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Everything posted by tennis32801

  1. ^Didn't realize it was gonna be like Ripley Believe It or Not on I-Drive, lol. This block is huge, and having a 9-story wall fronting the whole block is better than a high-rise IMO.
  2. Mingos needs to take a page out of Artisans Table and offer menu prices that attract a larger crowd. And there's a LYMMO bus stop in front of them that they should take advantage of and advertise to people to dine there then take free ride to downtown.
  3. ^ I believe its part of a renovation for a new bar/restaurant since the closing of One Eye Jacks and Loaded Hog
  4. tennis32801


    If its just soil contamination, remediation should be less expensive. I believe groundwater is also impacted though, and that's more complicated. But having said that, if groundwater contamination is stable and met other criteria, institutional controls (ie. certain land usage restrictions or covenants) can be implemented. Environmental regulators, per the Governors direction to promote economic developments, have been more flexible with allowing property owners to implement less expensive institutional controls rather than completing cleaning up contamination.
  5. Thats because the Exchange and Market was a destination for tourists back then. Tourists spend way more money than locals. And we all know the reasons for its decline.
  6. awesome! I use the grapefruit regularly so this will def help
  7. tennis32801


    Finally took advantage of free transportation last Friday. Took the Grapefruit Lymmo to Church St Station, sunrail to park ave for lunch and back, then grapefruit to Shari for happy hour. But have to agree that sunrail was never on time, lack of handles to hold when standing, and passengers bumping into each other during entrance and exit. And think they should get rid of the useless tables and just arrange the seats along the sides. That would allow for more passengers and might improve ingress and egress.
  8. As you can see by my screen name, I am totally stoked about this.
  9. tennis32801


    Any reason why it is closing? With more apartments being currently built, I would suspect that they would hang around to take advantage.
  10. I don't know how a 7-star hotel, whatever that means, will even work in this area. Its not the nicest area, with Lockheed nearby and unmaintained landscapes, who would want to pay that much to stay there. If this does get built, and along with I-Live and other existing major chains, international drive is becoming a distinctive destination, something that downtown Orlando lacks.
  11. It was great seeing heavy foot traffic downtown yesterday from lunch all the way to closing hours. Every bar on church st was slammed, even Kasa. This is what downtown needs, tourists and visitors that sticks around and spend money. Most of the local surbanites tend to head to their cars after attending concerts and magic.
  12. tennis32801


    Its a bummer that the Sanford stop is at least 2 miles from downtown Sanford and Lake Mary stop is 4 miles from Lake Mary Promenade dining area. Also, google earth of the Debary, Lake Mary, Longwood, and Sandlake stop areas doesn't show any nearby residential or commercial developments, making me wonder who are these commuters?
  13. that's a sleek website, the views at 500 ft are the best.
  14. The bigger the units, the higher the HOA fees. To wealthier people, thats a waste of money, especially if downtown doesnt have anything they like (ie. high end restaraunts and retails). Maybe DPAC will slowly change that.
  15. yea, got a notice in the mail about a hearing opened to the public scheduled last week I think. Hopes it a go.
  16. I attached some photos from yesterday "private" tour that I won from that art contest several months ago. Cant figure how to insert photos on here anymore. From the photos, its hard to believe Phase 1 will be completed by November. The stages and seating look pretty awesome, but unfortunately my battery died. I think 150 ft is the maximum distance from the farthest seats to the stage. The tour guide repeatedly emphasizes how this art center is "for the people", transparent for all, and that the focal point is the 300 ppl capacity Pugh stage dedicating to local artists.
  17. Another cool article about Audubon Park East End Market in Usatoday http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/destinations/2013/11/20/orlando-east-end-market-pleases-foodies/3528977/
  18. Agreed, I participated last night too. Great music at each of the locations. Was great to see more people than usual for a Monday evening walking around downtown. Hopefully I win something!
  19. Their craft drinks were pretty awesome, especially during happy hour when its half off. Hopefully Mingos kept some of those drinks. Unfortunately, I think Kassa (former Urban Flats spot) will face the same destiny with their pretentious food and price.
  20. The one on central is up today. It looks like some ancient structure.
  21. Wish I remember how to upload pics on here, because they are tearing down the circular concretes for sculpture across Panera Bread, after it was installed last week! Smh
  22. I think Honey opens Oct 30. Agreed with chain restaurants to draw outsiders into dt.
  23. Probably several reasons: its size (3 levels), making it seems empty, the cover charges, and its location. I think Stagger is tested and be around, but we have to see how Saddle does.
  24. If you love country music like me, Saddle Up opened last night next to the Courtesy. I guess they decided not to open up the other 2 concept bars and instead combining all into one country bar. And it is huge inside. I thought they would hurt Stagger Inn but Stagger Inn was also simultaneously crowded as usual. Hee haw!
  25. The german Schumann's Jager Haus on Church st had their soft opening last night. It looks fantastic inside, maybe epcot-ish. Didn't eat but german beer prices were reasonable. Only concern is that the huge interior space may make it look empty on dead nights.
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