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Everything posted by tablrock

  1. how old is your book? JK i know what u mean. however now that tr has landed wal mart the sky is the limit!!!!
  2. god i hope not. tr already has two value oriented hotels. i hoping tr can land a mid range hotel.
  3. from the hamptons inn's website, it appears this could be one of the chains flagships hotels. however that's just imo.
  4. so were the F is high cotton going to be at? god i'm so confused!!! but that's nothing new!
  5. all that HOOPLA ovah a restaurant? JEEZ
  6. ok i'm waiting on that big anouncement of our new four seasons or was it ritz carlton. i forget.
  7. what is the opening date for the hampton inn?
  8. sounds promising, let's get this party started
  9. yes i'm quite sure it is a BAD joke from our blue collar comedy fellas
  10. jeez, that's good to know. i knew i could count on the "in the know" crowd for some insider scoop action. although i have to say i am a little sad. i was hoping it would be stewart spinx first stand alone fried chicken joint.
  11. any word on the 2 level restaurant by the fountain in the hampton inn?
  12. according to today's post and courier a new luxury hotel is planned for downtown daniel island. woohoo!!
  13. i was reading an article in the lastest copy of the crbj about how tourism is up in chas due to katrina. however one lady said that next year her group would return to new orleans because it is a more diverse city. to her she felt chas was a white rich man's city. kinda of sad statement imo. makes me wish chas was more edgier.
  14. y doesn't savannah have it's own subform? it is certainly worthy!! let's hear it for TEAM SAVANNAH
  15. wasn't there some talk a while back about a FIREBIRDS ROCKY MOUNTAIN GRILL somewhere around greenridge?
  16. ah what the hell, boast on chuck town is worth it!
  17. that's funny, i thought the exact same thing when i saw this pic "reminds me of myrtle beach"
  18. whoever the source was needs to lay off the crack!
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