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Everything posted by Nathan2

  1. and its literally right next to the blue line. It all seems a little self defeating.
  2. You definitely can. Many of the surrounding towns have brick only districts or a certain number of buildings must be brick. It just seems like Charlotte doesn't care enough.
  3. Disappointing to hear that Charlotte voted to use public money ($10 million) to help a private developer build a parking garage at the North Tryon project uptown. Seems to go against what the city has been trying to preach. Even worse council members voiced their displeasure about this but voted for it anyways. Imagine how much affordable housing that could have built. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/biz-columns-blogs/development/article244194707.html
  4. I just hope it doesn't turn into another south end. Quality architecture and a pedestrian focus is key. Is there any way to build another connection across the railroad tracks? Somehow connect Sunnyside Ave to Commonwealth would be a huge plus to connecting the silver line to the gold line.
  5. I think drivers just don't care. I see cars weekly drive into the bike lane on 12th street so they don't have to slow down to make the turn. I rode all the protected bike lanes this past weekend and almost all were in bad shape. The plaza wasn't as bad as the others, I just had to dodge cars parked in the lanes.
  6. Anyone know if the city plans on fixing "protected" bike lines once the barriers have been destroyed? The lane on the corner of E 10th and E 12th has been practically destroyed and cars are now using it as a lane. The lane on 6th street is constantly blocked by moved barriers. It seems like if the city is going to brag about having these lanes they should at least maintain them. Can you report these situations yourself? Including when vehicles park in the lane?
  7. Found this concept plan for the Ellis on the architects page for the current building. Though the charlotte skyline doesn't look like its in the right place in the background. I like the current building but this would have been sweet! http://ktgy.com/media/expand-2018-no-2-dreamin/
  8. Just looking at the aerials and realizing how much opportunity for a truly dense "neighborhood/downtown/entertainment" district their is being wasted. I know we still need parking because transit here isn't great yet, but jeez there is more surface parking space than buildings. I am surprised Plaza hasn't seen that much infill.
  9. Kinda disappointing that their will be no front "pedestrian" entrances to these shops.
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/12/opinion/sunday/urban-density-inequality-coronavirus.html Good article that touches on the point that we need to have affordable living within well to-do areas of the city. Pushing people elsewhere is just the continuation of class and racial segregation.
  11. I haven't been on this page in a while and was surprised to see my photo up here! Thanks for the positive critique! I normally shoot nature landscapes and since most trails are closed I decided to finally try some skyline shots.
  12. No one was arguing with the cost. Just who was getting the deal and toll lanes themselves. If it was all free general lanes for a billion dollars no one would have cared.
  13. I think this goes back to what @kermit said. What will we do with all this space that is created for cars when the garages aren't full anymore. The comprehensive plan isn't due to go into effect until the end of 2021. Many more buildings with floors of parking garages will most likely go up by the time anything can make an impact.
  14. I never understand this thinking. Why does it need to be cheaper or viewed as too expensive. No one is batting an eye at how expensive the inefficient Toll lane projects in the area are costing, and they are adding up to around 4 billion dollars when it is all said and done which is around the same cost as the silver lane. The silver line will get people out of cars, reducing traffic on the highways, and spur billions of dollars in development.
  15. I do agree with you, it's a tough sell. Especially since we aren't going to see change over night. Since the developer is benefiting from the publicly payed for blue line and will be putting strain on the current infrastructure, they should have to help invest in blue line upgrades or to the general transit system. This would help alleviate congestion and help cut down on the need of so much parking in the future.
  16. I think people would be surprised how resilient people would be if they didn’t have so much parking to choose from. People would take the bus, car pool, or move closer. Instead everyone thinks driving is the only option and we are left with massive unused structures.
  17. I’m just lost on how there will be any traffic flow on these already packed streets from the amount of cars that will be exiting these new garages being built.
  18. In my observations nightlife in Plaza lately has brought lots of crime and parking lots that are used are usually littered with trash. As I live next to one of the major parking lots in Plaza I have had many nights where I have been woken up to fights and gunshots after events let out.
  19. I don't know why citizens and the city continue to force parking. Why aren't we given choices. I think people would be surprised to find those who would be willing to live somewhere if it was slightly cheaper but lacked parking. Currently I am living in an apartment and don't use the parking but I am forced to pay for everyone's parking via my rent. The city should be celebrating less parking and anything that lowers the cost of living.
  20. Agreed! I just wish we could do it to main streets that actually get people places like central. That section of plaza is a great start, just wish the city would be a little more bold!
  21. I just hope they get rid of the surface parking lot and make it much more pedestrian oriented. I also hope the Plaza vibe stays and we don't get a Value engineered building that sticks out for the area.
  22. That would be great if true. I cross the street there almost everyday and usually have to wait a good two or three minutes
  23. Plaza and Central would be amazing. The lights take forever to change so this could help pedestrians from waiting twice for long amounts of times to cross central and plaza.
  24. I hate how NCDOT and the cities visions of transit don't line up. How can widening a highway along the corridor of a future light rail be beneficial at all. Would we even need this widening if a transit line existed here today? Why not reduce 74 to a boulevard like it used to be and allow for more connected communities and property tax growth.
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