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Charlotte Photo of the Day


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I can't put into words how much I want to see the immediate area around the proposed cap built up with some decent height. The reclaimed land from the ramp relocations all the way to the massively underutilized area near UC and down to the stadium would be perfect for 20 to 30 story towers. I think that would be a beautiful extension to the skyline.

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I'll pass on a cap for decades and want Highrise development to grow East/West and Levine North.

Have SouthEnd/Morehead/Gold District growth of Midrises. ~7 story apartments, offices, hotels.



There isn't a lot to "enjoy" driving through Atlanta (I like the city, just not the traffic), but I've always loved coming south into the city on 85 when it kinda just surrounds you as you take that curve towards Turner field.  I'd love for Charlotte to have that feel along 277 one day.

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I've said it before -  the cap is the lower if not lowest of my desires for Charlotte development.   I have no issue with a cap being built but the way state transportation dollars flow (and I do believe we would need them even partly for a cap) I would rather fed/state/city transport money going to gateway station, Independence, widening 77 and mass transit rail before a dime of that limited pool of money was spent on the cap.

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ah said it well. I've always loved the feeling of literally driving down the highway right into the belly of the beast. I'm not saying build the cap now (although I would love for it to be a reality), but if the land around it was built up then the cap conversation may just get a bit louder.

As far as growing north, I've lost all hope in that at the moment. Sky house seems to be having difficulty getting off the ground and don't get me started on Levineland. I know we've been teased again with a construction start date but I flat out don't believe the jerk. When the garage and park are complete and the apartments are topped out then I will think about modifying my opinion.

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"highway literally driving right into the belly of the beast" is exactly why I'm not fond of the idea. It is a pretty view (ATL) but I like core developments better (Denver, Etc)

Imagine the view coming from independence with a built up low rise/midrise district alongside Independence in Plaza and further development in midtown, Elizabeth & SoutuEnd and we have our million dollar view

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  • 2 weeks later...

Charlotte looks like it is on the verge of becoming a big city in this photo.



The key, in my opinion, to that perception, is multiple building cores within a CBD.  You can almost see 4 different cores developing.  Trade & Tryon, Church & 1st, College & 3rd and the truly developing Mint & 4th.  Charlotte in 2020 is going to be a very different looking place.

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