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Downcity/Providence Retail


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You got that right brother! It just makes no sense at all.


Actually, I think it's gotten much better since they stopped the validation system and just did the $1 for 3 hrs and under. Getting through the booths at the end has been much faster since.

Frankly, a lot of problem with that garage is how badly people drive through it. It could be the best layout on earth, and it would still be dangerous due to how people handle it. Hey folks, how about some headlights on? Oh, and those signs are there for a reason.

- Garris

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Have any of you been in those malls where the escalators only go up? To go down and leave the mall you have to take the stairs or wait for an elevator.

Some genius' idea to get people to spend more money :D

I do believe that was the "intelligent" plan for the parking garage at Providence Place. It's easy to get into and park, but when you want to leave you risk life and limb finding the exit, only to wait at the toll booths for 15 mintues.

How hard is it to have a dollar out of your wallet BEFORE you get in line :whistling:

I think Recchia had it right with the RIPTA comment! The mall is one of the places that's most convenient from Kennedy Plaza.

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I think Recchia had it right with the RIPTA comment! The mall is one of the places that's most convenient from Kennedy Plaza.


Absolutely, heading to the mall is one of the good, convenient uses of RIPTA.

The comment about the government parking lots being open on weekend is also true. Very convenient.

- Garris

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Those living and working downtown now have another bookstore selection they might not know about... I certainly didn't... Books on the Square, the excellent Wayland Sq independent bookseller, apparently is in the Trinity Rep building for a good part of their season. Decent hours too for downtown...

This is from their newsletter:

"Where has the Summer gone?

Back to school also means back to work for Books on the Square at Trinity Rep! We will be re-opening for the season on September 9th. Located within the Trinity Rep building (on the corner of Empire and Washington), our hours are generally Tuesday-Thursday noon-7pm, Friday and Saturday noon-8pm and Sundays noon-7pm, but will vary according to performance schedules. Trinity's season opens with The Mystery of Edwin Drood (based upon the unfinished novel by Charles Dickens) and Suddenly Last Summer by Tennessee Williams. Before the show, stop by and browse our unique selection of books and plays."

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It doesn't sound like Cornish has secured anyone for the ground level retail space along Westminster, but it would seem that all those big glass windows suggest retail at some point soon. I walked by today and I'm wondering how the space will be divided up- my guess is that it depends on what they book. If memory serves, they were hoping for one or two bigger stores with some smaller ones rather than a bunch of only small ones (which is where, I think, most of the interest has been)

Their website still states the following (square foot retail space) but maybe AriPVD can give us an update if he's allowed to... :whistling:

Peerless 6,240

Peerless 3,290

Peerless 7,875

Peerless 2,935

Peerless 2,390

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Still under discussion.  Lots of retail interest.  Expect announcements this fall.


It will be interesting to see if Westminister Street, the former hub of Rhode Island retail, will be able to keep J & W students, RISD students and the new residential inhabitors away from PP. Ideally they should be able to coexist.


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The plan is coexistence.  They will have significantly different retail.  The key will be to start attracting mall shoppers over to Westminster St. after they've shopped the mall.


I agree with you and with that we need to look at Sacramento. They also have a mall and then a walkway, similar to under Mem. Blvd., that leads to "Old Sacramento". It is advertised as such. It is an 8 block area that is all that remains of the Sacramento of the old west. It pushes that theme with wooden walkways, oldtime bars, cowboys, etc. It also has retail and clubs. Can Providence push "Victorian Downcity Providence"? Most of the buildings in the Westminister area were built in the late 19th century or the early 20th century AND THEY STILL REMAIN in place. Could the victorian feel equal the excitement of the old west? Can you see men and women in character of that period pointing out the local facades and discussing the Spanish American War or Teddy with tourists?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Really? I know 3 people are fighting over that space.  I don't think they've chosen one.


Do any of the contenders have any business sense? Not to blame the victims here, Westminster is still certainly a difficult retail landscape, but that place is like a revolving door. You have to get out there and hussle to make a go of it down there. Numerous people on this board who have a real interest in development in the urban core didn't even know the last tenant was there until they were gone, I believe Garris said he walked by it without noticing it. They've gotta get someone in there who really has a good business and marketing mind, and who is economically able to withstand the still-in-transition nature of the marketplace. A national chain could probably make a good go of it, but a private entrepeneur can't be ruled out. From what I understand, the Urban Kitchen people were two J&W grads. I went in there once, the place was nice, and certainly had potential, I don't think the owners quite had the know-how yet to make it work though.

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