and increase the safety for people.
  2. For an Embassy Suites its a good looking design. I approve
  3. The only thing on this site that could be construed to be "transformative" and these are a stretch; 1. Public/Private partnership to cap 277 or build a pedestrian bridge to South End. 2. At least a 100k of retail 3. Or this is controversial but in my opinion transformative, the public/private giant hotel. Anything that is just a mixed use project to me is nothing groundbreaking whatsoever. One of those three elements need to be included for me to consider it "transformative."
  4. Well it seems the city is asking for more money than the Panthers need. It makes me wonder if the surplus would be used towards a new convention hotel. Thinking even more outlandish, I wonder if the convention center hotel would be a part of the Crescent site? That would be a good time for both Crescent and the City to work together. It would benefit both sides and maybe Crescent could get some tax credits. The city gets more hotel rooms near the convention center and the stadium. My personal opinion is this is a good opportunity for a public/private partnership.
  5. I'd love an Observation Tower. It's an easy tourist gimmick and like the Phoenix one could be made easily into a landmark that helps differentiate the city. While also giving tourist another site to see while intown. Secondly, a local distillery would be awesome. While we finally developed a decent brew scene a distillery could add to our "local flare" and give us another tourist/booze locale to the city.
  6. It's a real shame they couldn't go to Crescent, 300 South, or Novare. Got my fingers crossed it could still happen though.
  7. So is Levine Park going to start this month, it was scheduled too? I'm guessing no just wanted to make sure. Hear hear for the King Land Banker!!
  8. It is a car crash situation. I was for the street car and still am however it has been taken soo far at this point. The BLE is the most important project for the next 5 years. Everything else is second. It's gotten to a ridiculus high stake game of chicken. They should box for charity.
  9. My one request is retail!!!!! I actually don't care if the building/complex is anything more than a mid-rise. We have signature towers, we need more infill. That is a killer site in my opinion. Random question, does St. Peters own the Parking lot between St. Peter's and the Harvey Gantt Center??? Always thought a hotel would do well there.
  10. Guess it wasn't announced ??
  11. Has construction on the starter line been delayed?? I have yet to notice any construction on the initial segment.
  12. As it stands currently it is almost impossible to find a bobcats game on in any charlotte sports bar. I've even been heckled at Whisky Warehouse by charlotte patrons when asking if I could turn another nba game to our local team. Someone tell me this current team has been embraced by the city?!?!? Hornets would help
  13. The quality of south end apartments is piss-poor. Some quality and respect for the urban fabric is needed pronto. Too many podium built no retail apartments that don't conform to anyone style.
  14. I think a Denver Pavilion knock off on 300 South Tryon would kill..... And too make the numbers work throw 300+\- apts on top.
  15. Apartment or hotel with an observation deck on top. This would feed off the tourist crowd and in turn bring another attraction to the center.
  16. This city council sucks. They all need to be replaced.
  17. It's highest and best use is not a converted retail suburban blockbuster. O well guess we know there is a limit to yogurt in CLT.
  18. Completely agree with the CBJ quote. The NIMBY/Tea Party has had a field day with this project. It's going to be productive infrastructure for us and future generations. People have trouble looking past themselves. This and all the mass transit projects can be looked at as one of the few investments made towards future generations. "Usually it's all about if it doesn't directly affect me then I don't need it." Which is really sad humans are wired this way. P.S. earlier post was a bad attempt at humor. I want modern trams not replica trolleys to showcase the potential of the tram.
  19. Will this supplant Concord Mills as North Carolina's number 1 tourist draw??? With the antique cars. That is just a shame the city won't step up and buy some modern cars if the CIP doesn't pass.
  20. Agree with mall guy. The office space that exists does bad around there. Not much works there but bodegas for the time being.
  21. I'd love a zoo just not there, that would be the smallest zoo in America on the Eastland site. You need more land.
  22. Among the three uptown office proposals; Grubb, Childress Klein, and Carolina Theatre which one will break ground first?? Also does anyone think Spectrum will do anything with the 300 S. Tryon site?? Apartments with ground floor retail would do well there.
  23. Count me as impressed. That does look like retail and the design is more interesting than the majority of new projects. Good addition for the area
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