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Massive Riverfront Project


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well I've been reading all 42 pages of the ideas sprawling about...and it's just too hard to really put a finger on what I think it might be...I think it could be any of these projects respectfully. My dream would be a major company (perhaps google) or such to build a new office tower right by the market st exit...and then have a good chunk of the land (and maybe they'll build an additional road) to have an urban/entertainment/shopping district, with some well known stores that you could find in chicago or detroit suburbs, but I don't think they would put too much to suck the business out of the rest of downtown.

A marina park would be nice as well...but I just find it kind of hard to place a big ol company plant-style building right along the river...unless if it was a tower that would be okay.

I would say for a project to be as big as it is sounding, that it will be a little bit of a mix of everything, and maybe more condo towers...it will definitely give GR sort of an expansion.

Edit: Even the stadium venue that was mentioned (with the retractable roof) sounds like an awesome idea...but I almost think that would be weird having right next to van andel...

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Is this new information?

Grand Rapids Development Corporation was formed by David Minkin in CHICAGO on 9/2/2004. (Notice MANkin on file.)


And we already know it was registered in Michigan a year later on 9/7/2005.


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I dont know bot for some reason Im still believing dave's post that this is not something that has any connections to the automotive industry. None. Zilch. Nada.

I have a feeling this will be something that puts GR on the map, maybe something similar to whats happening in Kansas City. Also I believe this isnt a company/developer who has never invested in the state/area before, that actually rules out quite a few people.

Just speculation on what it is knowing what we know:

  • This is being spearheaded by a developer, not a corporation.

  • It has something to do with entertainment, likely something not seen in the US, but possibly is in another country.

  • It is a catalyst to possibly bring in some of the things we are talking about, possibly develop GVSU into a major university, and bring national attention to the city.

  • The developer is out of Atlanta, or some other Southern city.

What I can be sure of its not:

  • This is not connected to the automotive industry in any shape or form.

  • This is not connected to Google, a Googleplex, or any other Google company.

  • This is not a casino.

  • This is not something that would destroy the city.

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Frankly, it's depressing to think of more entertainment or tourism for Grand Rapids. We don't need a stadium, we don't need more shopping, we don't need to entertain our stupid selves any more than we are already.

Look around -- manufacturing jobs are going away, families are having trouble with the economy. Why in the world do we think there's a bottomless pit of money available to fuel entertainment and shopping?

I was encouraged by speculation that Google might be coming. That's positive. That's jobs in a growth industry -- innovation. That's something to be proud of. That's what Grand Rapids needs.

Remember in the movie Roger & Me, when Flint came up with Autoworld as a replacement for the lost GM manufacturing jobs? That was pitiful, and it just accelerated the slide of that city to the bottom. By all means, let's entertain ourselves in a new Autoworld in downtown Grand Rapids. Maybe you can get a job taking tickets, or mopping up spilled Squishees.

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Ok here is why its not Google:

#1 Google was only looking for about 200,000 sq ft of space. Thats roughly the same amount as a 2 story building the size of a city block. or 5 story building in a smaller size. To baloon the project to a 30 acre site would be rather silly.

#2 Google's projected jobs for the googleplex was around 800 or so. Nothing near the projected jobs this development will create.

and I am pretty sure this isn't "Amway World" either.

I am really starting to think that this is similar to projects you are seeing in Pittsburgh, and Kansas City. A mixed use residential, commercial, and entertainment complex capped off with something sports related.

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I dont know bot for some reason Im still believing dave's post that this is not something that has any connections to the automotive industry. None. Zilch. Nada.

I have a feeling this will be something that puts GR on the map, maybe something similar to whats happening in Kansas City. Also I believe this isnt a company/developer who has never invested in the state/area before, that actually rules out quite a few people.

Just speculation on what it is knowing what we know:

  • This is being spearheaded by a developer, not a corporation.

  • It has something to do with entertainment, likely something not seen in the US, but possibly is in another country.

  • It is a catalyst to possibly bring in some of the things we are talking about, possibly develop GVSU into a major university, and bring national attention to the city.

  • The developer is out of Atlanta, or some other Southern city.

What I can be sure of its not:

  • This is not connected to the automotive industry in any shape or form.

  • This is not connected to Google, a Googleplex, or any other Google company.

  • This is not a casino.

