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Everything posted by Willy18

  1. I like the concept...but 10 years?
  2. Most of those are just small retail additions/deletions that happen all the time throughout HR/Norfolk. While all these new stores aren't a bad thing...it's just that it happens so frequent we could post these all day long.
  3. Sounds way more expensive then just driving piles. We may end up with a 2-story retirement community
  4. Please Lord I hope they don't find out about this site.
  5. ORF up 11.52% from July 2018 !!
  6. Damn....just Damn!!!!! ...but we did get a Guy Fieri's Smokehouse Gonna make me a mixed drink after that.
  7. HAHA, I'm so sorry vdogg. I too miss the beer and chicken. So many cookouts and get togethers with that chicken.
  8. That was my point, San Diego has figured out how to increase passenger count, expand airlines and international flights with only one runway. A 2nd runway isn't a silver bullet that makes everything better and bigger. Now, I know these two airports/cities are different in many, many ways. However, they both are military towns with one runway airports but one has been able to expand and become less dependent on the military over the years. They may actually have to take a hard look at their marketing and operation departments to see if a 2nd runway is REALLY what's holding ORF back. While I'm not happy with the military calling the shots but they are here and they just did. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea just to take a look at how the City of San Diego and their airport authority do things. They may find they have some bottom feeders in multiple departments that aren't doing everything they can to promote and expand the airport services in it's current form. It's easy to sit back and say, "We can't increase counts/services because of we don't have 2nd runway". We have six airlines...why not 8, 10 or 12? Why don't we have any international flights? I'm sure there are people here and even Richmond that would love to fly direct to London. Are there currently consistent airport delays because we have too many arrivals and departures, don't think so. If the only reason is "We don't have a 2nd runway", well I think that's a cop-out and needs to be addressed a little closer.
  9. After digging around...found that San Diego ONLY has one runway. They handle 20+ million per year and it's just 400' longer. Since the Navy says no to Norfolk it seems our airport officials may need to pay a visit to San Diego Int. to see how they move so many. Norfolk isn't anywhere near those numbers.
  10. Wonder if San Diego has to deal with these type of issues? Their airport and military facilities are just across the bay from each other.
  11. Not sure how old many of you all are but in the early 90's DT and Norfolk in general was a scary place to be any time of day. Homeless people and addicts everywhere DT and prostitutes on Church. East Oceanview was a wasteland occupied by hookers and crack houses all over. So yeah....Norfolk has came a very, very long way from those days. It still has its issues...like any city but I agree its night and day.
  12. The the thought process of the lady "walking her dog" is the problem in HR.
  13. This the bridge you are seeing...and it is now gone like others have said. It's just the perspective that this is shown makes it look like it's part of the project.
  14. I guess I deserve the flogging, lol. Sorry about that. Just came across the proposal and thought it would look even better in a DT setting like ours. I agree, someone should email this to city council.
  15. Crabtree Mall in Raleigh has proposed this as part of their "remain viable" plan. It will be mixed use with hotel / office space and stand 30 floors. Now I've been to this mall and it's pretty suburban and would look out odd there but this would be a great proposal for Mac Mall. The developers for this one have some challenges ahead since it's not zoned for such a building...so it may be cut in half or even less.
  16. May passenger count was up 9.82% over '18. Total passenger count for the year is 12.90%. If they can keep this up we should break 4mil mark.
  17. So many surface lots...should be interesting in the next 10 years.
  18. I don't have a problem with them...just another way to get around an urban area. If adults don't want to wear helmets or safety equipment then that's their decision. I personally wouldn't ride without those items. Can't blame the scooter on his death....there was a person on the scooter and driver in the car. One of them was at fault. As for the kids, they will zoom past on bikes, skateboards, hover boards or what ever mommy and daddy buy them, so again can't really blame scooters.
  19. I come here for development news and updates....and you ALL failed me.
  20. Looking at the numbers...I would figure we will end the year with 4.05 to 4.1 million. Maybe a little more.
  21. Representatives from the mall approached him this year about the idea. At the time, he was considering opening his second location in downtown Norfolk. He was skeptical of the mall at first. "I thought, 'Man, that mall is dead,'" he remembers. It still is, went there last week for the first time in about 5-7 years. Saw roughly 10-15 people on a Saturday afternoon and this was with a carnival in the parking lot. He better market heavily to Optima and Movement....cus he isn't getting business from retail customers that's for sure. Horribly depressing mall that needs to be redeveloped ASAP.
  22. But why dump millions into this land to make it look like a city park...it's not? Only for developer(s) to come along and rip it apart for high-rises. Like I said, clean it up so the developer(s) have a clean slate and hold their feet to the fire with the citys vision. While we wait and the grass starts growing people can walk their dogs, play frisbee and take selfies until the earth movers arrive. Then Norfolk can work with the developer to incorporate green space into the construction design. I do agree, a river walk connecting Harbor Park to Waterside and FN is a very good plan. That doesn't have to happen now though...let's get some big developers on the hook first. There's zero tax revenue coming in on a walking path and big azz park...just sayin.
  23. Walking paths, dog parks and jungle gyms...and a couple of giant 1-2 story government buildings. What are we doing? This is a downtown not a county government operations campus. Just scrape the area of all buildings and concrete. Throw some soil and seed down and maintain the lawns....that's it...nothing else. Put the property up for lease/sale. Market it for high rise/high density ONLY. Let the developers come to you and come up with the plans.
  24. What I find strange is that 13 didn't even speak about those two proposals. Is it just lazy journalism/reporting or are these not really on the radar anymore. I know the casino is pretty far down the road...but I would imagine the museum would happen a little sooner.
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