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There is but it is very small. You can see a walkthrough that goes through it where there is no windows on the first floor. Its on the top right part of the picture. Its a tiny little sliver though.

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I sure hope they are installing CFLs into those ~27 light sockets in the last photo. YIKES! Are their designers trying to give these condos a heavenly aura or maybe a gas station look?

Even with CFLs (that run at 15watts for the lumens of a 65 watt victorian-tech bulb), that is over 400 watts of electricity just for that one area of the condo! It is a good thing Greenland is melting, we're going to need all that water for new nuke plants if this type of wastefulness is done in all our new housing.

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I also would congradulate Novare and the builders that the bottom portion of this tower is turning out great. I know the brick work (where there are splits between the plates of bricks) were a concern for some, but now that the glass is being finished where the parking deck is at the bottom, it looks really great. Also the symmetry of bottom portion turn out quite well. Good to see this project, since they obviously put a lot of effort and money into the most-seen tower portion, also didn't skimp out on the bottom. Can't wait to see some retail move in and some traffic flowing through.

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I too have bought at Avenue and I am not pleased at all with the lower 9 floors. I've been to all of their other buildings in Atlanta and the base of Avenue is just horrible in comparison.

Has anyone seen it at night ? You can see the shadows of all of the parking decks through the cheap looking blue windows. Going up on all different angles, it's just simply unsightly and doesn't have any sort of flow what so ever. Granted it looks a bit better during the day. But go check it out after dark.

I understand that Novare was likely held to some sort of guidelines due to the Fourth Ward Historic neighborhood but this just turned into a mess. I am really hoping the inside turns out as nice as their other buildings. If not I may just walk away from the deal altogether.

What's up with the crown of the building? It's barely noticable. Such a modern structure from the 10th - 36th floor and a boring cap.

So far Furman has far out done Novare as far as the parking structure and street level facade goes.

Don't mean to be negative but this place is costing be a lot of cash and I expected more from the facade.

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While the parking deck facade isn't amazing (and I really was disappointed at first), it's grown on me. The brick paneling looks cheap, but other than that, especially since more has been done on the deck, I'm ok with it. I think the blue glow in the windows is an awesome idea, and the brick paneling doesn't look completely awful (especially from afar).

The top could be better, but I like it fine.

This building's captivating feature is its blue glass. It really was an excellent selection.

Hang in there - it'll grow on you!

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I love the Novare trade mark blue glass. Just not the cheaper looking plexi -style glass on the garage floors.

Like I said, daytime it looks fine. But I don't like being able to see all the angled parking deck silhouettes at night through the translucent glass. The blue glow is nice. Just not the decking.

I hope you are right and it grows on me. But really, it shouldn't have to grow on you. It should look incredible from first glance. I am sure the inside amenities will be up to par with Novare's usual stuff.

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Although I agree with you for the most part, I for one am appreciative that we have glass on the lower decks. They could have just went away and made a typical parking deck with the condos on top. Instead they did try to incorporate it somewhat as having that "home garage" feel to it. The brick was done on the cheap side, but I hope they wrap up any gaps towards the end. The street level retail is going to be amazing, as well as the sidewalk area. The glass, well that was a homerun hit on their part: it has so many different moods to it depending on day/night/rainy/stormy/sunny/etc. The top, well I'm not going to complain. Yes, they could have gone with something more bolt, similar to what 210 Trade is doing on top of their tower, but I do think the way it is now flows very well with the surrounding buildings, gives it some synergy. Overall, I'm amazed by the project, and for it being not on the rank of tallest, it certainly stands out on the skyline, yet blends perfectly. Congradulations on your purchase and to everyone else that had the opportunity to live in the Avenue, you are fortunate and I hope the tower treats you well on the inside, and continues to embrace the outside on us "outsiders".
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