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Everything posted by waccamatt

  1. I'm also pleased with how it turned out - it is a huge improvement over the vacant lot and hot dog stand that used to be there.
  2. waccamatt


    If Holder can makes things happen, which he has proven he can, then it is the fault of the other developers if they can't compete. Most of Holder's projects have turned out well, so I think it would be a plus if he developed the buildings currently planned for Innovista. I think he probably realizes he tried to put the Adesso price-points too high and out of range for how the building turned out. It is nice, but it doesn't compare to some of the nicest condo/townhouse developments in town like The Heritage on Senate Street or City Club.
  3. Good grief; that's similar to what they did when we held SC Pride in Greenville one year. They will shoot themselves in the foot and look like the bunch of idiots that they are.
  4. Only for those too lazy to walk a block or two.
  5. Bonus - TMG's progress with the Finlay Park fountain.
  6. Here are a couple from yesterday - a pano from Finlay Park, which I need to improve a bit, but it's late and the Senate Street skyline from the State House grounds.
  7. Speaking of Sir Big Spur... ...and a pano of the view from behind home plate at the new ballpark; unfortunately the screen behind home plate interferes somewhat with the photo. Enlarge for the whole effect.
  8. ...and put your nose in the circle I drew on the blackboard!
  9. The speed would have to increase in order to name it "Comet".
  10. ^Exactly - we have Five Points and the Vista - 2 distinct and unique places in Columbia. In reality, Times Square is not the "true" New York City, it is a touristy area. My favorites are the "real" parts of New York - Hell's Kitchen, Greenwich Village, Chelsea, Central Park, Columbus Circle, etc.
  11. It would have been different, but definitely impractical. Perhaps a bridge with shops and residences might be interesting.
  12. Sorry 15, it isn't a practical idea as there isn't enough foot traffic to warrant that much advertising, not to mention that there would probably be tremendous opposition. Times Square is a touristy area and not really an office district like Main Street. Five Points would be more of a Times Square/Picadilly Circus kind of place.
  13. What Five Points McDonalds?
  14. Chtimi, what do you want to see photos of? Here is a photo of USC's new baseball park with downtown in the background. ...and the Bank of America Tower at night.
  15. Chtimi, I haven't heard from you in awhile, glad you're ok! Here's a few photos for you since we haven't posted any in awhile. Three are from SC Gay Pride in 2008 - one of the headliner - RuPaul, 1 of Columbia mayor Bob Coble and 1 of the crowd. The 4th photo is from the 1st SC Pride in 1990. I took the first 3 and a friend took the 4th. Waccamatt is in the 4th photo, lol. I understand Wanda Sykes may be performing this year, which I would be very excited about.
  16. Yes, it's impossible to get in and out of there. I like the building, but I bet it will be closed within 2 years because of the difficulty with access.
  17. I know they're hating that.
  18. It was packed in the Vista yesterday. There was a waiting line for a table at Mellow Mushroom during lunch despite the fact that the students are gone. BTW, you can park in the Lady Street or Convention Center garage when there aren't any parking places on the street.
  19. I've got some photos from the Urban Tour, also. I'll post them after I get them uploaded to my website. I thought there was a nice crowd last night, but not huge by any means. There would have been a better crowd if it hadn't been at the same time as the Five Points After 5 concert.
  20. I know a lot of people involved with the Nick and I can't wait to see their plans for the new building come to fruition.
  21. "High paying" is the operative word here. I'd rather have 5 high-paying jobs come in than 50 low-paying jobs. Of course 500 high-paying jobs would be even nicer!
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