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Everything posted by nowensone

  1. Still a matter of when they will actually start the base tower, if RAL's is to continue first, and they build one at a time with a standard crew then it will be some time still, and RAL's does not appear to have re-commenced. In fact its odd that they seem to have completed the foundation and abandoned it (stopped by this weekend, took a few pics) at some point.
  2. Just wanted to say that all this talk of Blue Moon has made me nauseous and I am therefore going home. Thanks.
  3. ^ Yeah, saw it advertised on an 8.5 x 11 above a urinal and started asking around... Pretty sure there was a Microsoft conference as well, but you're right, that may have simply boosted attendance numbers. Bottom line, the Chamber should have been out taking photos, uptown visitor population had to have been one of its highest ever.
  4. I think they scheduled EVERY event this past weekend, so no surprise each of them took away from one another, even if the times didn't always overlap. Add to that the TripleC Rock and Tools event (or whatever it was called) and a Panthers home game, hell, I think there was something else as well, blanking on it.
  5. And funny how they'll choose that moment to refer to us as Charlotte and not the typical down in "Carolina".
  6. Ultimately he did create/enhance discussion, so that was of course a good thing, and he made people argue their points well, and probably educated many by doing so. No need to comment on the other aspect of things. I am intrigued by your comment that forums are on their way out, in most cases I see your point, though this one seems unique, not sure you'd need to worry about that, unless you are also referring to the business end of it, ie financially. Apologies for the continued off-topicing.
  7. Really hope this does not result in not-so-well-disguised retribution from certain people in Raleigh.
  8. ^ not if the goal is "urban", that's what the neighborhood is for.
  9. Come on Mazzo, lets see something like this!
  10. ^^ Curious what is meant by parking upgrades, the vast sea of asphalt is certainly a horrid thing IMO, but cant imagine how that would be upgraded, shuttle buses? Would rather they expand the park into this black sea and make parking vertical, but that would probably cost too much.
  11. According to their parent site, they are HQ'ed in St Petersburg FL, seems BizJournal pulled an O possibly. Their own site has no reference to CLT, that's pretty quick, and brutal. 113 jobs, that sucks.
  12. Yeah, they don't even have an NC office it would appear [yet]..
  13. ^ Thats interesting, and like FL and TX that will likely mean a huge football stadium eventually, they should have oriented the U in the opposite direction if they had expansion intentions.
  14. I was not criticizing Cam for yesterday's performance, I've just never been sold on him, and his decision making, even if there are many other excuses. Delhomme started the same way, with coaching decisions being the main excuses until it became obvious that is was actually just him. Don't know much about Anderson, and yes he was playing second and third teams, but he looked like a true passer, with confidence and good vision. Yes, one preseason game does not a great player make. And settle down peoples.
  15. Hate to say it, but it might take a few losses for people to realize Anderson would make the better starter. <- Ducking for cover. ->
  16. Pretty cool "map" here. I've often wondered how things would look if at some point in the future the country fractured (not really the theme of this but related). Oh, and Atlanta is our region's capital...
  17. ^ I think it's interesting that the article ends with the comment that our own citizens are just as unhappy, and I believe it, I am generally non-partisan, socially left-leaning, and for me this is even worse than the Helms era.
  18. Er, please, no "State", and University of XXX sounds more prestigious than XXX University IMHO.
  19. That's the kicker, even a paltry billion of that... I'm guessing the CSAs of San Fran and Oakland probably total about that of all of NC, but not recalling any 6.4 billion project of ours, and is the other half estimated even higher? Anyway, sure there are stats/facts out there to make me retract this, but wow.
  20. ^Shoulda let it go longer, that was pretty cool.
  21. OK, so $6.4 billion for the eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, I'm sure there are many justifications, need assessments, toll funding, local/state funding, population served, usage numbers, etc, etc, blah blah blah, but still, that pisses me off, six-point-four-billion for half of an effing bridge. And our LRT lines are also "toll" funded. Edit - and isn't CA supposed to fall into the ocean in 50-100 years? Great use of money. six-point-four-billion dollars. /endrant
  22. is this not a bottom line kind of issue, as in, how much does it cost to do something seemingly minor like change a school name? I would guess that it is expensive, and then add in the NCAA/licensing issues to that since it did not happen BEFORE the university gained a football team.
  23. Not all that confident there, I did some googling, best "estimation" I could find was roughly 3 years for them, the current closest zooms look to be about a year to a year and a half old, higher zooms even newer, so by that rationale we wont be seeing anything soon. Which is not necessarily bad, be nice to get the Knights completed as well as the un-named tower before they do.
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