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Posts posted by rusthebuss

  1. As much as we may love to talk about LR and transportation issues in vacuum away from race and class, it just isn't reality. their is a reason Europe is covered with trains and LR and US is not. Its more than just our love for cars. Go to ANY diverse city where public transportation is being debated and you hear the same arguments about race and class. -- believe it or not our mention of these issues are mild compared to some places.

    I believe it... I remember reading somewhere that the asian area of Atlanta caused some stir when MARTA decided to call it the yellow line for the public transportation

  2. Quote from fdm505


    Ignorance.I seriously cannot see a bunch of "thugs" riding the train to the Beach. The Beach is already thugged out in the summer time. People need to stop acting like Va BEach is some crime-free resort area. If I were to translate this statement, it reads, "Don't build the train to the Beach becasue the black Norfolkians willl come start trouble" SMH.

    its not just blacks that they are worried about. I've caught many attitudes and harassment by cops because I was from Norfolk. If you are white and from Norfolk, you are looked at like white trash

  3. we don't have business centers those cities you named...I think we need to concentrate on building on city centers with higher paying jobs....we will always have nimbys.....the problem is that we have a very low median income and its no longer cheap to live or operate in this region anymore....that use to be what the cities used to try and attract businesses...cheap labor...until we change these things, we will always have a large nimby crowd

  4. I would imagine that it would be more of a incentive for them to join now. They are seeing someone that is running HRT that has some sense now. This will help curb some of the critics on how the money is ran for the project. Look how much he has shaved off of it in such a short time.

  5. The green energy bit is total fluff and marketing.

    Yes it is! And for some reason GE put a bunch of money into Obamas campaign? Hmmmmmmm.....it wouldn't be all those so called green patents they have or that are pending would it!

  6. ok, but where would the money come from to improve HRBT or any other road or rail project? you gotta pay to play.

    what about all the money that leaves this area and never come back.....The ports are a big part of why the traffic is bad here...So why should we pay the tolls? Why should we be taxed even more when the state takes so much from this area. If we keep letting this happen the state is going to strip even more from this area and use the money elsewhere. First thing that needs to be looked at is why so much money is being wasted.
  7. Woah, this LR thing is getting pretty nasty. Apparently, Paul Riddick callled Randy Wright the "lynch mob" and is more like the dead-beat dad of LR than the Father of LR.

    Riddick is a idiot and needs to be booted from councel. He is a huge racist and I can't stand the idiot. He is one of the most corrupt councilman for the city.

  8. Thank you Mr. Townes for doing the honorable thing and stepping down. He did some good work for this area but there was no way LR was going through with him at the helm.

    I think they need to completely clean house in there. There has been corruption for years in there. There is no excuse and we need more checks and balances on them!

  9. 406651000.jpg

    I never understood having a maglev system at ODU for a transit system, the campus really is not that big and easy to travel by foot, but it fits nicely as a research tool.


    ODU never asked for it. American Maglev said that they would build it for free as a test bed and a benefit for the University. Also, the way the University is expanding, it looks like its going to push to be a good size campus

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