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Everything posted by CarolinaCrown

  1. Anyone got some updates this week on the Lovin Life setup? It'll be interesting to see how this "festival" shapes up. Looks like Friday will be the hottest of day with showers and a high around 80 for Saturday.
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, but its off of 485 and after 4 pages of threads I think it applies I was reading through the South Park 2035 vision plan and saw they mentioned incorporating signature public art, which for some reason made me think of the metalmorphosis sculpture down in the Whitehall Business Park, I'll have to go check this out again here soon to see if it's working like it used to. I know it was supposedly a maintenance nightmare, but when this thing split and rotated I thought it was the coolest, really hope they haven't done away with the movement (I think they did though) maybe someone can confirm for me haha
  3. Dumb question, but if they're already here locally will their current office space to soon be vacant/hurt vacancy rates? I see a net gain of 250-300K so I think I just answered my own dumb question!
  4. Just put in a light, similar to the fire station lights that are used only when they exiting for an emergency. Why have crossing guards in the first place. No one is walking to elementary/middle school here
  5. Sorry for the double post, but thought this also belonged in this thread.
  6. https://archive.ph/Qc2ja Sad to see them closing up shop, growing up I always thought it was an interesting building spanning the state line :
  7. Good point, I need to try this again since I relegated myself to just coming in early to avoid the south blvd shenanigans. My experience initially with that route was the 277 to 77 merge was not a fun start to the morning (but wasn't coming in as early then). More aggressiveness on the interstate vs surface streets. I'd probably be beating the merge/congestion there that early in the morning just like south blvd. I've got some homework to do. I'll compare the three route options over the next couple weeks months and check back in with my "analytics" haha 100% ^
  8. I live in Plaza over by Veterans park, so I'd have to have some pit stops/checkpoints to make that work. If the gold line wasn't abysmal I could think about biking to it transferring uptown to the light rail and riding that down to Scaleybark, but typing that up sounds like it be quite the increase in travel time compared to what's normally about 15/20mins drive. I'll put it to the test at some point here in the next few "spring months"
  9. Totally agree on the "estimate" aspect and the nuances of economic cost of ppl sitting in traffic vs net benefit gains to the neighborhood are difficult to pin down, as someone who has to traverse this district and not live there I tend to lean towards the economic cost side of the being a higher priority. haha I think where the costs associated with each option could be best compared is in places where the roads have a "suicide lane" and pedestrian refuges in the street. To me this seems like the spot for a study to take place where the costs/benefits could be more directly compared. Pedestrian refuges is the option I would prefer along south blvd, if it were a consistent 5 lanes. Long story short I don't know what, if any, improvements can be made. I just get to the office super early now to avoid it all
  10. I knew it would be a touchy subject, but love the discussion points! I'm not advocating for faster/higher speed limits, just better efficiency/timing of signals. It doesn't make sense to me to have the crossings completely independent of the intersection signaling, considering how much research is tied to corridor signal plans, it completely throws a wrench in it. From my experience it seems to create gridlock in the mornings/evenings which tends to make drivers more aggressive (possibly leading to more fender bender type accidents vs pedestrian deaths/injuries), but maybe pedestrians have reaped the benefits here and incidents involving cars/pedestrians are wayyyy down since these have been installed. I'm curious what the stats show for car wrecks/pedestrian safety prior to and post pedestrian crossing signals. I just don't see the harm in making 1 person wait 30-90 seconds longer at a pedestrian crossing if it better syncs with traffic signaling up and downstream from their location.
  11. RANT incoming Apologies in Advance: Would it be possible to sync some of these pedestrian crosswalks going in on S. Tryon & S. Boulevard to the nearby traffic lights? I'm finding that they really screw up traffic flow based on usually just one person crossing the daggum street. Is it petty, for sure, but it sure is frustrating and they keep adding more. And to add to this, even after the walk is cleared alot of knucklehead drivers wait until the lights stop flashing to start moving again + last rant is the on-street parking in front of Amos southend. These spots need to go, Amos shouldn't be allowed to just put cones out and impede traffic (usually 30ish mins prior to the spots opening up for parking)
  12. This was the view from Blowing Rock this morning
  13. Or expand the park! We need a freedom park type destination over here
  14. I'm sad I missed this, in the spirit of urbanplanet I figured I'd ride a lime scooter (from Briar Creek and Central), I underestimated how long that ride would take and the first two scooters I came across were reserved, so I didn't make uptown til about 1030. I look forward to the next tour where ever it may be!
  15. I realllly like one of those more than the others
  16. If I had to guess I'd say so, it looked the same/no-one on site a few weeks ago:
  17. If it's any conciliation there will soon be quite the population boom in the area to "water down" some of these recent crime stats, gotta be at least 500+ apartments under construction in this photo from this morning
  18. https://archive.ph/HCNvx Hydrogen Fuel company (OneH2) in Clover has announced an expansion and plans to hire 280 people over the next couple of years.
  19. I wonder if this is in anyway related to Northfolk Southern's change of heart regarding the red line
  20. FYI - you have the option to block individual users posts in your settings. Only had to do it to three, well 4 users over the last 10 years but makes a world of difference. Squeaky wheel can squeak in purgatory. As far as baseball expansion goes, my gut tells me that if it comes to NC it'll goto Raleigh/Durham, but who knows I am but a peon in this world.
  21. Where exactly is this? I'll try and get some drone shots this weekend.
  22. 2023-09-25 sunset.tifCaught this amazing sunset last week, and been outta town since.
  23. Heard through the grapevine that BOA headquarters may be refurbishing or replacing the spires on the building
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