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Everything posted by blake_p

  1. Keep in mind that DC has a building height limit of 130 feet in commercial areas, so that caps the height around 10-11 floors. I agree that the building at 1331 L St. NW is nothing special in terms of looks, but it's built about as tall as it legally can be. I also did some digging and it's not clear to me who actually owns their DC HQ building. There are a bunch of LLCs involved so it may ultimately be CoStar as the owners, but it could be that their leasing it from a completely separate entity. The land they just bought is registered under Costar Realty Information Inc, so I'm guessing that they are just leasing the building in DC.
  2. Henrico GISViewer has 2020 images up (https://gis.henrico.us/GISViewer/)
  3. Another victim of unfortunate naming, those are in the Boulder Office Park near Midlothian and Chippenham.
  4. Steel is start to rise and a crawler crane is being assembled at the new General Assembly Building.
  5. The GPS coordinates list it as across 288 from River City Sportsplex: 37° 27’15.68″N 77° 38’22.29″W https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B027'15.7%22N+77%C2%B038'22.3%22W/@37.4543556,-77.639525,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d37.4543556!4d-77.639525
  6. The January 2020 Richmond City Watch gallery is up: http://richmondcitywatch.com/modules/gallery3/index.php/RCW-Update-January-2020?page=1
  7. I counted 16 floors in the rendering in the Mayor's press release: http://richmondvaannouncements.blogspot.com/2020/01/mayor-stoney-announces-enhancements-to.html
  8. Virginia DOT posted a bunch of skyline photos to their flickr account this week:
  9. Looks like they'll be putting up the cranes this weekend: https://www.nbc12.com/2019/10/20/broad-street-close-tower-crane-assembly/
  10. I finally found a rendering of the canal side: https://www.thelockstower.com/brochure.aspx?_yTrackUser=NjM1ODE4OTQyIzIxNDExMjEwMTU%3d-DWUS%2b8rsJMc%3d&_yTrackVisit=MTE2MzI3NjQ4MSM0MzYwNTEzMTM%3d-j66xzHXzWc0%3d&_yTrackReqDT=16302220191210# I can't quite tell what's on the lower level - a bar perhaps(?) - but it's 8 2-bedroom apartments on the canal side of the parking garage.
  11. The Locks Tower from the Canal Walk
  12. Some photos from today... South Falls The Current? City View Landing
  13. Here's a webcam for the terminal expansion: https://public.earthcam.net/WMSchlosser/richmond_airport_terminal_expansion/richmond_airport/panorama_-_regular
  14. A couple of pictures from today.
  15. Good news, VDOT is starting work on the Huguenot and River Rd. intersection near UR: http://www.virginiadot.org/projects/richmond/intersection_improvements_at_huguenot_road.asp This should make it easier to get from the Huguenot Bridge to the old road (Gambles Mill) between UR and CCVA, then you can cut up through the neighborhood to Three Chopt and Grove. Richmond also has plans in the works for a shared use path on Jahnke: http://www.richmondgov.com/PublicWorks/JahnkeRoadImprovementProject.aspx So in a couple of years, things should/might be better.
  16. One more for the list... Final Gravity* (Henrico - Lakeside)
  17. So far so good. Lots of rain, flooding on I-95 and hail.
  18. Downtown photos from this morning: http://puhak.net/rcw/RVA-2014/index.html
  19. New Mater Plans have been posted. Interactive: http://rockettsvillage.com/map PDF: http://henrico.com/files/Rocketts_Landing_Master_Plan.pdf
  20. I took a run downtown this afternoon (should have brought a camera)... The walls of the old Reynolds metals building on the Canal Walk are almost all down. The Marriots on Cary St. in Shockoe Slip are starting on the second floor. The new apartments on Tobacco Row look nice. They're doing interior work now. The empty space next to MeadWestVaco would be a great spot for a signature tower.
  21. The rendering shows the Pavilion on the north side of Broad at 17th - where the hotel and Kroger in the most Shockoe Ballpark plans is located.
  22. The last 10 or so pages are about the Gateway Plaza, but the report also includes traffic calming and landscaping on Brookland Park Blvd and near St. Christopher's, revamping the pedestrian walking under Broad St. and Phase 2 of the Capital Trail in Richmond.
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