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Everything posted by Pillsbury

  1. Flock of Seagulls (sorry I'm on a music kick today)
  2. ^ Topher, thanks for those links. Downtown went into a lull about 2 years ago, but I think it's starting to pick up again, which is very exciting.
  3. ^ Very much so. That would be the ideal place to build it.
  4. ^ OH man, I couldn't get the link!! So, where would they build it? I never understand why they didn't build that ballpark downtown to begin with. You know, downtown used to have a great ballpark for the Augusta Tigers way back in the 40s or so.
  5. This is actually a pretty good follow-up story from the Chronicle on First Friday. It details how there are really two First Fridays and how the crowd changes after about 11 o'clock. Anyway, it's a good article and really reminds of what happened to Buckhead: First Friday Article
  6. ^ I agree, it really is a money-maker for the area. I would imagine a lot of new businesses would open up to cater to that crowd as well.
  7. That's cool about Fat Man's. That sucks about Mocha. I wonder why they closed. The lunch crowd always seemed strong.
  8. First Friday is being ended. Well sort of. The authority in charge of governing the event is dropping off and in a sense, "letting it free." This may actually turn out to be a good thing and maybe the event, which will now be run strictly by downtown merchants, can gravitate back to what it was intended to be, an arts festival to showcase our beautiful downtown. Anyway, here is the article: First Friday
  9. ^ Yeah, they're supposed to do it all at once. There was an article in the paper on Sunday I think but I can't find it online.
  10. ^ Yeah, it does appear that way and that sucks! But I think you will get a longer time to merge over as opposed to the existing system........
  11. ^ Cool find! I saw it in the paper but didn't know they had on their website....
  12. I know I"m a little late in responding, but I'm not sure what to think. Obviously the city loses money on its buses. I think a lot of cities lose money on their public tranpsortation though. I can understand the reasoning for discontinuing service, but I'm really think it's going to be rough on the people who are in a bad position anyway.
  13. Pillsbury

    Aiken County

    ^ I've seen that. Is it called jackson square or something? Maybe they're trying to tie it in with hammonds ferry???
  14. ^ That's amazing. Those two songs do sound identical to one another. I never would have made that connection. "Stand back, stand back /in the middle of my room, I did not hear from you/ it's alright, it's alright/ to be standing in a line, standing in a line..." oh sorry, yeah, Stevie Nicks is cool. She reminds of that girl from Heart. Yeah, I'm shameless too.
  15. ^ It's probably the one I'm listening to. It really is a great song and at first I was like, wow, this sounds like that Chris Isaac song and I liked it. And then this station proceeds to play it like 25 times in one day and so I'm now I'm going crazy whenever I hear it. I even hate Chris Isaac now.
  16. I'm listening to Tom Petty for about the 50th time today, that new song by him, the one that sounds like a Chris Isaac ripoff. I really like Tom Petty, but I can only take so much of him and Sting per day and that's all this station apparently plays!!!
  17. Wow, I haven't been out to Evans in weeks. That's pretty cool. I hate to admit it, but I also love that new Land Rover/Jaguar dealership they opened out there. Probably one of the coolest dealerships I've seen around....
  18. ^ Yep, place a starbucks on Windsor Spring at Tobacco or on up at Peach Orchard and it would be one of the highest grossing starbucks in the area.
  19. ^ Very true, if Sam's moves you can bet they're heading to Evans.
  20. ^ Wow, that's interesting!!! Will they keep their place on Laney Walker open? That thing is funky; I like it.
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