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Posts posted by rusthebuss

  1. I was watching "The Wire" season 2 and several times the port workers are shown complaining that they are loosing business to Hampton Roads, because Norfolk is (x number) of miles shorter distance.

    I think it was mostly in season 2 episode 2 and episode 3.

    Man I love that show! I remember when the cop took the bum down to Richmond and left him at a shelter

  2. What i don't understand is you complain about this area and talk about all the people leaving but you STAY in the region. Thats like someone complaining about who got elected but didn't bother to vote. People get sick of hearing negative about the area yet the people that complain continue to live here

  3. Polling IMHO is BS anyways, its like statistics. You can sway them anyway that the author decides them to sway. I posted a video that Howard Stern, a liberal, did by asking Obama supporters how they felt about certain policies(they were actually McCains policies) and people supported them because they thought they were Obamas policies. One even stated that Palin was the VP for Obama and they said they loved her as a VP selection. The real sad thing is this was suppose to be a historic turnout. Only 1/3 of able voters came out and voted.

  4. What's your plan to fix the economy? It's gotta come from somewhere. I'm no fan of bailing out the people that made this mess, lets be clear about that. But Obama was elected to handle the economic crisis and the measures put forth so far have had bipartisan, if only half-hearted, support. The thing is this, if he were to just come out tomorrow and say "no money to anyone, let the free market handle it", this will certainly satisfy the conservative idealogues but the consequences would be catastrophic. If we had let those banks fail, we would have been in big trouble. The auto industry employs about a million people. If we let them fail, we're in big trouble. We've really got our backs to the wall on this one Rus. We are no where near the great depression yet (30% unemployment), but all the stars have aligned so that we could be. Prevention is the key. So my question to you is this: If the solution that has been put forth by both parties and their economic advisers is not the right one, then what is? What would you do instead to solve this situation.
  5. He still won all education levels. It's no secret that low-income urban citizens played a big role in this election. The relatively large disparity between low-education vote percentages is just a manifestation of the hard work the Obama campaign put into their registration and GOTV activities. You should compare the low educated percentages with the big city levels and the first time voter levels and you'd find more of an argument. There's nothing to indicate Obama supporters are less informed than McCain supporters. That sad little video provides no evidence, and that poll has no control where McCain supporters or non-voters can be compared to the Obama supporters. There's no there there.
  6. I love the fact that Obama plans to fix the economy, now get this, by spending more money! Man i can see the inflation now. He wants to ban "assault weapons"(quotation is there because what he calls assault weapons are not assault weapons but semi auto versions of them) to get them off the streets. I really don't see assault weapons roaming around the streets assaulting people. Its straight up BS! with serious big govt motives behind it. The second ammendment was put there for the citizens to protect themselves against people like him. The ammendment doesn't state that the govt should decide which ones we are allowed to have and not to have. Guess what, the criminals don't follow the laws so they will still get their hands on them. This joker is not my president. Alan Keyes in 2012!

  7. Put on your OOOOO face!

    So the democrats are socialism for 95% of the people.

    The republicans are socialism for the other 5%

    You can't say that over 1 trillion in bailouts for wealthy people who made bad decisions isn't socialist. That money is billed to future generations.

  8. That would just move the problem around instead of fixing it. In a perfect world both the third crossing and a major HRBT expansion would have taken place already. America's infrastructure... just another reason I'm voting for Obama. :scared:

    What a joke. Everyone thinks he is going to bring so much change. Only change will be the wealth redistribution. Longer waits at the emergency room and more big govt. Thats change i can do without <_<

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