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Forum Meet: Saturday, April 7

it's just dave

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I guess we won't be able to put the sweaters away, but the first spring meet of '07 promises to be a good one. There's lots going on, some we know about, always some surprises.

Hope as many as possible will be able to join us, tank up on some warm beverage, talk, then hit the streets. Cool day, flowers and trees looking good. Should be a fun day. I suspect an invasion of the Sig Tower's sales center will be on the agenda. Tony, watch out!

Hope to see you there.


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Interesting day. We had a good crowd this morning with Skyscrapergeek & Alana, Ron (smeaglesfree), John (the doormanpoet), William, producer, nashvegas06, Hankster made it up from Chattanooga. It was good to see nashscan, bwithers, and reednavy (who was in town from Jax) for their first meetings. Dennis, who isn't on the forum yet was there. Bob, LA-TN was able to escape being the Dad long enough to make the meeting. If I've forgotten anyone, I'm sorry.

We met at Provence, talked a while about the many things going on around town (Rhythm, WES, Signature, Ice House. etc.)

Then things got really interesting. We moved the meeting from Provence to the Signature Tower sales center where Tony G. and David (koellein) were there waiting for us with warm Krispy Kremes, coffee and such. We did a brief tour of the model initially before Tony and David took us across the street to the Viridian. In the lobby Tony talked about the Tower and the challenges they faced getting her off the ground. He explained how the grocery store came to be and how the lobby layout was positioned with security in mind. Then he whisked us to the 31st floor and out onto the pool deck. It was a chilly, windy place today, but absolutely beautiful. Of course, we all scattered to take our favorite vantage points. Some, inside the fitness center, nashvegas (with the only camera I saw), snapping away.

We then toured a unit on the tenth floor that had been expanded into one from two initially. Tony explained how complicated that had been given the required fancy footwork necessary to get balcony encroachment permissions and such. He pointed out the finishes and the fact that the tower was designed for a younger demographic with its use of interior concrete, including the ceiling, the choice of appliances and cabinets and such.

Then, we returned to the Signature center where we were treated with another hour or so of the details of the tower. I won't go into them here, but Signature is being built to a very upscale standard with special treatments throughout.

There were many things discussed that were prefaced by "this isn't for publication and we don't want to be reading this on a forum somewhere (lol)" so I we can't say anything much about some future endeavors except to say that Nashville is in for some amazing treats in the not too distant future.

Among the more humorous times was during our introductions where we introduced ourselves with our current status on UP. Something like "William, active", smeaglesfree, active, doormanpoet, banned, nashvegas, newly reinstated, LA_TN, banned..." You get the idea. It was nice to see our banished bretheren still active and still attending. Make it a real old home week.

One more thing, toward the end, chris holman was able to meet us at the STSC. Always good to see chris. We appreciate those who can come even when schedules conflict.

I wish we could publish everything we talked about from the Convention Center to the Sounds to some new, unannouced projects, but we respect the trust given us by those building our city.

Stay tuned for information about a Chattnooga meet most likely in May. Hank will fill us in on that. Our last Chatt meeting was amazing and lots of fun.

I'm sure nashvegas will be uploading some pix when he gets the time.

Great to see all of you today.

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man I wish I could be in town for something like that...it would have been great. I think I get some inside information from reading on here so I can only imagine some of what you all got to hear about today haha

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You guys are awesome. Not only do I think it's great that we have so many folks in Nashville interested in the urban structure of the city, but I also think it is great that you congregate and make yourselves visible to the developers and to the public in general. I think that for many people just seeing an organized group dedicated to Nashville's urban development might be enough to get them wondering what all the fuss is about and looking into things further. I hope there will be a few photo threads that come from this! lol

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You guys are awesome. Not only do I think it's great that we have so many folks in Nashville interested in the urban structure of the city, but I also think it is great that you congregate and make yourselves visible to the developers and to the public in general. I think that for many people just seeing an organized group dedicated to Nashville's urban development might be enough to get them wondering what all the fuss is about and looking into things further. I hope there will be a few photo threads that come from this! lol
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Thanks, everyone, for being such good hosts! I was really excited to get so much access to Tony and to his plans. How generous of him to grant us such an audience on a Saturday during Easter weekend. Now that I am in town for good I look forward to attending further meets in person rather than communicating vicariously. Cheers!

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