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Everything posted by TheRealClayton

  1. If it was anyone other than Peebles. You said "Wall Street" so I addressed Wall Street. When push comes to shove NYC only has a median income 6K greater than Charlotte.
  2. I have no issue with NYC, I lived there 1/3 of my life and I love it with all my heart. But the fact is, It has had the slowest financial and employment recovery rate in the nation from covid (60% recovered vs 90% nationwide), double the nation's unemployment rate, the largest outflow of people, and will soon be grappling with default after default of commercial properties in Manhattan, because nobody is working in them. If you think the actions of the world's super wealthy washing their money defines a city, then you have an interesting picture on how cities work. I've always just vehemently disagreed with you on the positivity of supertalls in Manhattan. They are a zoning loophole and are extremely toxic for our economy. Pretending things are 'coming up roses' in NYC is ignoring the massive issues that will actually dictate the health of the city. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/14/nyregion/nyc-economy-jobless.html
  3. the financial sector represents less than 5% of the city's employment.
  4. Yes, I'm fully aware people are washing the world's money in New York, doesn't mean the city is booming having lived there for 12 years.
  5. Third & Urban purchased much of Flywheel's properties FYI and have big plans. I wouldn't call it an "if" any more, and there's currently a big parking deck under construction over there. Of all the places to feature, Peculiar Rabbit, whoever is positioning this has never been to Charlotte
  6. Respectively this perspective on NYC real estate is not rooted in reality. The fact is because of Covid, NYC is likely to hit a 40% vacancy rate in much of Manhattan, and the tourism/hospitality industry has been ABSOLUTELY GUTTED. I don't know if your knowledge of NYC real estate has skipped the last two years, but its very out of date. And I'm not speaking to this subject matter and this developer as some layman, its well known in the industry that this developer does not deliver.
  7. Don Peebles is just another Donald Trump, he just hasn't figured out how to license his name to other people's buildings yet, or get the big break on a reality show. He will not build his building in NYC, and I would never expect something iconic in Charlotte.
  8. This monstrosity is a pretty clear indication that no Austin does not limit parking.
  9. They aren't very deep spaces but that's what I'd be pitching to prospective tenants.
  10. I would imagine this is oriented more like 500 West Trade.
  11. Nobody is building these things in 2022 without significant state funding and incredible amounts of philanthropy. Charlotte has a dearth of #2, and the state doesn't spend money on or care about cities. Crypto is a grift for the most part. (read this https://www.amazon.com/Attack-50-Foot-Blockchain-Contracts-ebook/dp/B073CPP581) and retail is leasing pretty well uptown outside of this project. Ally is essentially full, and soon retail will stretch and connect from Ally, down Tryon to Vantage (just wait). 400 South Tryon is getting a fast casual French Rotisserie chicken place, and One Independence Center is leasing pretty nicely. If you don't create a destination and a visual value proposition people just won't lease your space.
  12. Like I said, walk around the building. Notice how close those spaces are from back of curb (so no patio space, except maybe a row for 3 two-tops), and how rarely they are not shrouded in shade ( you are either in the shade of the buildings, or the giant over street connection.) There's also no at grade pedestrian crossing from the building to the parking deck, you are forced to use the tube.
  13. https://twitter.com/cltdevelopment/status/1470583906026070020?s=21 This tweet is not related to this project, but its a healthy reminder of what sells urban retail in 2021 an what sets projects like Ally Charlotte Center apart. To have successful urban retail you must have a sense of place, a "there."
  14. Take a walk around the buildings and you tell me why they reduced it.
  15. Jason hasn't been part of Axios or Charlotte Agenda in like 3.5 years.
  16. Early On there was a full sized teeter eyed for the site on 3rd and McDowell currently where Marshall Park is. I would expect Phase 1 next year
  17. You should swing by that lot today, they moved Victoria Yards there and they are scaling it out with more fun stuff. I think its pretty damn cool.
  18. What I've seen of phase 1, the 277 portion, looks nothing like what was proposed in the master plan.
  19. I am well aware, passing along the word from above.
  20. This site is UMUD, you could absolutely build Charlotte's new tallest, nothing is set in stone with Brooklyn Village, its all very market driven, a general master plan was approved to win the site, but its still very much subject to change.. THAT SAID, any intelligent person can look at the questionable state of commercial real estate, the kind of high rise product that is being pushed in Charlotte, the general health of Uptown Charlotte as a PLACE, and the fact that Charlotte has 280 miles of inner city suburbs with little to no density, and know that a new tallest is decades away.
  21. I believe they are planning on announcing around February/March when its closer to breaking ground. Per public filing it's a joint partnership between Cousins and AvalonBay, with both Office and Residential. The stats mentioned previously are pretty accurate buildings around 21=25 floors total, including 7 floors of parking. And as @KJHburglikes to mention "Cousins doesn't build spec."
  22. Unless it can be gotten at a record low price, and engineers cannot figure out how shore up the parking deck, this will be the ultimate fate of Epicenter. Price will be too high to remain as is.
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