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Everything posted by NikOnder

  1. Agreed. Hoping only the roof is compromised, the article didn't really clarify. On a lighter note, I couldn't help but notice in that article the tweet by "FromParkAveToTn" under the generic alias of "Tom Wood", though.
  2. Given the massing in the CBD in this area, the added height would have really helped this to have significant impact on the skyline. As it stands, at 550' it should still be pretty dramatic. Given the lower elevation of the bat man building and the significant percentage of it's height that is spires, this could still "look" like a new tallest, I think. It's a little disappointing, but if this brings it closer to reality, then why not?
  3. Add that mystery Hayes building and we're looking pretty good!
  4. It's hard to gauge the heights from that image alone, but I am eager that this will at least bring some much needed massing to the skyline along the Broadway "Valley". The Office portion, at least, seems pretty substantial. As far as the residential tower, I guess I'd be happy as long as it's taller than the SunTrust building.
  5. Was happy to take a Sunday drive during the day today. There are so many sites throughout town with construction fencing up, I severely lost count! One that stuck with me, though: Can someone remind me what the fencing at the southeast corner of Korean Veterans and 1st is for?
  6. I apologize if this has been posted before/is old news, but I stumbled across this website while searching for images of 1212 and feel pretty sure I haven't seen these photos anywhere before. Go surf through the galleries for some breathtaking images of Nashville. http://www.wrikerphoto.com/
  7. Took a ride through town tonight for the first time in a while and couldn't help but notice how dark 1212 is. Other than the occasional apartment room, it was virtually unlit and invisible. Was there supposed to be any sort of exterior lighting on this building? Maybe they're still working on it?
  8. I was actually confused about all the excitement for this as, per that render, there seems to be a pretty solid stretch of the block with nothing but a blank wall addressing the street. Glad to know this rendering is prior to the retail mandate.
  9. My wife and I welcomed our second son into the world this month at Vanderbilt, and it was the first time I have been out this way in quite some time. Is it just me or does the foot print for this seem kind of small in comparison to the renderings? Maybe it's just the angle of that sharp curve there where broadway and division meet. At any rate, driving by it, it seemed difficult to visualize a project this big in that spot. I look forward to seeing it completed. I noticed there's now a Chipotle in that 2 story building next to Mellow Mushroom, which is sweet. On the second floor there used to be a place called Mediterranean Cafe which I remember frequenting often the first couple years I lived up here. They were one of the best and most authentic places for that kind of fare, and once upon a time one of the only places to get Hookah/Nargile before it exploded in popularity. Does anyone know if the owners moved to a different location, or if they are still in business at all? There used to be an Indian place there near the corner of 21st and Belcourt that we were really bummed to see go a few years ago, as well.
  10. ^^^ That's the same group doing that rowhouse-looking apartment community in Murfreesboro. While I think it remains to be seen whether it's a good idea or not for the location they chose in Murfreesboro, I think the concept may work better here. Although an apartment tower is still best for the area, as townhomes would be a sprawling affair....I dunno, I'm not sure how to feel about this yet.
  11. Now that you mention it, I agree about the (lack of) museums. I was recently in Raleigh and was very, very impressed with their Museum of Natural Sciences. It's right across a public use pavilion in front of the capitol building, along with the Museum of History. Around the block is the Raleigh children's museum. It's a small, but very well thought-out area. And the museums are fantastic. Nashville could really use something like that.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. This.....although I do think it's safe to say any chances of Ikea coming here at this point are dead in the water, anyway.
  13. ah, very interesting. I had no idea. Well that clears that up.
  14. ^^^ thanks, I had seen those renderings before but that does help clarify how it addresses the surrounding structures. I guess, more specifically, I'm curious as to how it's going to go up with the crane in the center of the site as it is. Will they build the tower first then move the crane for the garage (or vice versa), or build the structure around the crane?
  15. I thought the same thing driving by last night. Between the diner-in-limbo and the Listening Room, it feels like a very small footprint for this one. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how it's going to look. I guess we will see as it starts to rise.
  16. This triggered a knee-jerk question in my brain that may sound silly, but I honestly don't know the answer: Where do the cranes for all these projects come from? Is it conceivable that there would ever be a point where the city actually runs out of available cranes due to the sheer number of projects underway at the same time? I have no professional knowledge of the construction world, so I'm sure there's probably a simple answer.
  17. I was out at Centennial Park on MLK day and got to check it out for the first time in a couple months. It is definitely out of the ground and looking impressive so far, but I am seriously wondering how they will get it completed by then. To my layman's eyes, it looks like it has at least 6 months of work left, but we shall see I suppose. I wish I had snapped a picture now that I think of it.
  18. ^^^ Just think how great that angle will look in a few years with all the projects popping up in SoBro, not to mention Skyhouse and (not holding my breath) if Palmer ever get's something built at the Summit site.
  19. We'd really like them to not fall over and crash, thanks ;-)
  20. ^^^ that should be pretty significant for their skyline. Milwaukee is a city that is very similar to Nashville in terms of equivalent number of buildings with equivalent height.
  21. So much activity lately! I had completely forgotten about 1818 Church, I hope they are still going with the last rendering, that was a sharp looking building. It's amazing how much can change in a few months, the last thing I read about this project on bizjournal was in May and basically said it wasn't going to happen this year...
  22. I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I stumbled across this on bizjournal and was wondering if anyone had any more info on it? The article is about a month old and doesn't specify a brand or developer outside possibly Regent out of Atlanta. Says it would be 25 stories on Broadway right behind Palmer Plaza. http://www.bizjournals.com/nashville/blog/real-estate/2014/10/another-jolt-for-midtown-nashville-residential.html Edit: NM, it was briefly mentioned in this thread but was quickly eclipsed by the "Aertson" name drop. Apparently metro approved the zoning for it, anyone in the know got any more info? Skyhouse is 25 stories and apparently 289 ft with detached garage. At 25 stories with garage underneath, as the article suggests, this could have some pretty significant height for this part of town, no?
  23. Something I find interesting about this new rendering is how much taller the office tower seems in comparison to the previous render. Looking at this new one I'd say the office tower is at least 3/4 the height of the hotel. Truly inspired. I agree this is the kind of architectural bravado we have all been dying for in our fair city. This is a building that is going to make a statement. Correct me if I'm wrong but this view is looking from the North, with Demonbreun running in front of the building and the roundabout behind?
  24. ^^^ I truly do not understand this company's insistence on separate garages. Just build the damn thing on top of the garage! I do appreciate that it at least will be fronted by retail on the street.
  25. I'm a bit confused about that video, as well. The height that the video seems to imply is more in line with what I would expect from SoBro, yet in the renderings above it looks quite formidable. If these renderings are accurate, this thing will look downright intimidating from the 40 south loop, especially coming in from the east. Also, the little notch for the restaraunt/lounge/whatever overlooking the convention center is a nice touch and thoughtful. Also, who else sees this?
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