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Everything posted by Jerry95

  1. I diverted from Publix to check out the new Aldi. Made the rookie mistake of forgetting a quarter for the trolley. Was also pleasantly surprised at how inexpensive some items are. 4lbs of chicken for less that $8 felt like a steal! Oat milk for $3 felt like a good deal as well.
  2. More sincere but wishful thinking! This site is screaming for some kind of pedestrian/green space. (Dare we turn the whole thing into a park?)
  3. Great file name. Are you taking requests? I'm wondering if your drive up podium could actually be a pedestrianized promenade that extends over colonial. Lined with cafes and restaurants, string lights, bright green astroturf and all the modern trends.
  4. That’s what it looks like. Remember that the Tennis Center is due to move up to The Packing District soon.
  5. Traveling WB on 408 I noticed a new 60mph sign just before Exit 11/I-4. Those 4 months flew by!
  6. I hate these with a passion. They look like railroad crossings but operate very differently. Quite frankly it’s dangerous that double flashing red lights can mean two very different things.
  7. Please no more traffic signals. I always hit the Pineloch and Drennan lights going into work, even with little traffic. I don’t need another light to yell at!
  8. Welcome to UP, Urbo! Haven't seen those renders before, thanks for sharing. Lake Nona definitely has a lot of potential. It's biggest problem is that the urban component is still in it's infancy, so people don't have a reason to explore it. As it matures I hope they're able to create some unique attractors that make it a destination rather that a dense suburb. If Lake Nona was it's own city rather than a neighborhood of Orlando it may have a better chance. Lake Nona also needs a dedicated connection to Downtown Orlando that doesn't rely on driving a car. Without any forms of transit it's success will be limited.
  9. Trucks navigate roundabouts all the time. Theirs a brick apron for the trailer to hover over (and occasionally) mount as the truck navigates the roundabout
  10. Guess we’ll just have to add a roundabout at Virginia as well
  11. First time in the coffee house just to comment on this. It’s different enough that it’s really throwing my brain off. Things that are slightly darker or slightly lighter. And the reply button was so faded I thought I lost permissions!
  12. Modera is U and H is supposed to be office so the best bet would be X/X-1
  13. Thanks for the context. I really don’t disagree with any of this but it’s important to remember that the 7 eleven and City Centre buildings are getting demolished on either timeline - either for a new high rise or new park space. In this case I’d much rather see the park space, even if the Rosalind Club may have more personal gains than us pedestrians.
  14. When I use this intersection people seem to have adjusted to merging traffic mid-intersection, which is a crazy way to go. They could still add a second lane onto I-4 and cut Hughey down to two lanes and solve the problem. Close the Amelia ramp while you're at it to improve the 408 merge.
  15. I wholeheartedly disagree, parks and open space are absolutely vital to any urban space. Not only do they serve as meeting spaces and community venues they also support exercise and other health functions. Irrespective of whether Lake Eola Park needs to be expanded Downtown Orlando could benefit from more park space, not just empty fenced lots.
  16. MCO posts a South Terminal Complex update on their YouTube channel:
  17. Was no-one going to tell me I confused a building with a vaccine???
  18. EA Sports and Moderna taking shape. (Looking East on Amelia
  19. There’s a line where Longwood Commissioner Matt Morgan says “Look, I’m not a big fan of apartments” and I really need some context to know if he means on the site or in general.
  20. Not that I’ve been able to find, my best guess is that the building is on the blue parcel and the garage is on the red parcel
  21. This is also from the same report, looks promising for density.
  22. Anyone else feel like this project is just a way to make sure there isn’t a good development next to the Entertainment Complex that could piggy back off their foot traffic?
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