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He needs to enter that bad boy in the Dallas Grand Prix...Oh, wait a minute, they have no Grand-Prix. Even leaving that car in a parking lot going to the store would make me nervous. Dent's from other car-doors, scratches, bird poop, etc. And that's not to mention driving around in that crazy ass city.

I have had some negative driving experiences in Big "D"allas.

I understand that completely. Today wasn't an easy driving day, that's for sure. Everyone drives 70-80 in bumper-to-bumper traffic THROUGH construction zones. At one point I thought a truck was going to switch lanes on me and pin my car up against the construction wall on the side of the freeway. And I would have had no way to save myself. That's actually the first panic attack I've ever had while driving, and I've driven in Dallas numerous times, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, Chicago... but I actually had a panic attack at that one point today. I didn't think I was going to catch my breath after that.

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It's been awfully quiet in here tonight.

Yea, I think everyone has been pretty busy recently. I had a very full week, and that was evident when I fell asleep during the NFL Hall of Fame Game. :lol: I did get to see Aaron Brooks get sacked though, that was great!

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Yea, I think everyone has been pretty busy recently. I had a very full week, and that was evident when I fell asleep during the NFL Hall of Fame Game. :lol: I did get to see Aaron Brooks get sacked though, that was great!

Haha, very funny :lol: Ive got to get some pictures of UVA and VT soon. Charlottesville and Blacksburg are pretty nice, better than the football teams I suppose :rolleyes:

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Haha, very funny :lol: Ive got to get some pictures of UVA and VT soon. Charlottesville and Blacksburg are pretty nice, better than the football teams I suppose :rolleyes:

I've never been to Charlottesville, but I have driven through Blacksburg a few times, and from what I've seen, it looks pretty cool. Especially considering that VT's football team was ranked, what was it, 119th? Are they even Division I? ;)

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Haha, nope, but I can see why you might think that. It's just an old Creole/Cajun term that means "A little sumthin' extra" and that could mean pretty much anything. From an extra donut to an extra ticket to a Saints game. :D

At first, I thought it was a sort of pasta. :blush:

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ACLU Questions Hurricane Memorial


The ACLU Su-ks! :angry::sick:

I'm never surprised by anything the ACLU does anymore. They have an agenda they will push at any cost. Like PeTA, the ACLU does have a purpose; however when the group goes beyond that purpose and starts pushing the button over stupid things like this, the world gets a good look at just how extreme and silly they are.

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Again, should we be proud of that!?

Yes :D:thumbsup: Seriously though, I think it's great you guys have a forum that people feel like posting that much. Not all the forums on UP are like that at all. I'm not saying everyone should spend all their free time on here. But I don't think it's so bad people have been around posting as much as they have been. If it makes you feel any better 3 of the top 5 are from Arkansas. :lol:

Edited by Mith242
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4 of the Top 7 Posters Today are from the Louisiana Forum ! :good:

When you look at the average number of posts per day (seen in the profile) of a few members who freqeunt this forum and you see that some are over the 15 and 20 per day mark, which maybe a good or bad thing, you start to wonder if maybe you ARE spending too much time here. ;)

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^Hey man, I've been trying! But it's almost impossible to have less than 15 posts per day in the Louisiana forum. Between New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, and then all of the active topics in the main page, you normally come out with about 20 posts just in this forum. :lol:

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^Hey man, I've been trying! But it's almost impossible to have less than 15 posts per day in the Louisiana forum. Between New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, and then all of the active topics in the main page, you normally come out with about 20 posts just in this forum. :lol:

I see.

I think it also depends on how much time you spend here. I myself haven't been spending as much time here as I used to. Sometimes, I just don't feel like posting for some reason.

Even so, I was the type of poster who's posts are mainly in one forum (Atlanta).

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I think it also depends on how much time you spend here. I myself haven't been spending as much time here as I used to. Sometimes, I just don't feel like posting for some reason.

Yea, I had noticed that you had slowed down over the last few months. Though that's probably a good thing if you have other and more important things to be working/focusing on.

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Yea, I had noticed that you had slowed down over the last few months. Though that's probably a good thing if you have other and more important things to be working/focusing on.

Well, you probably be seeing a little less of me for a while. School starts tomorrow in my county. Luckily, it's my Senior year in high school, though.

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Well, you probably be seeing a little less of me for a while. School starts tomorrow in my county. Luckily, it's my Senior year in high school, though.

Ah, Senior year...good times! :D

Well, I hope you'll be able to be active around Sept. 26, to allow me plenty of time to gloat after the Saints beat the Falcons. ;)

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Ah, Senior year...good times! :D

Well, I hope you'll be able to be active around Sept. 26, to allow me plenty of time to gloat after the Saints beat the Falcons. ;)

I shall reserve my opinions on that to myself so that I won't offend you when that doesn't happen. ;)

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