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Everything posted by runawayjim

  1. there was a report shortly after that of a guy who blew a .9. i'm not sure if it was true or not.
  2. to get just about anything printed in a paper, you have to pay. you probably don't remember this being an issue when you were a kid because you were a kid and didn't have to worry about that kind of stuff.
  3. i didn't have a credit card in the 80's or 90's (well, i got one in like 98-99).
  4. Credit card agreements between Visa and MasterCard NEVER allow for a merchant to charge a fee or a minimum purchase to use a credit card. However, merchants are allowed to charge a "cash discount". Any merchant seen charging an additional fee to pay by credit card should be reported. http://consumerist.com/tag/credit-cards/?i...our-credit-card
  5. there is a cost savings to taking credit cards... less paperwork. If they get even 1 payment online, it's an automatic deduction, it goes right through their computer systems as paid. They don't have to file any paperwork and mark it off themselves. That saves them time. Last I checked, the government's time does have a value (at least to them). Yes, credit cards come with a fee for the business, but in this case, the government is a business (just a not-for-profit business). Simply out of principle, I will not pay tax bills or tickets online. If they're going to charge me more to do it, what's the point? This isn't illegal disposal of a body. It's just a way of carrying a body. It probably saved the family money not having to rent a hearse as well (funeral homes charge you for everything). If the family was cool with it, I don't see an issue.
  6. my wife's uncle recently passed away. he worked for cat for many years. they used his cat pickup as the hearse with his longtime co-workers driving. i don't see why it's not legal. funeral homes are usually really strict when it comes to the laws (like not allowing living people to get inside a casket).
  7. I reported it to MasterCard. Hopefully they'll do something about it.
  8. i had a car like that, but someone rear-ended me on 95 and totaled it. i got something newer because i needed a car that could make it up north for skiing. once this car is paid off, me and my wife are going to sell both our cars, get one similar to what i have now (only automatic so she can drive it) and go down to one car. if we end up needing a second car (because of job locations or whatever), we'll just get something older.
  9. Here's one for Mr. Segal... the excise tax laws for motor vehicles. The law contradicts itself. It says that the tax collector must send out tax bills. It then says that the residents are still require to pay if the tax collector does not send out the bill. I say it's a sham. There are no penalties for tax bills not being sent. PS... just got a collection notice saying I didn't pay my taxes. Guess why... stupid city didn't send me a bill. How am I supposed to know that I need to ask them to send me one? And when am I supposed to ask? There's nothing anywhere that says when bills should arrive, when I should call when I realize I never received one, etc... And I reported the collection agency and the city for violation of MasterCard terms by charging a fee for paying by credit card (which goes against MasterCard agreements).
  10. it used to be. and who knows... it might still be. organized crime has gone more underground lately.
  11. so i'm in canada right now at a conference in new brunswick, but i ran into someone from atlanta who shared some great stories about providence. he was in providence in the mid-late 70's because he was hiring to help design the sound and lighting system for the ocean state performing arts center, which, from his description, sounds like PPAC. he's going to scan and send me some pics he took of it that i'll post somewhere. anyway, he had a great story. one day there was a guy outside eating breakfast. this black cadillac pulls up, 2 guys jump out, and beat the guy to a pulp. no one did anything, and very quickly, they were back in the car and driving off. he also said that he was eating in some italian restaurant during a major snow storm (sounded like it was '78). he asked the waitress for an iced tea. he said she started waving the menu over him and he asked what was going on. she goes "look outside, what do you see? we only have iced tea from memorial day to labor day." so he ordered a hot tea and a cup of ice. i just found it amusing, especially the first story. i can't wait to see the pictures he sends me.
  12. i was in VT last week and it was nice all week except for the beginning when it was in the 90's.
  13. http://www.urbanplanet.org/forums/thoughts...l=urban+wedding
  14. thanks! i'll write a review of everything in the urban wedding thread, but everything was perfect. the biltmore could not have done a better job. julian's on broadway has a kick ass beer selection and amazing food.
  15. my guess is a few years of wear and tear and it'll be much closer in color.
  16. now i've seen it all... a memorial dedicated to the potato famine?
  17. oh, i like that our state has such a long official name.
  18. i'm pretty sure it is just for stats, but everything else that uses that just for stats makes race an optional question. i think it's weird that it's required.
  19. in looking at the form for a marriage license... RI state law requires that you state your race and level of education? i can kind of understand the education level (so they know if you're smart enough to get married), but race? the law dates back to 1956. what's up with that?
  20. drive to job. sit for 10 minutes. do 5 minutes of work. take 20 min coffee break. do 5 more minutes of work. drive to next job. repeat.
  21. i'd like to see the projo put out this list every year. i'm curious what the firefighters' pay would look like for 2007. i'd be willing to bet that it's still up there.
  22. i hope people start throwing this crap back in the faces of the firefighters' union that keeps claiming they don't make enough money and can't afford to pay a portion of their health care. give me a break (i imagine that considering it lists special titles for others, he's just a regular firefighter). how about the school teachers and principals that are on that list and the police patrol officers?!? i'll have to bring up those numbers next time the fraternal order of police calls me (which seems to be weekly now). we are in the wrong business... i need to get a cushy union job with the city. here's the list for those curious.
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