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Edgefield D

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Everything posted by Edgefield D

  1. It’s funny....the house he stayed in on Fatherland is behind me (we share an alley). There is also another type 2 across the street and down from it that is operating illegally. I do see the appeal and I have stayed in a type 2 in New Orleans before. I’ve also seen some crazy things go on at both of the places behind me. I mostly see bachelor and bachelorette parties. There are usually at least 8-10 in a group. The one thing I’ve never seen is the owner. In defense...I don’t know ALL of the homeowners around me. Out of 20 houses I know 12 of them. I’m not sure what the solution is...but there definitely needs to be a cap and the rules need to be enforced.
  2. I think that is the new Youngs Fashions store that's moving from the Hill Center to make way for Sprouts
  3. There's a meeting about tonight at 6PM at the East Branch Library. This is the first image I've seen....thanks for posting.
  4. I emailed Melissa Eads (their local spokesperson) about a year ago and she told me then that the Citi Trends lease was almost up and they were doing a full remodel in 2018....so this lines up with what she said. I'm sure it's happening. I'll just be curious to see how extensive and well done it is. I've seen some really good Kroger remodels and some that were not all that impressive. So....we will see. As long as they don't do some crazy parking pattern like they did in Inglewood....I'll be happy.
  5. This transportation proposal reminds of when the Titans stadium was built. There was a vote...I remember having the vote Yes sign in my yard when I lived in Woodbine and all of my neighbors (who were all old, working class and white at the time...not a stereotype just a reflection of what was) were fiercely against it. In the end...it passed easily if I'm remembering correctly. I'm not saying this will pass or if it does it will pass easily. I'm ok with what the majority of Davidson County voters decide. I'm for it, but I'm having the same thoughts and feelings I did back when the stadium was approved. Nashville is where it is because it's had good leadership and the majority of it's citizens are fairly progressive minded. This isn't meant as a slam or to criticize a differing opinion....I'm just not super worried that the right thing won't be done...whatever that is. This is a HUGE proposal and I'm sure there will be some strong opinions on both sides, but it's exciting either way.
  6. That could do a lot for that corner. I’ve noticed a lot of new listings on Loop Net lately. Park Center on Woodland is almost an acre (right next to the Hill Center). Family Dollar is for lease. I’m hopeful.
  7. I hadn't heard that Cochon is closing? I'm surprised by that. I haven't seen anything posted about it.
  8. The biggest thing that's changed is housing costs (that I can tell). So, for those that already have a house I don't see how there's been a huge increase. Housing has definitely increased....but is an apartment in Nashville really that much more than say Austin?
  9. http://www.tn.gov/tdot/topic/interstate-24-bridge-rehabilitation I guess this answers my question re: what's going on at Spring Street and I-24
  10. Wow...it's already blocked off with the fence. Curious to see how it all turns out. I think the Federal Donuts place is going in the back (the view that's shown). That place is such a mess right now with all the construction...but it's going to be nice when it's done. Luckily this is close enough to walk for me...but parking around there right now is nuts.
  11. This morning I noticed they put one of those collapsible barriers on the westbound side of Spring Street right before you go under I-24. But, they have completely scraped all the grass off on each of the 4 parts of the cloverleaf. Hmm...I'm intrigued. I might look at the TDOT website and see if anything is listed there. I'll report back if I find anything.
  12. Maybe I missed this somewhere, but does anyone know what the staging is for that's taking place at the I-24/Spring Street Interchange?
  13. I just saw your question...but no, this property is in Smyrna across from the Super Target...in between Stonecrest Hospital and I-24
  14. I wish I had access to the whole story, but I could see an Urban Target at Capitol View. There was also a 27 acre spot of land next to I-24 in Smyrna that's now under contract. The address is 1025 Stonecrest Parkway. An IKEA perhaps? Speculation on my part...I have no inside knowledge.
  15. We ate at the Apollo in H'ville once....it really wasn't very good. Maybe it was a one off...but we just never went back.
  16. I honestly can't think of any enclosed malls that I would say are "pretty". Some are landscaped and have better outside materials than others but you are still usually looking at big blank walls. The outdoor shopping centers look nicer because you are at least looking at windows and such. Unless you are in southern California...they have their drawbacks too.
  17. The Eastland Kroger is pre atrium. It was built in 1978 and basically has th same design it started with. I think there may be a few atrium stores....but many have been remodeled
  18. Thanks for the insight Brett. I never really thought Kroger would build to the street. I think my wanting them to knock the old one down probably stems from using their restroom (which is back in the store room).....it's kinda scary back there. I hope they do more than just some new shelves and paint. There is a Kroger in downtown Grosse Pointe MI that has an entrance in the front and one in the back. It's not a huge store...but it's nice and doesn't make you irritated when you walk in.
  19. Thanks Webber. I had typed a response...but it merged it with another post? I'm still trying to figure out the way this site works? It's odd that even Kroger doesn't seem to know when the least is up? If they've spent that much on the store...the bulk has to have been the gas pumps. I lived in Goodlettsville when Publix moved in and I know that Kroger's updates are reactionary....so I'm hoping the Sprouts is a catalyst for getting some things done to that Kroger.
  20. Welcome Musketeer. I noticed a post on the East Nashville FB page the other day where someone got a parking ticket on their street for parking more than 18 inches away from the curb. There are bad park jobs all over East Nashville. My street doesn't have driveways....so I see lots of bad park jobs. People need to take a little extra time when they park....maybe tickets will be the incentive.
  21. Thanks. I saw the other posts after yours that addressed the timeline. Looks like Spring/Summer 2019 for the opening of Sprouts. I thought I would throw this out there too. There's been a recent permit pulled for updates to the Eastland Kroger. It says to replace refrigerated/heated cases. It's valued at $238,000 (approximately...I can't remember exactly). Seems like a lot just for that. There's a note down in the permit that says 62,000 sqft mercantile? I was confused by that? I had emailed Melissa Eads a while back asking why they let that store languish while they sink a lot of money in just about every other Kroger I go to. She said the Citi Trends lease isn't up til 2018....they would do a full remodel then. I posed the question why can't they build a new store at street level and knock the old one down. I didn't get a response to that. I know others question why we need another grocery store....but I have to ask...have you been in the Eastland Kroger? It's our primary full service grocer. It's so far beyond it's useful life...it's almost funny. Anyway....I wish Sprouts was being built to the street...but I can also see why they are trying to mitigate the noise for neighbors. I think they might have avoided that by putting the apartments at the back, retail in the front and parking in the middle. But...I'm not the developer and I have no say so in it. In the end...I will be happy with a new, clean, roomy grocery store that has fresh food that isn't rotten before it's even been sold.
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