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Posts posted by rusthebuss

  1. Where did the Vision Plan get those numbers from? If you multiply Norfolk's per mile cost, Virginia Beach LRT could be built for $418 million plus feeder buses. Yes, we would qualify for New Starts. One of the hitches now is the City's failure to improve our bus service to FTA standards. Virginia Beach is about to hit a Federal brick wall unless they boost bus service.

    On the Gas Tax for roads, in 2005 I was working for a House of Delegates campaign and calculated that Virginia Beach alone had $1.3 billion in unfunded - but identified - roads needs. In four years since, the need should have increased....while new construction money has dwindled to a trickle. Don't try to tell me it can be done within existing revenues.

    My point is, is that the state should be giving some of our money back to this region...They take a lot from this region but put very little back into it. The money is grossly mismanged as well.

  2. Speaking of regionalism... How about we start with this forum by making a Hampton Roads group and then putting the Norfolk and VA Beach groups inside of it.

    This is more of a organizational reason... Think about all the different topics in Norfolk and Vabeach and trying to merge them together. Now try and go through all of them to see whats happening in each city

  3. Obviously it's not my first choice, but we have very little allocated money for the next five years and we NEED improvements.. Traffic is a mess. 1/2 cent for every gallon would only cost like 6-7 cents per fill up.. I mean what's so wrong with that.. We gotta do something, don't we? Unless we privatize every project..The private sector is already building the midtown tunnel, jordan bridge, we can't expect them to build everything.. We can't afford them to either.. Would you rather have a miniscule gas tax or pay $2 to cross the bridge tunnel or to go through the tunnel..

    We shouldn't run away with our tails between our legs. We've been bullied by the state for far too long! We need to take a stand against this crap! So we tax 1/2 cent on gas now something else comes up and we need more money. Then we are taxed again for the exact reason we were before, and then again and again. When does it stop???? When do we get some of money back that this region generates? NO MORE BULLYING FROM THE STATE

  4. Guys, now that we know we only have about 550 mil. for the next 5 years for road and transit improvements, I think it's about time for a regional gas tax to pay for the transportation improvements this area really needs... Now I'm not saying that we should tax the residents to death in the midst of an economic crisis, but even a half cent on every gallon pumped would probably give us a billion dollars in 5 years.. The metro will continue to be passed by every other area just because we don't have the supporting infrastructure.. 264 is full of potholes, 64 isn't wide enough on the peninsula, the tunnels are consistently backed up for miles..And it's only getting worse.. What do ya think? I know we have New Starts to fund our light rail system, but what about roads, bridges, tunnels? HRT busses need to run at least until 2 AM and instead of every hour, at least every 30 minutes.. There's so much that needs to be done with so little money.

    Why should we have to continue to tax the crap out of us here when we give so much now as it is to the state? Its already too expensive here and why because of the state BS! We need to change this crap! The state is the exact reason why this region is choked off! Why is it when Richmond doesn't need roads they still have the money!!!!!!! Nova should get a great deal towards its roads. And we should be second in funds for the roads. The state owns the ports and cities get no real estate taxes off of them so they raise the taxes on us. Taxing is not the answer.

  5. First, we have to have the jobs here to support these types of urban developments. We have to do better in attracting higher paying jobs here. Kansas City has a lot of higher paying jobs and we don't. I think the region needs to do better in attracting jobs here instead of stabbing each other in the back....Light rail will help some but there has to be changes in our leadership....We need to become a educational hub for this state. I just don't think that we will see stuff like that until we have jobs to afford that type of lifestyle

  6. Are you positive?? Is it it the same location? Would they just now have approved the change in zoning once the building is almost completed?

    Yep that is the Fort Norfolk development....all you have to do is google that area and its right at the Ft Norfolk plaza development

  7. These are not piles, and they are not pounded into place. These are the foundations that support the poles that carry the overhead electrical wires to power the light rail trains. They are constructed by augering a hole in the ground, placing a cylindrical form in the hole and then filling it with concrete.

    Just like the footers for traffic lights! Poured a many of them

  8. Wasn't that the spot where the Hoffler Tower was supposed to be built (not to be confused with the Armada Hoffler Tower in Va Beach)?

    I think Rus or VDogg would remember it. Anyone remember that proposal?

    Like Vdogg said it was on church street...it was suppose to be built across from the post office

  9. My Ideal Plan would be a 1 cent gas tax on every gallon of gas pumped in the 7 cities that went STRAIGHT into a transportation fund. How hard could that be to manage?

    All these tax plans were for something but end up being snatched for other things. This is the exact reason people voted against the 1 cent tax raise before. Do you notice they will not put any wording that will not allow the money to go to other things? Good luck getting all cities to accept the tax that might not benefit as much as other cities.

  10. The thing I dont understand is how European countries are so ahead of us in rail. I was watching CNN and they said trains in America will have a tough time reaching max speeds of 150 in our lifetime. Thats crazy. But as far as Light Rail in Hampton Roads my ESTIMATES/WISHES for completion are-

    Newtown to Oceanfront: 2016

    EVMS to ODU: 2017

    EVMS to MIDTOWN Ptown: 2026

    Harbor Park to NC: 2030

    and I'm not going further than that..

    If I was Mayor of Hampton Roads, Va I would fight for higher taxes specifically for transportation so we could build all of these lines simultaneously. The current system (Prelim. Planning, EIS, Lobby, Wait In line, ect.) will take a century to build light rail all over HR.

    What makes you think that raising taxes is going to help anything? They can't even manage the tax money that they are getting now.

  11. I work out there too and was told it was just going to be additional parking for golds.

    I heard additional parking. I asked them if they were going to build a swimming pool and basketball courts and they said they didn't want the "basketball" crowd there. I was a little disappointed in that answer

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