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Everything posted by Nathan2

  1. Why have they not even looked into this alignment? I haven't seen anything that shows that they have seriously looked into this other than them saying we just can't tunnel in Charlotte. During public meetings they basically just skipped these questions? I don't care if its too expensive, this should at least be a serious option that the public gets to comment on. The silver line can't be a short term project, but something that benefits the city for the next century.
  2. Livability? More like artificially high prices forced by protecting a single housing type so the existing rich and mostly white residents don't have to have too many neighbors while still getting the benefit of living close to the city. Sorry this type of thinking will only further harm charlotte. The perception that livability is attached to a car centric single family housing is flawed and doesn't promote equity, growth, transportation and climate goals.
  3. Especially since they are going to have to deal with 11 parking garage entrances and a possible bus station on trade St. through uptown. Cars will never be out of the equation for trade street.
  4. Sure just in a more urban format that fits in with its surroundings. The current CVS is the complete opposite.
  5. Really hate to see all the infill with garages facing the street. Makes for a terrible pedestrian experience and the frontage always ends up looking like the photo above, lots of cars blocking the sidewalk.
  6. CATS comes off as if they are just guessing their way to the silver line route. Every question was answered without fact and only with veiled guesses. How are we not farther along at this point? Coming up with more route options after selecting the preferred route seems to be handicapping any forward movement. At this point I have lost complete confidence in the silver line. Not exploring tunneling and running the line next to highways the whole way will miss too many riders.
  7. That's because the Mathews regional line would only serve to get people from the suburbs to uptown. A separate local urban line would then be built that would focus on TOD and everyday travel needs.
  8. This is absolutely embarrassing that these are the options for the silver line. First a 26 mile light rail line is crazy and their only concern seems to be cost, which will be the detriment to almost every user. No matter what, this will cost a lot of money, so just do the right thing and tunnel the line under uptown so we can have more frequencies and less delays (more safety). The lines main goal should be getting people to where they want to go in the most efficient way. Focus on getting people who live in the denser parts of charlotte more options so living car free can become an option. The fact that this lines seems to be catering to people way out in Mathews who will likely still drive there car is crazy.
  9. Who are these people that need parking? I have almost never seen a consistently full parking garage in uptown in years, uptown has a massive over supply in parking spots.
  10. There are rumors from NCDOT that they are looking into raising 73 slightly in order to build a pedestrian tunnel under the road to connect Birkdale.
  11. Is there any other major examples of main train stations under an office tower? Wish we could invest in a structure that wasn't just going to be a glass box.
  12. Can we talk about how the city and the delayed UDO has already failed our city. Every single home that has sold since 2021 in the 28205 zip code has sold for near/at/ or above a million dollars. The homes labeled in white have recently been purchased and since torn down for million dollar plus homes. For an area that is incredibly pedestrian friendly compared to the majority of the rest of the city, this is disturbing. The UDO at this point will struggle to provide missing middle homes as any property that is financially viable has already been gobbled up. I believe the UDO needs to go further in these neighborhoods and allow 6-12 unit apartments. These new homes that are replacing naturally occurring "affordable" housing will be the downfall of walkable, equitable, and successful neighborhoods.
  13. From what I understand fare capping only works for those that purchase tickets in the cats app and does not count towards people who purchase physical tickets or pay with cash. Cash users make up the majority of riders.
  14. The problem is here in Charlotte the bus doesn't connect you to shopping centers, grocery stores, or entertainment districts. Unless you need to go uptown the bus is fairly useless. I think more people would ride the bus if we had more cross town routes. Examples like plaza to midtown.
  15. There is only so much you can do about road rage, but the city can make streets safer and slower through design. No matter how many people die or get hurt the city will continue to sit on its ass and do nothing. The number of requests I have made to lower speed limits, add traffic calming devices, crosswalks, or even just get CMPD to patrol more along commonwealth have all been turned down stating that the volume of traffic is too high to do anything. In just the past month cars have destroyed the corner of central and Thomas ( the little artsy wall) street as well as taken out light poles on commonwealth and plaza, of course the debris is still there to this day. At any of these locations its a miracle pedestrians weren't run over. Every morning in front of my apartment cars are constantly driving 10 to 20 over and flying through stop signs.
  16. The Town of Huntersville has allowed multifamily (duplexes to apartment buildings by right) in a good portion of the town for almost two decades now. The only areas that it isn't allowed in is in the far flung Rural areas and Corporate business. I think its just your perception of affordability. Great thread on this posted on twitter yesterday.
  17. Sure this is true. But the average person who doesn't bike around Charlotte is only going to bike places if there is easy, safe, and completely protected lanes. When the sole purpose of those bike lanes on the plaza and parkwood are to slow cars ( this is definitely not a bad thing) and not to get biker places safe they aren't going to be respected by the city or the user.
  18. That bike lane along Parkwood is barely usable. The lanes are not protected and the infrastructure that separates the lanes has been completely destroyed already. Not to mention you run a high risk of flatting as the lanes are completely filled with glass, metal, and other debris. This is the story with almost all of charlottes supposed bike lanes except the one mile that is separated by concrete.
  19. This all comes down to people not realizing that there is no such thing as free parking, the cost is added somewhere even when the parking is supposedly "free". The more places start charging for parking the better the outcome for the city. People need to start realizing that quick and easy parking is not normal and is a detriment to a livable city, Unfortunately the more giant parking structures we keep building the more it enforces peoples idea that parking is a right. Its funny as the city has a stated goal of reducing car usage by 50%.
  20. The difference here is that Tariq didn't give his props a choice or in the example of the Eastland market, didn't even tell them what he was doing.
  21. The difference between this "suburb" and the likes of Dilworth, Wesley Heights, etc.. is that they weren't built with giant sprawling surface parking lots originally and each one of them were connected and close by to a vast network of streetcar lines. Even today you do not have to get into a car to get to a major urban area in Dilworth unlike the river district. The river district will require every person to jump into a car to get to work or school, thus furthering traffic congestion into charlotte.
  22. There is absolutely no way the stadium has ever been close to capacity. I said missing in the range of 6-8k as the stadium has varied over the past several weeks. I've been to every game and not a single one was close to full. If that number was the case the Montreal game was at 100% capacity, which it was no where near. Not to mention ticketmaster regularly has tons of tickets left on the day of. I would like to see an exact number on what capacity is because I'm not buying a " in the range of", especially since the camera positions do not take away that many seats.
  23. Average attendance (without the first home game) is 31,479. The lower bowl capacity is 38,000 seats. Also the numbers provided is tickets distributed, not butt in the seats.
  24. I'm just surprised the trader joes, Aldi's, and Lidl's of the world haven't moved into more urban neighborhoods. I feel like these stores would make a killing. An American version of Tesco would even be amazing to have.
  25. This may be slightly off topic... Why are areas like this, with lots of new residential units, not getting small urban grocery stores? Small urban grocery stores would allow these neighborhoods to truly become walkable 10 minute neighborhoods. Its crazy that people in these areas still have to drive to get to grocery stores. What is stopping developers from providing these essential community stores?
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