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Everything posted by nowensone

  1. The ARK plan reads like it is just more development, which is certainly not a bad thing, but against a landmark/destiny-changing opportunity it rings flat to me. The studios may come to nothing of course, or they might also change Charlotte's history completely should we be around in 50 years to look back on it.
  2. My vote is for Film Studio Group, which bothers me a bit since it is the one developer that is not "local" according to the Observer, but being based in LA might bring weight to the project, as well as greater use, and they also would not demolish any/all of the mall which I really like. Beyond that I think it must be one of the two studio proposals, for so many reasons. Diversity of economy, prestige, culture, an artsy transformation of the area, etc.
  3. I think once the Knights-Bearden blocks are open and the projects around them complete it will have hit that critical pendulum point.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised it if had more, Greensboro is only now starting to build low-rise residential which may eventually encourage commercial growth downtown, otherwise commercial growth is wholly "suburban". Greenville has for many years now concentrated on central growth/revitalization.
  5. So then still no solving of the Crescent site mystery, excellent.
  6. Cam "Circle at Piedmont" has shown little progress for a long time now, didn't think grading took 8+ months, so decided to look this one up but can't find info, I suspect it may be because there are at least 3 names for the project: "Circle South Park", "Crescent South Park" and "Circle at Piedmont" as listed here. Which is it actually?
  7. ^^His Uncle's fortune is not his own, who knows what the private family dynamic is the reality there, but I'd guess he feels the need to amass his own wealth the "hard way", and earn respect not tied to Family Dollar (beyond what relatively "little" got him started). ^As to the 9-12 block super-development, I would rather Family Dollar collapse and he along with it before we get a planned multi-block super-development like this, downtowns are supposed to be eclectic beasts, sprung for organic and economically valid reasons, not planned "neighborhoods". Sure there are examples proving me wrong, but there are also many planned cities all over the world that feel like inhuman prisons because of this concept.
  8. This Levine interview I suppose sums it up well. By his stated rationale(s) I'd give him another 10 years on this one. He reads to be a bit full of crap, if he's not and really does subscribe to the 'It must be perfect or not at all' philosophy then we might prefer him to simply be full of crap.
  9. Have to agree, Atlanta's companies seem there to stay, ours feel like they're ready to jump ship or sell when the opportunity is right, is dispairing, though to be honest I'd say that seems to be a NC general trait as well. Perhaps just the same everywhere, but still, ATL seems to keep its big companies for some reason.
  10. Quoting yourself quoting yourself is sure to either log itself as "legitimate" for the search engines, causing mass confusion and hysteria, or, cause a quantum blip which as I'm sure you've read recently can cause our universe to end. Still, that may not happen before the BLE, so all good.
  11. We all had to work. I do agree with a replacement, on a variety of issues, that will have to come from the voters.
  12. One problem with that article - we never should assume writers have expertise in subject matters far from their own: This is not the strategy nor thinking of top investors and businesspeople. The worst of economic times see "winners" in acquisitions, not the opposite. I really hope this is a gamble for investment, but not change of ownership, which is really to say an infusion of cash for expansion. At least I hope there are some wily people at HT thinking such. A few posts above have indicated "superior competition", but not the case everywhere, Lowes does not compare to HT upgraded stores, nor much of anything else we have locally, NC being the relevant market in my mind. Elsewhere (eg DC), maybe, they will need capital to address that issue.
  13. Thanks grod, was just there but didn't have the elevation views you do. One thing that strikes me are the "hills" here, I mean the slope of the streets that pictures do not capture, will be interesting from a street-scape level once these are done, as well as adjoining projects.
  14. grodney, you've provided great project updates for years now, thank you sir, so yeah, um, have any new ones here?
  15. Like the second MUCH better, I would pass on the first even it was built for free, and done tomorrow.
  16. No account, so googled, see here, it does mention Publix, though only really as a mention. Two things piss me off, one, too tired of local companies selling out of state, two, Walmart, really? How the hell do they continue to do what they do, have we all not began to learn they are a macro-economic poison? HT sounds tired, like they're quitting, they need to grow some brass and fight. And I'd like to see more citizens fighting Walmart, I get it, they're cheaper, sometimes you do what you must, but there is a long-term, clearly, long after the short-term, that must be considered, or all is for naught.
  17. ^ Any idea how many buildings, or, are they going up or out?
  18. A 3/4 scale replica of the Chrysler building. Clad in green glass. That's what vodka gets you. Do like the idea of the Westin expanding in the direction you mentioned.
  19. Wow. And $580 million at stake. And $290 million at stake. And big kids? Perhaps that is the problem, big kids are still kids, aim a little higher Foxx. Nothing worse than adults who act like children.
  20. This I am proud of, and seems to gel with the places I have visited/lived in.
  21. Can't disagree. Others have posted numbers that support the StreetCar expenditure, and while substantial, it is not up for debate IMO when we have federal funds approved and earmarked for the BLE. Its as simple as that for me, forget the state [for the sake or argument], and certainly Foxx's tantrum, we have Federal funds, don't eff it up, get it started before the US budgetary situation makes it impossible to collect because this has been delayed. I'd support removing Foxx over this, this is important.
  22. BB&T is definitely expanding and seems to have the NC bank "mentality", would be a prestigious move for them if not a painful reminder of Wach, still, intriguing. PNC already stated there is too much BoA and WF presence here, which may just be political reverse psychology. Shaw, now that is a bit prophetic, some news definitely to hint at that. Merrill Lynch wholesale move? That would be comforting as it also implies a vote of confidence of BoA remaining here. Insurance, yes, saw the other thread, it's one thing that seems a natural addition here, but no news I've seen at least hinting at such an event. Wish it would be a university, it is generator from many standpoints, and enduring, but < 1% chance of that.
  23. A distillery is an excellent idea, and one that has a traditional and relevant merit, the bootlegging tradition was historically strong in the western half of our state, not far from here. Still is I suppose. Would forego the observation tower for a while though, we don't exactly have prominent geographical features nearby, possibly other than Kings mountain which can't always be seen. Maybe that would work when we've infilled with a ton of 7-10 story structures, and densified significantly beyond the loop in all directions.
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