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Elections Predictions


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All I can say about this election is that its highly depressing. Bush won over gay marriage and moral issues, he divided and conquered the nation.

Good for Bush, he's a master campaigner.

Kerry isn't the problem, he campaigned in a very moderate, respectful, Presidential manner. He is one of the most graceful individuals to have ran in quite some time. Boring? He may be. But we're not voting for Homecoming King or Queen. To get inspired it doesn't need to be about personality. It should be about healthcare, education, war, equality, etc. In an election with an incumbent its also about reviewing the incumbent's record.

I've had my own problems with Kerry, worrying whether or not he's a true liberal and cares about the values I share. But over time I've come to realize he's a good person who has a genuine Presidential, respectful, moderate attitude towards getting things done. I was proud to have given him my vote.

The nation spoke, and I see how people are. It makes me sad.

My hopes for a better healthcare system are dead for the forseeable future. My hopes for a war that goes the way I'd rather see it are killed. My hopes for a more fair country with more equality are definately dead as Bush claims he has a mandate.

Its pure sadness. But with any defeat, I'll put my shoes on one at a time. I'll take another breath. I'll go forward and do the best I can with the circumstances we live in.

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I do like the fact that several congressmen who got elected or reelected support tax reform via either national sales tax or flat tax. This is further benefited by the fact that Bush seems to have made it a task for his second term to attempt to implement some form of tax reform. Although I'm not a fan of Bush, and certainly didn't vote for him, this is one good thing I can take away from the election and the next 4 years.

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i didnt understand why the percaentage didnt increase for the 18-29 crowd. I kept hearing about record young voters registering and all this. Makes no sense to me.


The right-wing bible crowd increased it's ranks in a similar percentage to the young, cancelling out any increase in their percent of the vote.

It's estimated that an additional 2million college age voters participated in this election over 2000.

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Actually its true, the young vote DID turn out:


The reason why Bush won 9 million more popular votes this year? MORAL VALUES. America is a nation that cares more about gay marriage then about healthcare, education, or even the war. And the war is seen as a moral crusade by most who support it.

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This map shows that the election was pretty much an urban/suburban vs. rural race. There's plenty of blue in the urban south (Dallas-Ft. Worth and Houston are notably non-blue).

It shows that people who live in close proximity to people unlike themselves, favour inclusion, those who don't fear the unknown. Bush's 'moral' values were cleaverly wrapped in fear.

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Unfortunately the failure of the Democrats to win this election does not lie with GW Bush.


It lies with the ignorant electorate. There was really no need for Kerry to say anything other than 'I'm not Bush'. If so many people in this country weren't so ill-informed that would have been enough to carry the day.

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I see Guilford, Mecklenburg and Durham counties in NC are the only three heavily populated counties in the state that supported Kerry. I'm actually suprised that Kerry won in Guilford which is more conservative than Wake and Mecklenburg. But at the same time i'm not surprise because of all the manufacturing jobs that were lost in Guilford. Bush won in Forsyth and Wake County.

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Nice map.  Unfortunately the failure of the Democrats to win this election does not lie with GW Bush. 

The Democrats first screwed up by nominating someone like Kerry in the first place.  He does not connect with the center and I've said this before, if you can't win some Southern states, you are not going to win.  Kerry did not have a snow ball's chance in hell of winning anything in the South despite the addition of Edwards.  (Who is generally well liked) This is because Kerry, like many new Democrats, simply won't take a stand on difficult issues and they are seen as beltway elitists who have little interest in the issues of the common person.     

In addition, Kerry ran a terrible campaign, had no message except that "I am not GW Bush", and was very inconsistant.  And he let himself get billed as a flipflopper.  He refused  to take on Bush in the beginning which got him and many of his cohorts killed in the long run.  As Al Sharpton said last night, "You can't convince people to vote out an incumbant until you first make it clear what is wrong with him". 


I couldn't agree more. Although I think many of us felt we need an alternative to Bush, American (even more so in post 9/11 America) the failure to attach themselves to values, religion, and offer a realistic alternative cost them this election.

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i think demecrate just overestimate American IQ, it turned out that majority of the people has a barain like GW Bush. And hope that they all willing to send their kids to IRaq when it comes down to them. Not to be bad, but if they support war and vote for republican, they need to as well support by actions.

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This map shows that the election was pretty much an urban/suburban vs. rural race. There's plenty of blue in the urban south (Dallas-Ft. Worth and Houston are notably non-blue).

It shows that people who live in close proximity to people unlike themselves, favour inclusion, those who don't fear the unknown. Bush's 'moral' values were cleaverly wrapped in fear.


