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Everything posted by Jael

  1. Burwell's Chevrolet was in the building on the opposite corner across from the Herald-Journal office. http://digital.infodepot.org/cdm4/results....OBOX1=Chevrolet
  2. I saw that article earlier. I have two thoughts: 1) They should have scraped up the money somehow and widened I-85 to 8 lanes the last time. 2) I'm so glad I don't commute to Greenville every day any more - the first widening nearly drove me insane.
  3. yellowpages.com says 1011 Union St which puts it at or near the corner of Union and Forest Ave.
  4. Partner dispute/personal reasons according to the paper. Here's the articles: Boiling Springs Pizza Inn closes doors Pizza Inn stirs sauce in bid to reopen site
  5. It's better to beautify an ugly part of town than to spend the money on parts of town that are already being taken care of. And it's a fairly major corner there.
  6. Only if I can park right in front!!
  7. That would be me except my church is on Fernwood-Glendale! I hardly go to the west side now. I just really want that Target and a book store, and I'll go over there even less. ;-) I've lived here since downtown was the only shopping district, Hillcrest ended just beyond Garner's breezeway and Westgate was a peach orchard; I've lived here when downtown was dead as a doornail. It's nice to see restaurants and businesses and residents there again, but honestly, I don't see it becoming the main shopping district ever again. Nor do I particularly want it to be.
  8. It was a restaurant called the Spice of Life.
  9. It took forever to get the building renovated and was in an awkward location for getting to it and back out. Also, Panera Bread was already established and easier to get to as is the little drive-up place in Quizno's parking lot. Add that to the number of vacancies in Hillcrest in general, I'm not surprised. I don't drink coffee at all, so personally it doesn't affect me other than losing a business draw over here. On another subject, I see that there's a sign in Garner's old spot about AT&T opening soon there. I thought they tried to run Garner's off in order to open a national chain restaurant there? Garner's came out well in that deal, though, with getting the breezeway seating for their lunch crowd. I hope they continue to prosper in spite of strip owner's poor management.
  10. I read it via RSS, and the feeds have very little local news compared to the recycled articles from the NYTimes. Didn't their web guy leave recently?
  11. Is there still part of the Sheriff's office in the old Sears building? I thought they all moved out to the facility on California Ave or to the old QS/1 building across from Flower's Bakery?
  12. The same thing is happening at the Mallard Creek Park & Ride lot.
  13. Because there was an article in the paper about it. The link to the article is in my earlier response to you. The Group of 100 have built a number of fountains and things around town.
  14. I don't expect you paid for either of those or this new one. Downtown strolling toward art park
  15. Yes, my sister and her husband were visiting a couple of weeks ago, and we went. All of us agreed it was as good as the original Four Seasons. Business seems to be good as there are a lot of cars there every time I go by.
  16. yellowpages.com says it's on Union Street down at Camp Croft.
  17. Well, I feel better about having to struggle to remember if you lived over there and are confused! ;-) I've been to the building that was the elementary school once after it became the Arts Center, but as for Jenkins, I don't think I was ever in it. My parents were very strict about where I could go for things, and I don't remember even being allowed to go to basketball games at Jenkins or Cleveland. I couldn't even go to our own being held at Evans if it was a school night. Re being old, you're just a spring chicken if you started kindergarten in 1972 - I graduated from college the year before that!
  18. Carver High School was torn down, and Carver Junior High was built in its place at the same site. According to the Little Theatre History, Jenkins was a junior high in the mid-40's. It's possible that that's incorrect, but when I was at Evan and then SHS in the 60's, I don't remember ever hearing that Jenkins or Cleveland had ever been anything other than junior high schools. I Google'd and found an old postcard from the 40's on eBay for Cleveland, but nothing turned up for Jenkins. Sorry not to be more help.
  19. I think you're thinking of Evans which was the predecessor of SHS. I guess anything is possible, but I wouldn't have thought District 7 would have had enough students for more than 2 high schools then.
  20. Is that the one that's in the corner of a strip mall? If so, I've eaten there once at night. Food was good - comparable to the same fare as Corona's or San Marcos(?) out on the Asheville Highway.
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