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Everything posted by RestedTraveler

  1. Thanks! It's not easy to make that BB&T building look good. It's so institutional looking. One idea: if the GCMoA ever wanted to expand, it'd make a great place to display special collections. I'm sure BB&T can find office space elsewhere ;-)
  2. Heritage Green from the front of the GCMoA:
  3. Thanks, GvilleSC! It's been ages since we've had a PM edition, hasn't it? Those clouds Saturday evening were awesome, gsupstate! I wanted to go downtown to get a few shots, myself, but my wife wouldn't hear anything of it. Here's one from Saturday Morning:
  4. Saw several signs/banners around LaVieille Maison in the West End advertising this: The West End Ice Sculpture and Gingerbread House Festival - November 30th at LaVieille Maison!
  5. Lower Falls on the Reedy River in Falls Park this morning:
  6. ^^ Great shot, Allen! Speaking of old mills...
  7. From what I can tell in those two renderings, it reminds me of Downtown Disney West Side... I'm not so sure I would like to see this implemented.
  8. Bergens is one of the places my wife gets her Vera Bradley stuff. Too bad. As for another coffee shop assuming the old PCJ location in Wells Fargo Place, I checked into Caribou Coffee a while back. Caribou requires a minimum commitment from the franchisee for 6 locations in a new market. That's a pretty steep entry fee/barrier (depending on your point of view) for a market the size of Greenville, already saturated with coffee shops. Liquid Highway already has a new location downtown in the Hyatt. I could see Starbucks easily opening a second location downtown and this would be perfect for them...but they're closing stores as it is. Perhaps it would just be better if something other than a coffee shop went in there?
  9. Thanks! My 50mm f/1.4 lens, as great as it is, has trouble with focusing in the dark sometimes. It focused on the windshield or dash or something up close, creating the awesome bokeh circles out of the lights. You could manually achieve the same thing with most SLRs by switching your lens to manual-focus instead of auto-focus and then manually adjusting the focus. Thanks, Skyliner!
  10. Somewhere on I-385 between I-85 and Downtown Greenville:
  11. Sorry for the poor quality of the shot - was a drive-by shooting in very poor light, shot through a windshield.
  12. Yea - the landscaping has been in for about a week and ... (drum roll please) ... the mountainscape sculpture is being installed RIGHT NOW. I would have stopped to take some pics, but I didn't want to get in the way of all the guys installing it. I have it on good authority from a trusted friend of mine that the food just kinda started sucking (evidently after they were unable to retain their good chef) ... and that's why a lot of people quit going there. As much as we all like to blame things on Dubya, we have to take some responsibility for our own problems sometimes, too.
  13. In hard economic times, businesses that thrive off of disposable income are the first to go ... that and the fact that I've all but cut out the Blackberry Slushin' Joes since I've been going to Weight Watchers surely hurt them as well. I'm gonna miss the Blackberry Slushin' Joes, but I'll just have to head down to the Liquid Highway.
  14. Now that's the way to jump in head-first! :-) Great shot! I can almost see my house.
  15. They're another *FRIED* chicken place? That's too bad - I was hoping they'd have a healthier menu.
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