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Another Movie Studio looking at Hartford

The Voice of Reason

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Today, there was an article in the HBJ


about another movie studio moving to Connecticut. This one from Hollywood.

This one is also MUCH bigger. Both however are at rick if Rell ends the movie tax credit.

According to documents obtained by Hartford Business Journal, the proposed full-service production studio would include:

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Today, there was an article in the HBJ


about another movie studio moving to Connecticut. This one from Hollywood.

This one is also MUCH bigger. Both however are at rick if Rell ends the movie tax credit.

Thats a pretty huge project if you ask me.

everything in the article is secretive, but it sounds like things are very far along and plans are detailed. but the state is now involved, so, lets all just hope the state does not screw it up.

To remind you of the scale of the Day Hill Road studio, I pasted this in from its thread.

All in all these two comapnies interest in the area are a great piece of evidence that the film tax credits are good for connecticut.

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If anyone on this board doubts that tax cuts are the way to promote business and create jobs, this is a lesson (wish the President had learned it).

Another key to making such a facility successful is to have the Hartford area named a "production Zone" by SAG. This will lower costs for producers as travel penalties would not apply to filming in the area.

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Reagan pulled us out of a recession almost identical to this one with tax cuts.

Hoover turned a recession almost identical to this one int a depression with government spending.

The history is there for anyone to see.

Or look at Ireland, they cut taxes and have become an economic force while the rest of Europe battles recession. It's hard for many to swallow that tax reductions often produce higher revenue for the government. High taxes often produce less revenue or sink an industry completely.

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Come on now, tax cuts if done correctly for the right industries at the right levels can certainly be a good way to promote business.

on a Federal level tax cuts do not do a hell of a lot. If movie production refunds were national Conn would hvae no chance at these studios. but with the state tax break and then a local tax break for individual developments, bisiness can move.

the tax cuts pushed during this recent stimulous package were in a word retarded. giving tom dick and harry 400 bucks is useless. it was useless when Bush did it. Structuring taxes so that the government can get maximum tax income from corporations while also helping them thrive. Taxing companies to debts so they have to sell out to international compeitors is all kinds if bad.

So really tax policy is a complex beotch and should be left to long complicated posts, and not short quick generalizations. Taxes may be "bad", but without them the government does not run. and we do need some government. I by no means think the Blues do the right thing when it comes to spending tax dollars, but I think the Reds have it just as wrong with the crap they spew about tax breaks.

The movie tax break in Connecticut seems to have been a success, but if these two studios happen it will have been a raging success.

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Without a huge spending component we can kiss all sorts of new investment in our region and local industries goodbye. This spending will surely aid urban and metro areas that need it most. This is really a good thing. I personally can't wait until we start seeing the impact locally.

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sorry, but I have to disagree with you! Tax cuts DO work and this 'Obama Socialist Spending Plan' is going to drive us into a depression -- (and make us long for the days of Jimmy Carter!!) -- Government spending is not the way to help the Economy - we need to promote TAX CUTS on the federal level and also on the state level.

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I am not a republican or a democrat.

But this type of government spending will drive inflation. It will hurt everyone. The people spend their money more wisely than the government does.

Bush spent like a drunken sailor. Now Obama wants to fix it by spending like a drunken sailor. You can't fix a problem y doing exactly the same thing. Change, I don't think so.

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Really it would be amazing if Hartford were to successfully get both of these studios as well as the Horse Facility.

All three have a potentially massive effect on our hotel industry, and all 3 will bring people to the area to work and play.

Mind you, none of these would necessarily affect downtown, but all three could add some nice flair to the region.

I know times are crapty, but I feel as there is still quite a bit of positive momentum in the capitol.

(studio1, Studio2,Horses, AI Tech Center, Arena?)

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Excuse my ignorance, but what's the Horse Facility?

Really it would be amazing if Hartford were to successfully get both of these studios as well as the Horse Facility.

All three have a potentially massive effect on our hotel industry, and all 3 will bring people to the area to work and play.

Mind you, none of these would necessarily affect downtown, but all three could add some nice flair to the region.

I know times are crapty, but I feel as there is still quite a bit of positive momentum in the capitol.

(studio1, Studio2,Horses, AI Tech Center, Arena?)

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An opinion piece in the HBJ. I quite agree with it.


It is just opinion, but it reads like someone here wrote it.

I really hope these tax breaks stay as is. these two projects could really change the region.

It would only be a matter of time and short time that other cottage industries would pop up around these major studios.

The city of Hartford should if it were smart offer up an additional tax break to the film industry. nothing major, just an additional small insentive.

Hell its not like any film production is happening now within the city.

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An opinion piece in the HBJ. I quite agree with it.


It is just opinion, but it reads like someone here wrote it.

I really hope these tax breaks stay as is. these two projects could really change the region.

It would only be a matter of time and short time that other cottage industries would pop up around these major studios.

The city of Hartford should if it were smart offer up an additional tax break to the film industry. nothing major, just an additional small insentive.

Hell its not like any film production is happening now within the city.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Bolded a few bits of this article and deleted prettymuch anything that was not new info.

I really hope that the new film tax rules continue to encourage investment in the states production. as it stands it seems as though Hartford and Stamford both might become production hubs. Or I suppose neither.

An article yesterday in the journal Inquirer



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  • 3 months later...

The HBJ has yet another article about this proposed studio. I was wondering if it was going to happen because it was so quiet lately, and with the recession and all.

But today in the HBJ online, we get another big write up about the studio, just days after the film credit debate re-heated in the Courant, and in the senate.

I am glad the HBJ keep this potential massive project in the news because I think its the best example of how innitiatives like the film credit can create and grow industries within the state.

A link for your convenience.


Katersky is

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  • 4 months later...

I kind of forgot about this but it looks like it's still alive and well.

Hartford Courant Article

The state and the town of South Windsor today formally transferred about 20 acres to the developer of a massive proposed film production studio there.

The land is adjacent to a 40-acre parcel of private land near the I-291 and Route 5 junction, where Connecticut Studios LLC intends to spend about $65 million to build eight sound stages. Other aspects of the project include office buildings and storage space.

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