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Everything posted by nowensone

  1. Thanks for pics UptownCLTwalker, one thing that stood out is the concrete alongside the brick pavers, with they had done all brick and no concrete, it looks odd and cheaper, oh well, hell of a lot better than what was there.
  2. Marketwatch article on 10 things bars don't tell you, anyway, see #10, that was a little unexpected gem.
  3. I didn't see a single book lol...
  4. Not sure just how good of news it is for Charlotte, will be if we continue becoming an energy hub, though in that case the question becomes is natural gas a resource that NC/SC has that can be funneled here as a storage/transport hub. Link
  5. Skewers..... of steak? Rare?? I could go for that.
  6. What is there zoning/area-wise to prevent anything different happening than SouthEnd? I hope NoDa IS unrecognizable in ten years, caveat of depending on how that is meant, but such a statement begs more than hope and/or optimism. Edit - not sure if Lockwood is included in the general area, but THIS area needs, or, well, something, at least least in the lots above the new fire station, this area directly outside of uptown seems a blighted oddity, whether it really is or not.
  7. Boom. You left out drinking in all those activities. Why? WHY???
  8. ^Tease, was thinking this would be a new project to adjoin Bearden..
  9. By this measure, we're #5, Raleigh #1, interesting that the article pays homage to low density, and lower housing costs, though seems to say this should not be a factor for growth, perhaps I missed a finer point (or have had too much to drink). Riverside/San Bernadino on the list would seem to contradict that idea, it is suburban in character and appearance though quite dense if visited. Btw, hate their pic location of the skyline, they left out much.
  10. Damn that simply reminds me of old Celtics games (I have them on video), different area, different game. Nice. I suppose NC's best chance may be to expand the Coliseum yet again, that one would be expensive though.
  11. Yeah, I've been flying out of CLT for roughly 30 years, it has been around 2 years since my last flight, and I can't recall that it has ever not been in a state of construction/change of some kind. The site position and placement of ingress/egress was long ago either done without vision or was constrained in some other way.
  12. The appearance of impropriety, doesn't matter how legitimate or what happened first, basically why recusations happen. Probably a non-argument since it doesn't seem likely to happen, and not sure how him fighting for the streetcar line better qualifies him for the position (as a general argument to any who would say that).
  13. Yes, a different "complexion" certainly, though one in which it really becomes a monumental standoff, and possibly completely disgraces Foxx should he "favor" Charlotte. And frankly, don't want THAT kind of national exposure.
  14. You're back, nice to hear from you! And really, you didn't snap some pics???
  15. ^ Thank you, and wow that's massive. Lots and lots of dirt to push..
  16. Yeah, stuck on BB&T building a scraper now, and it could go right in the gap seen from this angle. 40 floors good.
  17. nowensone


    Skyline from top of parking deck.
  18. It would be an awesome thing if BB&T built an office building downtown, to mirror your BoA/NYC comment, as it seems that banks are about the only entities capable of building scrapers any more and it would make a bit of sense.
  19. I'm all for Charlotte poaching, just out of state. Besides, the Triad is languishing behind both CLT and the Triangle, it needs anything it can get, and keep.
  20. Yeah, 342 units on 10 acres next to what will be light rail is saddening, and even more so if laid out like standard apartment complexes. But, they can tear it down in 15 years I suppose.
  21. Is the base still structurally sound is what I wonder. I know its concrete but that isn't usually exposed or if it is would be treated [i assume].
  22. That's a stretch, too large of one, both of those are more associated with High Point, in my experience, by FAR. Perhaps the numbers bear it but not sure I believe those numbers.
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