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Municipal Auditorium


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Well, since it is the older, smaller, and less used brother of the Gaylord...what are your thoughts on this gem? I personally love the darn place. Quite possibly one of the biggest assests the city has downtown as far as diversity for entertainment is concerned. AWESOME, AWESOME place! I have tried to find interior pics of the place, but all I find are concerts that have come and gone (and boy were there a bunch) at the old arena. What are some of your memories? I have none, but I would love to gather a few in the future. What do you see as its future in the "new" residential/business downtown of Nashville?

The old big top at night.


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I remember in like the 4th grade playing ice hockey there and going to see the ronald mcdonald circus. Got some great memories there. Its a good thing for nashville to have kinda a reminder of the age of superdomes/ astrodomes.(looks kinda like them). Hope they don't tear it down for some generic skyscraper in the future.


I remember in like the 4th grade playing ice hockey there and going to see the ronald mcdonald circus. Got some great memories there. Its a good thing for nashville to have kinda a reminder of the age of superdomes/ astrodomes.(looks kinda like them). Hope they don't tear it down for some generic skyscraper in the future.

I doubt they will. The place still books acts and shows like crazy. Next month is really going to be busy with Arenacross and PBR (Professional Bull Riding) happening over there. I am surprised that it gets as much use as it does.


Egad. Memories of this place? You're kidding, right? hahahahahaha. First time was as a youngster when it first opened for a rodeo. Then, the circuses. Then, the 70s. That's when things get a bit foggy. Let's see, REO Speedwagon, Stix, David Bowie, ZZ Top, Jethro Tull, Queen, more David Bowie, Black Sabbath, KISS, The Who (i think), Black Oak Arkansas (Go Jim Dandy), a Volunteer Jam or two (I was at the first one in 1974 at the War Memorial) and so, so many more. It was golden age in growing up even though I was 20s. I Peter Panned it for a long time. My last visit was the Village People at one of the last Summer Lights festivals (no comments, pls, but I loved it). I can't even really begin to remember all the times I was in that building. Back then all you needed for a great time was a ticket, usually in the $7 range (ha ha, not kidding), a good strong pair of socks, one to carry the booze, the other to carry the, uh, uh, well...you also needed a good lighter and a little bottle of Visine. No one got searched in those days. Having a few bucks in your pocket for an after-show visit to Krispy Kreme, or the Krystal and back to Krispie Kreme sure didn't hurt any.

Thanks Lex, this was a nice little trip. I do remember Bowie called for tequila, KISS was Jack, and Queen was gin. Whoa.


I have many memories in the dome. Ronald Mcdonald circus, Nashville Knights, monster trucks that couldnt go full throttle, motocross, and many many more. Truely a venue that brought stuff in for people of all income levels. I remember as a child I thought the place was so huge, now it looks like small fry compaired to the GEC.

BTW has anyone noticed the new clean roof on it? It made it look 20 years younger lol.



I love the MA. It's a great "old school" auditorium that must always stand. It has a place and purpose.

My first concert there was in 1978 or 79: Ted Nugent. Over the years, I've seen countless concerts, the Harlem Globetrotters, circuses, ice capades, etc. The memories are numerous.

Sadly, it appears IJDave has me beat, however. Darn, Dave, you've been rocking for years, my friend.



I'm about in the same boat with some of the other posters, mostly seeing the Ringling Brothers Circuses from the mid to late '70s to the '80s, and the Ice Capades, of course (my favorite was "The Jeffersons on Ice", George and Weezy movin' and groovin' to disco tunes -- or was that my imagination ?).

One odd event I remember from 23 years ago was when Kroger held a big event there marking their 100th Anniversary (1883-1983), celebrating their deathgrip on supermarket shopping. Anyone remember that one ? I don't think I have set foot in the place since the Fulton Administration. The place always struck me as dank, dark, and dirty with the stickiest floors in creation...


I remember going to the Ice Capades there as well as car shows. I think this building plays a vital role in the entertainment sector. Someone above stated that it produces options for all income levels and it is so true.

We have a similar building here in Memphis - The Midsouth Coliseum. It now falls under the dictation of the Grizzlies so events can't be booked there unless the Grizz okay them. Its good that Nashville doesn't have that type of problem with the MA.


My first trip to the Municipal Auditorium was in the 80s before I moved to Nashville.. I was in the Southern Gospel Music Biz and the group I played for performed there several times at the National Quartet Convention (which has sadly moved to Louisville of all places)..

I remember it was so exciting to be downtown, 20,000 or so fans, all the groups performing. Lots of fun.. but in truth the place was a mess.. terrible acoustics, and god forbid it should be raining - nearly as much water inside as outside! But that didn't dampen our enthusiasm a bit. I'll never forget it..

