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Everything posted by allthingsplanes

  1. I understand what you're saying, but guess what - Democrats won and are in the majority. So the alternative is that NOTHING happens? This isn't like the old days when liberal republicans from the northeast would vote with the democrats and get them over the finish line. My point was they need to not think about the next election and realize instead the opportunity that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY - THEIR PARTY - has to do big things right now. But you're not going to agree with this...
  2. Oh I agree with this. Just like for Obamacare, the centrist Senators have probably done way more harm than good by blocking passage of many of the priorities and making them so modified and watered down that they don't really help in the intended ways and make it seem like Democrats don't know how to govern. They say they're doing it to help their electoral chances, but they really should look at the greater good and the future of the country and not just themselves.
  3. See this is the huge, gigantic problem with politics in the US today. Both sides want to make this out to be about the extremes, and in such don't allow for multiple truths simultaneously. I am a liberal democrat who has centrist tendencies but skews further left as I get older. What the above illustrates is that: The right twists every little example like this story into the boogeyman argument that if the country is ruled by Democrats there will be pedophiles running amok and our country will go to hell. Many on the left can't seem to understand that we have to sometimes work towards incremental changes and that sometimes pushing things too hard too fast just creates backlash and ultimately does more harm than good (case in point, after the landslide years of 2006 and 2008, we got creamed in 2010 and that was the year so many of the gerrymandered districts were created that we're fighting an uphill battle) Is the Democratic party as leftist as right-wing media and politicians want to make us out to be - of course not. Has the Democratic party continued to move further and further left in the last 10-15 years - yes, that's pretty clear. Just look at Obama's transition (and Biden's too) on gay marriage and that is a pretty clear example by itself. The things you mention are either a result of popular opinion (police funding increasing) or resistance by the repubs and centrist democrats. If the Democratic House were the only part of Congress, there would be many more progressive laws that would have passed in the last year. We - the Democrats - are going to get slaughtered this fall because of errors that we continue to make, and it's only going to set our country back in all of the areas that we're fighting most for.
  4. Yes - it started under construction following the demolition of old Moore Hall, in January 2020. Some site work was completed and then Covid hit. The project was paused and then cancelled. It was rebid and has started under construction again!
  5. I hope so. I was really hopeful they'd keep advancing this year and be ready for the AAC. It seems like things mostly fell apart as the season went on.
  6. So does anyone here think Will Healy should be fired? I do but am not sure who Charlotte would go after next that would be a better coach...
  7. To me it looks like the baggage claims start their renovations in phase 4. If I'm reading this correctly they're just finishing phase 2. Phase 3 will be the same as phase 2, just the other half. Passengers won't actually start using the new expanded part of the terminal until Phase 4 or 5.
  8. Yes. Phase 2 of the new concourse. Basically like the first one.
  9. Several years ago we went to Carowinds first thing in the morning in the spring. It was a cool morning - I believe it was in the 40s when we got there. Many of the rides, including most of the coasters, weren't open yet because they have a minimum temperature to run (metal expanding and contracting). Once the temperature got to that threshold they then had to do all of their trial runs before opening them. That would be my concern about operations through the winter - I believe they'll be WAY scaled back.
  10. Hah! This is essentially what happened with my family and my in-laws! But they were moving from Louisiana to get away from hurricanes.
  11. Does anyone know what plans have been made already (if any) for the youth soccer club associated with this club? Are they planning to build something from the ground up or merge with / takeover an existing club like the Charlotte Independence did?
