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Everything posted by AltNative

  1. The corner of mint and summit is the perfect location for a museum honoring Charlotte's gold mining history. It almost makes too much sense being the actual location of the Rudisill mine and an empty lot that is limited on height by HDC restrictions making it unappealing to real estate developers. Its a shame that the city will no make no effort capitalize on something that makes us so unique
  2. Will this building lean out over the sidewalk like Deloitte does?
  3. Do you guys think new-sycamore will be as successful as old-sycamore? There is no doubt that there will be lots of fanfare and plenty of people attending the opening weeks/months but I cant help but feel that their new space will be considerably less appealing. There was something very approachable to the old sycamore--just walk right up off the rail trail and grab a beer at a picnic table. Food truck Fridays and their huge band parties in the gravel lot were awesome! It felt authentic and real. It was the perfectly un-curated space in the middle of so many restaurants and bars whose first (and only) goal is ~vibes~ and being instagramable. I just cant imagine Sycamore being in the bottom of a brand new 16 story office tower will have the same draw. I hope I'm wrong though...
  4. Everyone and their mother has tried to put a food hall in their project and it got axed every single time. The only one who succeeded was Optimist hall, of course. I'm curious what they have lined up if they're pulling permits. The food halls that never came to be: Legacy Union parking deck auto repair shop on S tryon where that atlanta brewery is now going Vantage south end Portman's The Line what else yall got?
  5. @CLT Development Weren't they going for like 350k? Because I can see how those numbers don't crunch...
  6. The only time Southend is not poppin off with pedestrian activity is Saturday and Sunday morning around 9am. everyone is still in bed hungover I suspect
  7. the deal is dead. financing fell through
  8. I'm still excited for this project but that parking podium is a lot more pronounced now and as we've seen countless times, parking deck screening once built RARELY looks anywhere near as good as the rendering. Time will tell
  9. just want to pop in and say this tower looks like it was ripped straight from Ballantyne...boooooring
  10. I'm thinking there's going to be a parking deck in this building too. looks like a ramp peeking around the left side of the building
  11. Of course not! I just want to inspire lively discussion on how unattractive those retail spaces are
  12. Is Lincoln Harris totally inept at leasing retail spaces or is it something else? Look across the street--an incredible slate of tenants have filled the bottom of ally. Does lincoln harris really just not give a damn?
  13. the architecture and overall vibe of capital towers seems like the antithesis of Rhino Market's vibe at every other location. stuffy and formal =/= cool and young. guess which is which
  14. I know these kinds of things move slow but is a late 2024 start time not laughably bad? Does it really have to be this way?
  15. that open ceiling does NOT look good. They didn't even upgrade to the more expensive, but better looking round HVAC ducts! open ceilings simply do not say "we are $21 billion dollar megacorporation"
  16. Personally, I would love to see 2-3 story buildings. Let the Gold District and the rest of Southend be taller. Wilmore is a single family neighborhood almost exclusively and I think anything new should respect that scale. I would love to see more low, brick buildings with local shops, bars and restaurants line mint (with 2nd floor apartments/condos above) , especially where the junk yard is. Virginia Highlands in Atlanta is the perfect example of what I would love to see Mint Street become. Not sure if land values would support that level of density though.
  17. a geotech team was taking core samples monday and tuesday at the corner of Mint and Summit. Guess the developer of The Rudisill IS charging ahead with another, shorter scheme after their HDC denial. Can't wait to see what they come up with. edited for clarity
  18. An 8 Story development is NOT coming to Wilmore....The Rudisill Development on the corner of mint/summit is dead in the water as it is currently designed. The HDC held their monthly meeting last night and squashed this project like a bug saying it was too tall and too massive for Wilmore. Will be interesting to see if they come back in 3 months with a completely new, smaller design or if the entire deal is dead with land values being so high. Here's the original axios article https://charlotte.axios.com/298559/an-8-story-development-is-coming-to-wilmore/
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