  • This is not something that would destroy the city.

Ahem, snoogit:

How can you be so sure that we will not get an announcement very soon that is automotive related?

How can you be sure it's not connected to Google?

BTW: MiGuyz, yes that is new information that I have not seen.

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I'm changing my opinion from healthcare to something associated with this thread just because of some info I have seen on ITS and how it all works out. Some special FCC rules are allowing Motorola and the State to run some high speed Internet up and down the Interstate corridors in Michigan. I saw a little speech Granholm made on the subject to some conference out in California on video. Also, ITP is close to awarding bids on an Intelligent Transport System for their buses.

The foreign corporation would be Siemens whose North American operations are based out of Atlanta and Motorola from the Shaumburg area, tied to the lawyer or developer from Illinois.

Intelligent Transport Systems and Vehicle Infrastructure Integration]Intelligent Transport Systems and Vehicle Infrastructure Integration.

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and then have a good chunk of the land (and maybe they'll build an additional road) to have an urban/entertainment/shopping district, with some well known stores that you could find in chicago or detroit suburbs, but I don't think they would put too much to suck the business out of the rest of downtown.

I wouldn't worry about that, at least in terms of retail. Downtown doesn't yet have the critical mass of retail to get people downtown in the first place. If this project contained a lot of retail it would only benefit the rest of downtown by drawing more people in.


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The "foreign" corporation simply means foreign to Michigan i.e. an Illinois company. Although, Malissa, I wouldn't want to stop you from searching out anything you are drawn to looking at.. go for it! (The web has a funny way of bring you back around to what you are looking for.)

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heres another thought....... something thats automotive, one of a kind, and somewhat revolutionary.... another vehicle company is trying to enter the american market, it is considered very green, and would change the auto market here considerably...... Smart Car??? maybe, possibly?

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heres another thought....... something thats automotive, one of a kind, and somewhat revolutionary.... another vehicle company is trying to enter the american market, it is considered very green, and would change the auto market here considerably...... Smart Car??? maybe, possibly?

Interesting thought gvsusean. I keep finding a lot of very recent breakthroughs in hybrid technology:


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Ahem, snoogit:

How can you be so sure that we will not get an announcement very soon that is automotive related?

How can you be sure it's not connected to Google?

BTW: MiGuyz, yes that is new information that I have not seen.

I have probably said too much already.

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Why do people still insist on acting like the economy is in the crapper. Fact of the matter - it is not. The only place in the nation that is having problems is Detroit, and well, that speaks for itself. GR has actually added manufactuting jobs over the last three years.

It's not Google because then they would have updated satellite photos for the West Side of the City on Google Earth. Or are the keeping these images blurry on purpose

They are jus hiding the good land...

Perhaps some company is going to automate the roadways and the people of GR will have cars that will drive themselves... I would be all for that.

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Firstly, everything is always bigger on paper. (Day's Inn on Pearl)

It's been stated by EG/P that this will occur in phases. I gather "phases" to mean over the course of over a decade or two. The question "will it have national significance" was met with a hesitant "it could."

Dave is perhaps closest. But, in order for the project similar to Bottlecap District to come to fruition, other items need to be in place. Before a major entertainment district can support itself, there should be legitimate high-density residential downtown. In order for that to occur, there really should be a serious National or International HQ downtown. I'm speaking generally. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I'd theorize that these projects are built up over time, and somewhat accidentally. None of this "could" have national significance.

My thoughts lead in this direction. First, some sort of HQ needs to be established.

How would that lead to national significance? Well, GRDad's "Green" theory is a good one. A lot of automatic attention. When one refers to the automotive industry, one says "Detroit." Brewing is Milwaukee. Movie-Making is Hollywood. Advertising is Madison Avenue. Perhaps Grand Rapids "could" become synonymous with "Green" R&D.

However, following the HQ trail, which "could" have significance, may be something as simple as a company or organization that will be loyal locally. For instance (STRICTLY HYPOTHETICALLY) the NCAA relocates to GR. Instead of Indy being an automatic host of NCAA tourneys, GR becomes the automatic. Of course the NCAA wouldn't spearhead such a project, but a developer could draw such an organization to their project. (Again: NCAA = HYPOTHETICAL!!)

Just another theory. If I was to be investigating, this is where I would look first.

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