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Everything posted by TheRealClayton

  1. I read into it a while back, and asked around a few contacts, because I was curious what it was costing to have this crane remain on site, vs removing it and re-erecting it. Doesn't hurt that I know the crane owner.
  2. A very reasonable 500K for a crane like what is there I believe. They have an operational lifetime of 25 years I believe, so a 500K investment could make at least $6,000,000 in its lifetime. Also costs 120K to put one up and break one down, so there's quite a bit of upside to the investment.
  3. I would think 2022, really depends on clearing up what's happening with he financing. But if it was dead dead, they wouldn't be paying at least $20K a month on a crane to sit there doing nothing, because none of the work being done there needs a tower crane.
  4. How do you solve the connectivity, and drainage issues of having a literal ravine of development between two districts, would you bring it up to grade?
  5. The residential tower is correct, but they are missing one, which will be 31 floors, the office tower is not. Right now target is 1,000,000 square feet, between 40-44 floors.
  6. Maybe I've gone colorblind for blue fonts? This cannot be a real post. Maybe its living in NYC for twelve years but I've never once seen an even somewhat unmanageable crowd within the building. I've probably been two dozen times, and every time I go I see an incredibly diverse crowd when I go of all races, sexual orientations and socioeconomic statuses. I take family, I take out of town visitors, I wasn't even uncomfortable during the height of covid going there. This building gives small businesses a shot to thrive and I'm here for it. If this is blight, give me all the blight.
  7. hopefully to paint a new mural, because the one they put up is amateurish
  8. I'd say its removal is about as likely as it's flooding.
  9. It absolutely makes sense to cap it. If you build retaining walls, and land fill the parcels surrounding the highway to be flat, you can open up 12 acres of developable land leaving the portion directly above the highway overpass just for park land, which would be 4.5 acres. The newly created taxable land could yield $5B in new development, which would generate what, around $50M a year in new property taxes...? .
  10. I published one in the observer this spring, granted it majorly needs to be updated now. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/charlottefive/c5-around-town/article250394436.html
  11. a blanket UMUD rezoning in 1994 is how we got South End, one of the nations current leading submarkets for growth.
  12. nah, the cap wouldn't make it to the pedestrian bridge. It would likely be between Church and College, there are significant grade issues once you get to "The Francis" and Camden Grandview's Townhouses.
  13. The cap will absolutely happen. You can open up 16 acres for high density development just by reimagining the interchanges, putting in retaining walls, and land filling the berms that lead down to the highway. You can have a 4 acre park and a legacy union amount of space to build on. New property tax money will be able to fund it easily.
  14. Legacy Union was envisioned as a home for Bank of America, but they still called it Spec. Thats just how it works in the industry. 110 East has grading permits and will be starting very soon. that's incorrect, the entire site will be developed by 2027 Being moved to a site across the street from the arena.
  15. Nope completely different project and none of what they are saying is correct. If anything Grubb is kinda responsible for beautifying 1/4 a mile of the greenway and is making use of 10 acres of snake sanctuary. There was a also serious studies in storm water mitigation because of the floodplain, and the houses that back up to it (which I live in one of them)
  16. I've ridden 6 times now, and 4 of the times there was a shift change at CTC that took almost as much time as the idle time at the end of the line. The fastest was 5 min wait for conductor change, the longest was TWELVE.
  17. they aren't waiting, its happening Q1
  18. The smaller format is still 30K square feet larger than a typical Harris teeter/publix.
  19. I have 23 over 15 floors on my list not including properties I include as Dilworth on Morehead and across South Blvd.
  20. Substantial backing or not, the market will dictate their success. As us Charlotteans know, Public Private Partnerships take a long ass time. Our own PPP opportunities include 4 towers (possibly a 5th on the land along Smith St) for Gateway Station, 2-3 towers for Charlotte Transportation Center, 2 towers for 7th and Tryon, and 2-3 towers for Brooklyn Village. They almost never feel realistic. I suspect the next Public Private Partnership will be Tepper and up to 4-5 towers.
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