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Everything posted by UrbanCharlotte

  1. If the pyramid could have just grown to the outer edges of the buildings footprint the proportions would have been MUCH better. Missed opportunity. Looks poorly designed. Should have caught this in early massing studies.
  2. Let's not forget TRUMP Charlotte.
  3. When can we expect to see work begin on the terminal lobby expansion?
  4. Not sold yet on the wrap at the floor pack yet... wish they would've gone with a spandrel glass or something...
  5. Ahhh 2005. What great memories. We were all younger and still full of hope. It's a shame this building is coming down with all the vacant surface lots within 277.
  6. It's not there yet but definitely working towards it...
  7. There are potentially two towers planned for each adjacent parking area to the building with the theater. First one is 16-18 stories I believe, mixture of office and hotel.
  8. Interesting to see what happens as both BB&T & SunTrust have both been rolling out dozens of new branches. We have a new SunTrust prototype up on 49 in Harrisburg that comes to mind... along with the new BB&T beside The Fresh Market on Fairview.
  9. Same firm as Railyard... https://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/news/2019/01/28/renderings-beacon-partners-to-spearhead-another.html
  10. Anybody see the new rendering on the catalyst website? TWELVE looks huge compared to catalyst and it has a good aerial shot of the whole project as well as the baseball stadium and the Wachovia campus.
  11. i went by on saturday and it felt like a regular best buy to me. Didn't see much of a difference except the checkout was diff. and maybe a tad smaller than the pineville one. I liked it more overall. The whole complex is shaping up better than i thought so far.
  12. On Jay Leno last night the incident was mentioned and no NC mentioning.
  13. well... it looks like work has been halted again for over a week, just when we thought the condo tower was full steam ahead. Anyone want to take a guess why?
  14. Wow I rode today for the first time and am very impressed. I left at 5 and the train had no room not even standing by the time we got to arrowood. I had no problem getting my ticket and everything seemed to be working properly. Very nice, clean, trains and a great atmosphere so I'll definitely be riding it frequently from here on out. It really is a lot better than I thought, a lot better than driving even just for the hell of it to go to reids. I was surprised by how crowded it was on the way there and back. Looks like they got a lot of the kinks out, only thing they need more tvm's but I didn't see anyone having trouble.
  15. Good to see them pouring a floor tonight. It looks like it'll progress nicely from here till topping out.
  16. a charlotte paris flight would be great. how likely do you think this is?
  17. work has started on the hotel tower as well. Lookin like its goin to move pretty fast from here on out.
  18. The webcam should be working now . Theyve been doing a lot on the condo tower this week and are starting work for the next floor.
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