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Everything posted by urbanvb

  1. An article about the Tide. Va Beach missed a huge opportunity not allowing it to extend to Town Center. Oh, what could have been… https://www.pilotonline.com/news/transportation/vp-nw-tide-light-rail-10-year-20210819-v5ixg3vs4bdvjismt4das5nv2i-story.html
  2. I happened to ride through Town Center today and noticed the fountain in the square has been converted into a planter I guess you call it. Instead of water we now have plants. Too expensive to maintain I guess..
  3. Perusing their website leaves me feeling a little underwhelmed. It appears to be a smallish firm that has redeveloped apartments and some commercial sites (which aren’t listed on their website (?). I’m not seeing any mixed use properties. I really hope they plan to bring the properties together to develop as a whole.
  4. Bad news. Already, Breeze is cutting flights. https://onemileatatime.com/news/breeze-airways-schedule-change/ If we can just get beyond this pandemic perhaps they’ll have a better chance..
  5. Fifty two high end townhomes will be built at site of old bakery. https://www.pilotonline.com/business/vp-nw-townhouses-high-street-portsmouth-20210615-ap66w6et6zb5xohjzgowgnsnmq-story.html This appears to be great use of this vacant property. Plenty of vacant property around it just ripe with opportunity. https://goo.gl/maps/F2ef1jPAUgYKdFv76
  6. I rode down the strip last night and people were everywhere. It was great seeing visitors returning to the city. 7k sand soccer players are at the Oceanfront having a tournament. https://www.pilotonline.com/events/vp-nw-sand-soccer-virginia-beach-oceanfront-20210612-krmwik4uova6vbutwx3excwdfa-story.html People are flocking to our beaches. https://richmond.com/entertainment/summer-vacation-plans-in-hot-demand-at-virginia-beach-obx-vacationers-will-find-staffing-shortages/article_b952d6d2-5f8c-50ee-81b9-0d14246fbe5a.html
  7. This photo was kind of posted earlier but I snapped a quick one tonight at the stoplight. Looks so awesome at night.
  8. PointeOne will continue construction of a data center. I am assuming this is part of the undersea cable. https://news.yahoo.com/news/planned-virginia-beach-data-center-105900925.html
  9. Amtrak will add a 3rd Norfolk to DC train sometime this year. https://www.pilotonline.com/news/transportation/vp-nw-passenger-rail-hampton-roads-buttigieg-northam-20210331-zdpqhmjqzfe5rcioi3brqorc7q-story.html
  10. I walked by today. It was a beautiful day to check out construction. Lots of activity for sure. I noticed several construction workers taking the pedestrian bridge to Midtown Apartments. Perhaps they are living there while construction is ongoing.
  11. If they continue with their mixed use theme of construction maybe they should rename this mall to something different. Pembroke Place popped in my head but I'm sure there are many other names..
  12. I agree wholeheartedly. And this could also spur redevelopment of those old Pembroke buildings. I'd love to see some new construction on that side behind the Hyatt Place.
  13. Alllegiant Air is adding non stop service to Boston beginning this summer. https://www.pilotonline.com/news/vp-nw-boston-flights-20210209-5i7joqnpcvb35iojxz22yfzanu-story.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Inside Business&utm_content=6321612960685#nws=true
  14. It's a little disappointing though not totally unexpected due to the pandemic. Perhaps in a year things will turn around and they can build vertically and not horizontally. The last thing VB needs is more strip retail.
  15. Seriously, people at the Pilot read our forum. Breaking news here ends up the next day there. Anyone else notice this?
  16. Latitude is now open. https://www.pilotonline.com/inside-business/vp-ib-latitude-opening-1214-20201211-6trdmsk6qjdctf6fqfntdpsuuq-story.html Apex Entertainment recently opened as well. It's great seeing the various entertainment options in and around Town Center. https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/mycity/virginia-beach/family-entertainment-center-opens-its-doors-in-town-center-area-of-virginia-beach/291-d55dfe45-6f60-4eeb-9ab0-057b08aafe04
  17. Absolutely agree. Right now the OBX real estate market is on fire probably due to the pandemic and folks moving from more densely populated areas. Hopefully this project will tap into those affluent buyers looking for a higher end experience that this offers with Oceanfront views.
  18. The average price is a cool $1.2 million. Out of the 12 of 35 units sold, half are Virginia Beach residents. https://www.pilotonline.com/inside-business/vp-ib-luxury-condos-1116-20201117-ibpyggfg7nexzc7wik2fdc5nde-story.html
  19. The airport traffic is down less than 50% from a year ago due to the pandemic. https://www.pilotonline.com/business/consumer/vp-bz-coronavirus-airport-october-20201112-t4khugnemvcopjhoszh65aiiny-story.html
  20. Harris Teeter Properties LLC purchased the old gas station property at 7726 Granby Street. Does anyone else find this curious? They already have a store nearby.
  21. Here’s a rendering from the Pilot.
  22. urbanvb

    Norfolk Pictures

    That’s a great find. I recall seeing one many years ago.
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