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Norfolk International Airport


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While this is not good news, it does leave room for Jetblue. The airport has said that another carrier (hopefully Jetblue) is going to be announced later this year. JetBlue's name has been tossed around by airport officials several times over the past few years. Also, Indy Air only accounts for 2-3% of the total passengers served at NIA, so it's not going to be that big of a blow.


Yeah, this is the perfect time for Norfolk Airport to pull something out of the hat. I emailed some people about JetBlue and Norfolk....we'll see what replies I get.....**waits**...

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Yeah that sucks but it's true, Independence doesn't hold a very large market share so it won't be too dramatic in passenger attendance if any. I never really took them seriously to tell you the truth since they didn't even really want to rent space on any of the concourses. Their flights were usually boarded on the tarmac. This could be the opportunity that JetBlue was waiting for though, less competition and their brand could grab those Independence customers aside from stealing customers from the current airlines and like Southwest, it is bound to make some new passengers use our airport just from their brand name alone.

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From Norfolk Airport officials:

"While we don't yet have a committment or timeline from JetBlue, we do know that they will take delivery of the first of their new 100-seat jets in August (those aircraft will be integrated into their fleet in October). We are optimistic that Norfolk will be one of the cities added to JetBlue's system utilizing this new aircraft type at some point in the not too distant future"

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Also, this is from http://www.tripinfo.com

"JetBlue, for example, sees the ERJ 190 giving it the ability to serve Norfolk, Va., nonstop from Boston or New York for $69 one way, a steep discount from prevailing fares on those routes. "We look to markets generating 600 passengers per day -- a third to a half the volume of major cities," JetBlue spokesman Gareth Edmondson-Jones explains."

They are talking about the same 100-passenger plane as Norfolk Airport officials. So hopefully, by the end of summer, there may be an announcement.

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Norfolk International Airport (NIA) reported an 11.73 percent increase in passenger activity for the month of March 2005 with a total of 324,587 passengers. That figure compares to a March 2004 passenger count of 290,506.

For the year, passenger counts have increased 10.55 percent over January through March 2004 with a total of 840,905 passengers.

In other activity, 6,140,665 pounds of cargo were shipped in and out of the airport during March 2005. This represents an 8.63 percent increase over March 2004, which had a corresponding figure of 5,652,697. For the year, cargo shipments have increased 1.36 percent from January through March 2004.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why must we try so hard to be like other cities?  We have our own identity, based on the waters that divide us.  And those waters force use to utilize two airports.  I don't think this is a bad thing at all.  I think the convenience is great.  I am afraid a lot of people on this board are so interested in becoming a major metro area with really really really tall buildings that they forget about the things that matter -- quality of life.


Point well taken. One thing that is not so convienent however is our non-stop connections. We would get more non-stop and international flights if we had one larger airport. Airlines will not commit so much to smaller airports. I would love to see the day when British Airways serves Norfolk... ^_^

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Point well taken. One thing that is not so convienent however is our non-stop connections. We would get more non-stop and international flights if we had one larger airport. Airlines will not commit so much to smaller airports. I would love to see the day when British Airways serves Norfolk...  ^_^


Again, would it really? It's nice to dream, but would a new airport bring non-stop flights to the west coast and overseas? Would a new airport be a hub? That's the only way an overseas carrier would come to Norfolk. Norfolk is not a large enough destination.

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