  12. Any idea what types of properties this group does?
  13. So I wanted to respond to some of the comments about frustrations with universities trying to make it work in-person. I definitely understand all of the concerns and have many mixed feelings about the whole situation. But I wanted to just bring forward a perspective that I don't think is recognized often enough in these conversations. Universities as a whole, but especially auxiliaries within like housing, dining, parking, etc, are like businesses. They have operating expenses that have to be paid for. Their revenue sources generally come from 1 of 3 things - tuition and fees, government, or donors. Universities that go online still get all 3, though in some cases they've seen reductions in tuition as students opt to take a year off or go elsewhere, and of course many of the fees don't apply. That said, for all of the faculty screaming/protesting about not wanting to teach in-person, they will continue to get paid no matter how they're delivering their content. However, auxiliaries who depend on students being ON CAMPUS, are only making a small fraction of their annual revenue. Let me be clear, at a school like UNCC, there are no other revenue sources. Particularly if the government can't reach a deal and offer up some more relief money. So expenses are still present - and for the most part don't drop that much when factoring in debt payments and the fact that the buildings (in the case of housing) are still here and still need maintenance - and can only be paid for through use of reserves. What we are facing right now is not only draining all of our reserves that would be used for future renovations or construction (meaning we won't have any for a long time) but also STAFF. Again, like other businesses, when we don't have any revenue, it likely means that it will cost staff jobs. And this will hit disproportionately at lower-wage, oftentimes non-white, staff. I could go on (for quite a while) but for now I'll just say - for all of the people who say that the choice is clear and schools are being callous for trying to hold in-person classes, you're wrong. In fact, you couldn't be more wrong. We care a TON - not just for the students but especially for our staff. We have worked HARD for the past 4 months trying to prepare for this moment. And guess what? On our campus very few employees or students who have been on campus all summer (and through the spring) have gotten sick. So it is possible and it's not just sending staff to their death. I hope at least some of you can appreciate this perspective.
  14. ^ Wouldn’t that be the collection area for the new underground tunnels from the garage to the terminal?
  15. I understand that "defund the police" is easier to say than the full explanation. But there HAS to be a better term that will bring the more moderate people, who are starting to actually care and change their opinion of the BLM movement and systemic racism in police departments, along. Trump has used fear tactics to his advantage before and is starting to try to do so again. I'm afraid it will work with just enough people to not only cause this current movement to begin to fizzle out but ultimately make the election much closer than it needs to be. I think right now a lot of more moderate and even some conservative people (voters) could understand the desire to reallocate some budgetary resources away from police as they are and into some other programs. But they will be scared to death of the idea of getting rid of police. Rightly so - if I'm threatened in my house or if my child's school has a shooter, I want the assurance that if 911 is called someone's going to show up immediately and be able to deal with the threat properly.
  16. ^ I am all for the good publicity and am "proud" of this city, but don't you think that this article (particularly the title) is misleading to those who really don't pay attention to things too closely? It makes it sound like Charlotte is bigger than San Francisco. With 4.5 million people in the San Fran MSA and over 9 million in the larger CSA, the San Francisco area dwarfs Charlotte. Charlotte's CSA is nothing to sneeze at, but isn't close to the scale of that area...as someone who's never had the chance to go out there.
  17. I have an example from this past weekend. I drove by an Autobell and there were probably about 20 cars there. Ridiculousness. That type of thing should be shut down in my view.
  18. Ahh - remember back in the good ole days when the thing people on here worried most about was how much they hated (or loved) this building and whether our skyline was perfectly symmetrical? What I wouldn't take for more of that...
  19. My question is based off this quote by the St. Louis Fed. Reserve President - "If you assume we have to shelter in place during the second quarter, the third quarter would be a transition period [...] then the fourth quarter of this year could be the boom quarter and the first quarter of 2021 would be the boom time when everybody is up and running and you're rocking and rolling again," Bullard said. If things fall off the cliff for at least a quarter, do they really think that the snowball won't have started downhill and it will just accelerate and keep going for some time?
  20. How in the world is that “bashing” Charlotte? I have been reading this site for a long time and posting occasionally and I still shake my head at times. Some people on here live in a liberal utopia (and I am liberal) and don’t realize that some of the thoughts put forward by the left regarding suburbia and anyone who drives a car just drive more people over to the crazy Trump faction. Why do you see this post as bashing Charlotte? It was this person’s opinion as to what they would like to see in terms of development along the highways.
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