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Everything posted by Mr_Bond

  1. And perhaps bring in more revenue per game by having companies pay-up to get the deck for their group.
  2. When the steps from 11th to Demonbreun were out of commission for a few days in early June (if memory serves), I was reminded how vital those steps have become to Gulch residents and visitors. These steps at Asurion will become just as vital for the Mid-Gulch. They will get a lot of use!
  3. Wow, @thenorthchannel! I had no idea all these models were being explored nationally and in Nashville! Thank you so much for sharing! These various types of revenue streams are key to the short term and long term success of any building. I'm sure you're already doing this, but I would encourage you and others to post these details in each building's thread. This helps us know why a building looks the way it does, uses certain floor plans, brings more (or less) street activation, etc. And helps us know the type of resident/visitor that will come to Nashville via that building. It also helps us know how the next recession or housing bust may effect our city. Thanks again!
  4. Walking by Tower One on Church Street this morning I saw two workers installing lights at the bottom beam of the exterior slats (can never remember what those are called). They extended from the beam at least a foot and had a spotlight attached at the end. They will really light up that south face! Maybe someone could get a pic since I didn't have my camera with me.
  5. Walking down 11th this morning I noticed a traffic light is now in place at 11th and Grundy. Another sign of the tremendous growth coming to this area. The light is not operational yet.
  6. Could you give us your perspective on the target markets for the home sharing and boutique hotels you mention, as well as how a condo (owner occupied) fits into that market or is differentiated from that market? I would love to learn more about this new concept!
  7. I hope I speak for all of us when I say a big "Thank you!" to @Chato_reyes for the intel on what's going on inside BNA and to @Sean blackdog for the intel on new arrivals and departures. By my lights, you both add a lot to the threads about the airport and I, for one, am appreciative. Yes, many others contribute in valuable ways, but I've noticed you two as relative newcomers who make a big impact.
  8. Thanks, @markhollin. I saw this work underway about the same time you posted your pic of it and wondered what was up. It looks like some type of lounge/patio area and now it makes sense. That space has some great views!
  9. By the end of 2023, this view will look even more like a downtown with the addition of Gibson Residences, the Marriott Edition hotel, and Gulch Central.
  10. The UP thread for that tower begins with Buckingham as the developer. When you say 'original' do you mean something before Buckingham?
  11. Regarding Illinois, we don't have to guess. From a piece at Governing.com, "A 2016 poll by Southern Illinois University found that nearly half of Illinois residents wanted to move to another state, citing taxes, weather, ineffective and corrupt local government and a lack of middle-class jobs." This article discusses why Illinois is one of only two states (West Virginia is the other) to lose population over the previous decade. Not mentioned in the survey was Illinois' massive underfunding of its state pensions, over $130 billion underfunded according to the article. Most people aren't aware of this underfunding but it will prevent Illinois from making meaningful tax cuts for years to come. We know that people vote their pocketbook and that jobs are most important. A search for a better job is cited (in other articles) as the top reason people are leaving Louisiana (not all Sunbelt states are gaining population at a high rates). In the past three years I've spoken with several people (> 10) who recently moved to Tennessee from Illinois. Granted, this is not a statistically correct survey nor does it represent all economic groups. To a person, all have cited high taxes first, weather second, ineffective government third. All these still had high paying jobs so that issue was not a factor. Here's a quote from one who moved his business here first and then himself, "When I moved here I got a $40,000 a year raise. Same job, same income, but I'm paying $40,000 a year less in taxes."
  12. So SATCO and Starbucks are the last two holdouts? I'm fine with Starbucks going bye-bye, but SATCO? Can't Vandy incorporate that building into their new development? Think of the millions of great tacos made there! The thousands and thousands of buckets of beer consumed! Someone should start a "Save SATCO" petition right now.
  13. I'm not so sure. A few years ago @titanhogteased us about her secret knowledge of some tall buildings in our future. Maybe she's got her own Magic 8 ball. Or maybe @smeagolsfreehas spilled enough cryptic clues that someone has deciphered this big news.
  14. Spot on, Smeags. Driving up that bridge, seeing that structure and Albion, then making the turn and seeing 10+ buildings down Division Street will be an impressive experience.
  15. Quite true. In my haste to read all the UP posts, I didn't see the "hotel/motel" word. I've been watching this grow since I pass it once a week after church. Still, I think it's wonderful that Glencliff UMC has created this project. I spoke with someone from the neighborhood who does not attend the church but volunteered to help with the gardening.
  16. There's also one at Glencliff UMC next to I-24 and Thompson Lane, but that belongs on another thread.
  17. Where is the street activation? I'm guessing that Harold and Owen LLC has some connection to the Harold and Owen Bradley families and I'm also guessing that those gentlemen would want their namesake building to interact better with Music Row.
  18. Bob Dylan had a virtual concert tonight. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend.
  19. My first year in Nashville, I rented a two bedroom apartment in the Shadow Bluff Apartments complex at the end of Plus Park Blvd. This area has very quick interstate access and can reach downtown via Murfreesboro Road / Lafayette Street. I would not be surprised to see more development interest in this area.
  20. This morning at 2:30 am I noticed they were doing a concrete pour. Maybe just a few more of these and then they'll be done.
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