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Everything posted by NY+SC=NC

  1. For starters, I agree. The tower isn't bad and yes the rest is... bless your heart worthy, but what this project has done for the "feel" of the area, I absolutely love. Every project doesn't or maybe shouldn't be a postcard model in itself. This is a building/complex that adds a very "why did they put that there?" urban feel. There are loads of buildings like this is New York and even Atlanta in my opinion. I chose those cities because one is the model and the other the competition. Again, in my opinion.
  2. Already its presence is dramatic, imagine once finished. (Sorry for the plates in view, I was too lazy to edit them out)
  3. For my 1st upload I present to you... a giant vending machine of the automobile variety
  4. In this last picture, do you think the completed tower will fit within this frame? Or would it be taller?
  5. Ugly or not, it looks better than before. Still mad that we didn't get the original 210 Trade though. I really liked that design (aka height.)
  6. These pics brought back a memory. Just before the tower was complete, my best friend, little cousin, and I hopped on the elevator with construction workers and went to the highest floor. Once the doors opened we instantly heard the rush of the wind due to the fact the windows weren't installed yet. Just like kids we rushed to the edge and marveled at the view... that is until we heard, "hey! Who let you kids up here!? You're gonna get all us fired!" Field trip over. But, the worker was kind enough to tell us that if one of us were to jump, the elevator is so fast that we could watch the jump and make it to the ground floor in time to see the landing... Of course that theory is untested.
  7. What exactly is that happening under the 36th street bridge? I've seen it in pictures and with my own eyes and I can't wrap my mind around what I'm seeing.
  8. Three of them!? C'mon... you're pulling my leg. Why aren't they more known? Or am I just the one who needs to get out more? Lol
  9. Wow... had no idea at all. I'm going to check them out or atleast the one uptown asap.
  10. Sorry if this is out of place since the topic has recently been about ethnic neighborhoods, but I just wanted to chime in with a short list of what I'd like to see here in the QC. 1) Get ride of the traffic lights on Billy Graham pkwy. I promise I've lost atleast a 1/4 tank of gas trying to get from one end to the other. That 55 mph to a stop then back to 55 is murder on vehicles and my nerves. 2) I know this has been said, but I'm going to say it again. Cap I-277. I dont think I have to elaborate. 3) More late night options uptown. Some people do like to do more than just eat and drink. Maybe a stand alone arcade. How cool would that be!? One can wish... 4) How about a storefront corridor? That tiny pocket on Central Ave is really cool, I'm sure something like that can be duplicated somewhere closer to center city. I just think about 3rd Ave in NYC. Sure those bones were already there, but isnt that what we do? Tear down the old, and build shiny new replicas? Lets just go straight to the replica part. 5) Not only do we need more sidewalks, but how about real sidewalks? The rail trail sidewalks are magnificent, why aren't they being incorporated street side? Atleast since S.Blvd is being urbanized, why not install them while we have the chance? I recently was driving down S. Tryon between Tyvola and Woodlawn, sidewalks are being installed there... just think about that. Where exactly are those folks walking to or from? Sure sidewalks need to be along every street, by why start there? And that brings me to... 6) Competent city planners and developers. Why do we allow developers to build mega neighborhoods that funnel into two lane roads? Or allow streets like Pineville/Matthews rd to have un-signaled sidestreets with almost impossible to make left turns to get out of? Is Charlotte a city or a bunch of little rural towns? Thats my rant, I mean list. Forgive the length and my unrealistic desires... Oh, I have one more, please oh please bring a White Castle here. Midtown or West Trade would be perfect. Ok, I'm finished for real this time.
  11. I wonder if and when the Crosland office park thingy gets redeveloped. There was talk before the recession, but I haven't heard much since. Matter of fact, I spoke with a guy handling the leasing where Brown Dog is now about a year or so ago and he said that parcel was going to be redeveloped into a multi-tenant commercial structure. Anyone have insight?
  12. You know, I'm on the fence. From certain angles and distances it's not too bad. But, those bad angles are b-a-d. It looks stubby and unfinished. To it's defense though, there's some pretty tough competition looks wise, not to mention height. Drop that same building in Raleigh or Winston and it would be a gem. Imo
  13. The other thing is getting out of the area. The quickest way is down Yancy. It would do a huge disservice to the Scaleybark residents to forced on Woodlawn to get to 77 or Billy Graham. Going up to Clanton and waiting to turn left is only for those who don't have time restrictions... But, I agree with everythingyou said. I'd love for the area to be more "friendly" once the Sun goes down. As of now, it's walk at your own *risk.
  14. Back in the day there was a bar/club across Morehead from the Summit Grandview. Folks complained about the noise. Different time and different tenets. But, Ink and Ivy is even louder, though the atmosphere is great. Almost seems like water is right outside. Or should be.
  15. I was there today, it's a nice festive atmosphere, but I can a future issue arising.
  16. I'm expecting a really nice skyline shot viewed from the Kings Dr overpass...
  17. I expected commercial/industrial parks. The Julien fits the trend and the deck is well structured I suppose. Safe track record in that regard.
  18. It has!? I just rode past there yesterday... I wonder how I missed that?
  19. Ok, so a six story South End type apartment complex, excuse me... building with what looks like ZERO curb appeal fits the rebirth of Stonewall? I get it... I guess.
  20. Wow... really? I promise both Levine and Grubb seem like household names, (atleast in this area) maybe also just to me lol. But, seriously now that you've mentioned it, what has Levine built?
  21. I think that Uptown's core being solid as it is will eventually lead to taller more dense residential just outside 277 and 77. West Trade, Graham, Morehead from Kings to Freedom, and all the parcels in between. Not to mention Midtown. That's a another topic of course. A lot of potential for the future city of Charlotte... Depending on how soon all the Stonewall projects are rolling visually, maybe a solid start in the next 5 to 10 years? I'm willing to bet there will be at least two 200's dotted out there.
  22. The top image reminds me how much I dislike the grassy hill beside 277. I don't dislike grass nor hills, but the freeway/suburban grassy hill/urban thing... just doesn't mesh for me. It actually kind of takes away from the skyline from freeway level.
  23. I literally took this same exact picture a couple days ago. I figured it was the elephant in the room. That has to be temporary.
  24. Collinswood is moving!? I guess an elementary school with trailers facing the street isn't really a good look. A new school and a chance to incorporate the surrounding neighborhood (love the pool idea btw) would be something special indeed. As of right now, the area feels like several distinctly different neighborhoods and it wasn't always like that.
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