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Everything posted by nowensone

  1. Now that would be picture worthy. Yeah that was bad form.
  2. OK, so I was looking for a webcam for the Childress Klein building, which quickly revealed itself to be impossible since it still doesn't have a name at 5ish floors, are they in some legal grey area where they're trying to name it something Knightish, or Beardenish, which has yet to be resolved? Or I wonder, is there still some debate of apartments vs. condos they're waiting on which might impact the name? Inquiring minds and stuff.
  3. Interesting article, and off topic here, but good news when local builders are either too busy or expect to be that they had to use a GSO based contractor. At least they stayed in state, and we know the GSO contractors aren't busy.
  4. Wow, embarrassed to say I've never seen or even thought of DT Concord, nice to know there is one. Looks like Salisbury's.
  5. Ditto, was thinking of botanical gardens and flowers, I don't think that can't be done at some point though. I will take this opportunity to throw a dig in for my favorite, Japanese maples and pear trees. Surrounded by rich beds of vibrant colors. Someone above said the grass looked more like Bermuda??? Please god no, unfortunately, the one clear picture above is a bit on the light side, which from my time in Texas is a dead giveaway for Bermuda To the grass men, what kind is it?
  6. ^ Read that this weekend, was torn between speechlessness and nausea, I know we occasionally joke about how humanity has no chance, and half mean it, but wow wow wow. Its at least nice to know we have so much bureaucracy in this country that THAT could not happen. I think.
  7. Yeah, its one of those things, maybe just me, but I hope to live to 80 (at least), and perhaps ignore things for 3 decades, and I will be pleasantry surprised, for a year at least, then say this again.
  8. I'd feel like people are laughing at me as I sat out on my balcony... love the red ones though.
  9. Wow, it is huge, guess that makes up for demolishing apartments to build it... Posting link to location as took me a while to find.
  10. ^Never had a TOD oriented argument myself, but still not "onboard" here, whether next to a station or not, its next to/near a university, and given the area, it's design is still an important and sensitive matter I'd say. This becomes more important with how plastic and new-suburban this area is and its future.
  11. GSO would be the central point to our major metros, more than that sounds like Publix is really focusing on entering NC. Odd they didn't just buy HT and make that effort much easier, I know the party line of not acquiring, growing from within rhetoric, but business is business. That or I'm reading this smaller than it is and the dist center is for the southeast/mid-Atlantic.
  12. 23 acres across 244 units, kinda wondering what exactly is planned, its obviously more dense than a suburban single family neighborhood, but also sounds wasteful for a growing college area.
  13. I was pontificating on that this past weekend, the cost to employ ticket checkers versus the revenue their presence assures is collected. Any stats on how many riders do not purchase a ticket?
  14. If the market will bear it, then yes you are correct, but intuitively, this feels like "bubble", albeit one that may be sustainable due to LR, but, it may also be a fad, Charlotte may find itself overbuilt with this style of property soon. I may be wrong, but it feels as if New Bern is just far enough away that new properties closer in will force its rates to drop, quickly. Moot I guess if we find some way to attract residents again like we did in the 00's.
  15. Sociopaths are usually nice, and often charming. Not saying he is one, or even a bad guy, but he might want to expound on those undermining factors if he wants to prosper here again. That said, I have forgotten 90% of the "subject matter" of that ordeal, so just offering my vague and very condensed media biased recollections. Fact remains though, he needs to be very open to have any hope at trust again.
  16. Apologies, was (and am) having a hell of a time seeing the pics long enough before a broken tag appears to get the links to post.
  17. Checked out a Fountains apt yesterday, the 3 br units are going for $1800 which was a bit high but the complex does have nice amenities. My hope is that once another dozen such properties fill in along the LR there might be enough saturation to bring the rental rates down.
  18. Snapped some pics yesterday of the park, loaded to profile, the Church side of the park seems like it can be finished by 8-31, the rest, not seeing it happen. And the 3rd street side still lacks sidewalks if I remember correctly.
  19. nowensone


  20. nowensone

    WP 20130729 011

    From the album: CLT7292013

  21. nowensone

    WP 20130729 008

    From the album: CLT7292013

  22. nowensone

    WP 20130729 005

    From the album: CLT7292013

  23. nowensone

    WP 20130729 004

    From the album: CLT7292013

  24. nowensone

    WP 20130729 002

    From the album: CLT7292013

  25. Little confused on where this is, the article says MLK between Brevard and Caldwell, not recalling a church here, nor does one appear on googlemaps (not obviously so anyway), rather, there is an AME a few blocks away at 7th and McDowell.
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