Now, it's great to look out the front window and see it sitting there -- and I was especially pleased when they changed the blue/purple lights around the edge to red and green for Christmas! I'm glad to hear they've cleaned it up!



Well I have never been to the MA, but this March, 3rd and 4th to be exact, I will be there taking my youth group as we participate with around 12,000 other youth and youth leaders at the Tennessee Baptist Convention Youth Evangelism Conference, YEC. Years ago the event was held at Vandy in the big gym which sucks for speaking and music events... way to much echo, Then they moved it down to the Murph at MTSU for the last few years, but this year the event is making its triumph return to Nashville and will be held at the MA instead of Vandy. I am looking forward to seeing the old beauty for the first time!


The auditorium came oh, so close to hosting an NHL team for a year. While the Gaylord (Nashville Arena at the time) was under construction, the New Jersey Devils had planned to move to Nashville and use the MA for a year until the Arena was ready. However, they goofed up and won the Stanley Cup, thus the pressure to keep the team in NJ was so great, the State improved their home arena considerably, keeping them there.

The owner of the Devils also owned the Nets NBA team and was thought to be considering moving them here also.

The San Antonio Spurs looked at moving to the MA also, but it was too inadequate for the sport and the Arena had not then been approved.

Perhaps it was all for the best, however. Two major sports franchises in our small market may have caused the Oilers/Titans to look elsewhere for a home.

As a sidebar, major league franchises that have seriously looked at Nashville for relocation over the years;

Green Bay Packers (in the 40's; actually played some games here)

Atlanta Falcons (80's)

San Antonio Spurs (90's)

New Jersey Devils

New Jersey Nets

Hartford Whalers (ended up in Raleigh)

Minnesota Timberwolves

I don't know of any baseball teams, but if we built a stadium capable of expansion, I think it would happen.


Egad. Memories of this place? You're kidding, right? hahahahahaha. First time was as a youngster when it first opened for a rodeo. Then, the circuses. Then, the 70s. That's when things get a bit foggy. Let's see, REO Speedwagon, Stix, David Bowie, ZZ Top, Jethro Tull, Queen, more David Bowie, Black Sabbath, KISS, The Who (i think), Black Oak Arkansas (Go Jim Dandy), a Volunteer Jam or two (I was at the first one in 1974 at the War Memorial) and so, so many more. It was golden age in growing up even though I was 20s. I Peter Panned it for a long time. My last visit was the Village People at one of the last Summer Lights festivals (no comments, pls, but I loved it). I can't even really begin to remember all the times I was in that building. Back then all you needed for a great time was a ticket, usually in the $7 range (ha ha, not kidding), a good strong pair of socks, one to carry the booze, the other to carry the, uh, uh, well...you also needed a good lighter and a little bottle of Visine. No one got searched in those days. Having a few bucks in your pocket for an after-show visit to Krispy Kreme, or the Krystal and back to Krispie Kreme sure didn't hurt any.

Thanks Lex, this was a nice little trip. I do remember Bowie called for tequila, KISS was Jack, and Queen was gin. Whoa.

What a great list of concert shows, Dave! Damn, I missed that. I moved away from Nashville to Asheville, NC in 1972 and stayed until 1985. If I'd stayed in Nashville, I'd been to most of those shows too. Now I'm jealous!


I think it's a great place to have around, especially for all of those 'not quite big-time enough for full size arena' acts and programs that come around (and there are alot of those). I think it's safe to say that we all have alot of great memories there. I went to so many Nashville Knights games there I can't even count them all. However, I do think that if the place ever, god forbid, goes down hill, and begins sitting empty for very long periods of time, it would probably be good for the city overall to consider putting something else in its place. I mean, just about anything is better for a downtown then a shabby largely unused arena. But, let's hope it never gets to that point. Long live municipal!


You know, the M.A. would havve been/could be a good venue for a minor league basketball team (the rhythm). They probably would have been more attended had it been there


You know, the M.A. would havve been/could be a good venue for a minor league basketball team (the rhythm). They probably would have been more attended had it been there

They need to have an NBDL team here if they are going to use the dome for basketball. That is just my opinion of course. Ace, you might be correct on your assumption though.


My first memory of Municipal Auditorium is the going to see the circus in 1979 or '80. Also saw several rodeos there as a kid. My two most recent visits (1997 and 2003, respectively) were to see Nigel Richards (DJ from Philly, played in the basement level) and Paul Oakenfold (played in a sectioned-off part of the dome; looked cool but sound was awful. Lots of kids obviously on drugs too.)


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