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Massive Riverfront Project


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Why would someone want to build any kind of a plant in that location when you could go outside the city and get security, no brownfield suprises and no strip club neighbors. It seems too small and confined for anything like this. One thing that Dave said in a previous post (72 pages ago) was that they were not focusing on the river, which sucks.

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A few random thoughts...

Like it or not, a billion dollars doesn't go as far as it once did. Yeah, it's a lot of $$$, but that might buy you a MLB ballpark and an NBA gym, so in the big scheme of things if you're hoping for a hermetically sealed dome with twinkle lights with Space Mountian inside you may be disappointed.

Has anyone snooped around for any changes in air service to G.R.? Anything announced? Pending? (Folks need to get in and out of town, particularly if they're not natives)

As far as the high-tech angle goes, I'd be hesistant to believe it would be something closely tied to a manufactuered product because of space requirements (even an small R&D lab would be less expensive to setup outside of a downtown district) Also, if they're using DuPont Death Gel or something in the manufacturing process, setting up any kind of shop near the hockey rink (so to speak) is questionable thinking.

Another idea for snooping might be if there is major activity at a TELCO switching office nearby. High-tech will need a lot of data lines.

If I were taking a W.A.G., I'd say look at the bottom half of the Fortune 500, software/internet, financial services, maybe a Homeland Security-type startup with a fistfull of gov't grants already in hand or a Military type spinoff needing a 20 floor building (five of which will be nothin' but servers). Along with it, a smallish-mall with a ten-plex, and more T.G.I.Friday's-type places than you can shake a stick at, a ten-floor condo building and a matching apartment building. Throw in a Crate & Barrel and a P.F. Chang's and there's your billion dollars.

Also, I think when they're talking 10,000 jobs, that is cumulative. Everyone from the guy that knocks the first stake in the ground to the guys that sweeps up the popcorn at the theater.


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I think we'll break the story. Too many people are in the know and one of them will have loose lips. :)

I doubt you will see a corporation move here. I doubt this city would embrace a casino either.

It is funny because when I read the GRBJ article, it seemed like a lot of the ideas they had kicked around as possibilities are ideas we have discussed (Whitewater park, marina (but aren't there environmental issues?), waterpark, shopping mall).

Personally I think it will be "urban village" type residential and retail. Like Gaslight Village on a much bigger scale.


Fair enough.

Back on topic again, where is the scoop going to show up first? TV, print... our friends at GRNow? That would be something.

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Anyone entertain the idea of a NA HQ for Tesco... Who was it from Texas said someone was speculating for land downtown or around GR??

Another one for that list: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/for...apshots/10.html

Tesco is doing their own thing in Cali. Just read about it this morning in businessweek. The article's on their website, but you gotta register to read it so I'm not gonna bother posting it.

How are we going to know if we come up with what ever it is?

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Wow, this is quite a laundry list of suspects we have thrown out there:

South Belt finished early

New work on Ford Airport

Hybrid busses

GVSU expanded Engineering School

extended riverwalk

unified support for light rail

GW Bush's decree for renewable energy

What am I missing?


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I've been lurking for a couple of years but this topic is too good to sit by silently. Malcolm Bricklin (of former Yugo fame) is bringing Chinese automaker Chery to the US. He wants it to be as big as Toyota, plus Chinese investment could handle the costs. Pure speculation of course.

This is fun!

Welcome metro. We're assonace rhymers. ;)

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Like everyone else on this site, I haven't gotten anything accomplished today since about 3PM. I have no doubt that someone reading this thread will figure out the project (or most of it) before the official press conference, whenever that may be.

I have noticed that Jamestown Township and Hudsonville have both been mentioned on the thread tonight. I work for Jamestown Township, so I may be able to throw a little bit more information into the mix.

Meijer is indeed building a store in our Township at 196 and 32nd. They plan on breaking ground sometime in the next few months. Along with Meijer comes all of their faithful followers: banks, fast food restaurants, strip malls, etc. Our office has received hundreds of phone calls from national developers looking to swipe up what little land is available. Township residents have also informed us that they have been contacted by retail giants such as Home Depot, Lowe's, and Wal-Mart.

There is still some commercial/industrial land available in the Township, but it is very expensive. Vacant property that is zoned residential is selling at an incredible rate for anywhere from $15,000 - $30,000 per acre (even without water/sewer)!

There are always a lot of "secrets" in our office, and I have noticed some strange behavior recently. Probably just being paranoid, but I'm going to pay much closer attention starting NOW!

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Isn't the Kent County airport expanding?

The reason I ask is that any BIG entity; The UN, major sporting venue, etc. will need increased access. The state in which the airport is in now would not be big enough or efficient enough to handle increased crowds.

This obviously has direct connection to what may be going on downtown.

I am just bringing this up so we can try to put 2 and 2 together.

So, by how much is KC International increasing?? Any new carriers coming into KC International?

Could this also be related to the proposed expansion of 196 east of downtown?

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I think the proposed expansion of the Ford east of Downtown, has everything to do with the fact that, it's one of the worlds worst stretches of road. Regardless of whats going in downtown, that s**t should have been been taken care of years ago.

guys you know I love you all, but I think it's time to take our idealism, a little closer to the reality factor, right now it's running a little bit ahead. I direct you all to Lighthousedaves post that was today(thursday) but like fifteen pages ago. In it he said, a source said it didn't have anything to do with a corporation moving here, or expanding here, and it didn't have anything to do with things that were already going on here.

I'm switching you all to decaf! maybe some downers, we'll see what the decaf does first.

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Johnson Controls and the United States Advanced Battery Consortium


Ford, Boeing and Northwestern University Nanotechnology and Hybrid Battery Alliance:

(2nd article)

The Toyota connection:

Just sayin :dontknow:

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