Add Tampa, St. Pete, Jacksonville, Cincinnati and Oklahoma City to that list.

When will the democrats quit insulting the "red areas"? I happen to be in a blue county but Pittsburgh Metro is pretty much divided right down the middle between red and blue, with attitudes like that Cotuit no wonder the Party doesnt have a chance to pick up a red state in the south or west!

"favour inclusion"? In 1986 and 1990 Gov. Casey of Pennsylvania a Democrat and one of the "big three" of the party at the time won the LARGEST landslides in gubernatorial history for a large state . . . EVER! How do the "inculsionaries" react they attack him in NYC, so much so that his PA state police escort had to get involved, and the National Party locks him out of the 92 convention, this for a man that showed the Dems how to win back a NE state that was trending Republican (since 1976 no Dem Senators, 3 out of the last 4 governors Republicans and 68, 72, 80, 84, 88, a GOP Presidential pickup) during his governorship Woffard won one for the Democrats in the Senate and 92 Clinton won PA. If anything the Dems should have lauded Gov. Casey but basically exiled him until his death in the late 1990s because he was a staunch Catholic and was pro-life. This is why I can agree with the Democrats on more issues then the Republicans but I have such a hard time trusting them, everything is a radicalized response, an insult instead of an answer in issue-terms, ever since that day of seeing a man who gave his life to the Commonwealth in everything he did and in return won the highest vote total for the "republican state" . . . get punched and kicked and screamed at by 20 and 30 year olds in NYC and having to leave before giving a speech (and this wasn't even the 92 convention lock out!), I'm just still shaking my head at "inclusion", so yes Cotuit you might be right, I might be ignorant but I will never be that "inclusionary" to any public servant that gave up himself for the common good of me and my neighbors. I'd rather be called ignorant then "inclusionary" as I'm assulting a senior citizen that I have a policy disagreement on. Never forget the press response of one of the "inclusionary" leaders of the group that prevented him from giving the speech . . . she said something about that not being the right "forum" for his views. You know when I hear something like that maybe a roadtrip to Westmoreland County would do some good for people like that. Gov. Casey went to those Red counties and got them blue. He never insulted them.

I do hope that 10 years has changed the Party for the better, but I don't think I'm the only one watching for it, theres too many on the sideline that actually agree with 2/3 to 3/4 of what the platform is, but won't accept that other reactionary, anything goes, remainder.

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I don't think that it will really effect you that much. The amendments have more effect on you than the election does. Just try to stay positive!


Absolutely it will!! Reading this thread and listening to the news -- it is clear that this election was about moral values?? So strange to me .. I never saw that coming.

But if this Bush administration continues to follow his neo-con agenda than issues such as affirmative action and the right to choose will be affected!! and that affects me and everyone in my social circle!

Its pure sadness. But with any defeat, I'll put my shoes on one at a time. I'll take another breath. I'll go forward and do the best I can with the circumstances we live in.


This is my only reprieve. fight the power!!

Just read in Wired News today of this problem:


"UniLect gives bogus information to North Carolina counties about the capacity of the company's electronic voting machines, and some voters' picks go ignored as a result."


This I fear is more widespread than anyone wants to investigate ... In one minority community in my area, they ran out of ballots at the height of the election day (around 5 -7 pm) .. the computer system of voting certainly works according to 'them' .. but it makes me nervous and suspicious.

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In reality, through all the "bad" presidents that have lead our country, the US and people have still moved on just fine. I don't think that it will really effect you that much. The amendments have more effect on you than the election does. Just try to stay positive!


Seeing as how my rights will likely be ammended out of the Constitution within a year, that does affect me quite a lot. Not that it matters...this crappy state already ammended the state Constitution to take away my rights. Canada keeps looking better by the day....

If only I didn't have to jump through a million hoops to get a license to practice architecture in Canada. I'd have to take my license from the US and submit it to the CACB. Provided that my education meets their requirements I could them submit my internship hours for consideration. If they reject them, I would be stuck redoing my internship, which could take more than three years. Then I'd have to take the ARE (Architecure Registration Exam) again.

Then there's always the immigration issue. I would need to have a job lined up already, but what Canadian architecture firm would hire an architect who is licensed in the US but not Canada?

I realize that I am a crazy nut to even be thinking of immigrating to Canada, but quite honestly I am sick of the way things are going in this country. This place is nowhere near as progressive as Canada. In fact, as this country keeps getting more and more conservative, Canada keeps getting more progressive. For the last year or so I've asked the question "is the grass really greener on the other side?" The more I think about it, the more I believe that it is.

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