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What do you love about Nashville?

Guest 5th & Main Urbanite

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Guest 5th & Main Urbanite

Since there is a lull in major news right now, for a comprehensive discussion, I wondered what you love about the city and what other cities would you live in if you had the choice.


1) Affordability. This is one of the main reasons I am living here. The affordability is great. I don't make a high salary, and never have, and Nashville is the perfect city for the moderate income person. 


2) Livability.  Crime is relatively low, taxes are relatively low, and there are enough affordable amenities to keep me entertained and relaxed when I am not at work. We have plenty of parks and green space. There are many restaurant choices. The local music scene is top of the list. I am not very interested in sports, but we have two major league professional sports teams, one minor league sports team, and several college and university teams.


3) Built Environment. As you know we have way to many surface parking lots, way to much junk architecture, and many areas full of trash and debris, but most cities of our size have this problem. We are growing at such a rapid pace in so many directions, that we cannot catch up. Many areas are neglected, and frankly forgotten. We have a decent skyline, although we are lacking a true signature piece of architecture that makes our skyline stand out to the rest of the country. The ATT Tower not withstanding, but Signature Tower or 505CST would fill that need. I would still love to have something like the St. Louis Arch, or the Seattle Space Needle.


4) Culture. The music industry is number one. We also have 13 colleges and universities.



Cities where I would like to live:




1) New York City, NY


2) Portland, Or.


3) Seattle, WA.


4) Atlanta, GA.


5) San Francisco, CA


6) Denver, CO.


Outside USA:


1) London England, UK


2) Edinburgh Scotland, UK


3) Toronto Ontario, Canada


4) Vancouver British Columbia, Canada


5) Geneva, Switzerland


6) Saint Andrews Scotland, UK


7) Glasgow Scotland, UK


8) Birmingham England, UK



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1. culture, I believe the combination of food, music, and people makes Nashville what it is.  In the middle of the North and the South, In the middle of East Tennessee and West Tennessee. 


2. Livability, income vs cost of living is very favorable.  


3. Climate, yes summers can get hot but not as bad as Birmingham or Atlanta, plus we have plenty of water to enjoy


4. Entertainment, plenty of sports, music, and festivals to keep everyone entertained.


5. location, Nashville is withing a 4 hour drive of several great destinations, and an 8 hour drive of many more.  plus if you want to fly, you can take southwest virtually anywhere from BNA for cheap,  speaking of BNA,  I have rarely had a problem getting checked in, through security, and to my gate in over 30 minutes, usually 15.   even though I always end up assigned to the last gate at the end of concourse C.  even with increasing usage BNA is still very convenient, plus, if necessary there is plenty of room for it to grow without having to move or drastically alter the airport.


Those are the reasons I am desperately trying to get a job and move back there.  


other cities.


1. Atlanta

2. Charlotte

3. New Orleans

4. Dallas

5. St. Louis

6. San Francisco

outside USA

1. Munich Germany

2. Berlin Germany

3. Rome Italy

4. Nuremburg Germany

5. London England


Notice all my cities have 1 thing in common.   some sort of rail rapid transit.  

BRT is fine but we will eventually need ore than one line (I realize it is just a starter)  

And I also want an MLB team, though changing from the Cardinals will be hard.

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1. It's home. It's where most of my family and friends live.

2. Affordability.

3. Culture. It's in the south. People are nice. There are plenty of events and entertainment.

4. It's changing. I love watching our city grow. I remember growing up and not having any pro sports. I don't know how we survived! :)

Biggest drawback- lack of proximity to nature. It's a very long drive to any significant national parks and essentially zero wilderness is nearby. I'm very into the outdoors and dread being multiple hours to "get away".

Edit; Other places I would like to live (if forced to leave Nashville)



-Washington D.C.

-San Luis Obispo








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I am a native, and in my cirlce of friends and people I work with that is rare.

There isn't a lot that could pull me out of this city.

1: Like others have said, it is incredibly affordable to live here. Hopefully this is a trend that sticks around, I am about to turn 30 and plan to buy my first home soon.

2. The proximity to other locations that I enjoy: Louisville, Atlanta, Richmond

3. The fact that Nashville is not slowing down. I feel like the past 15 years are an indication that Nashville is well on it's way to becoming an internationally well known city. The development that is down the pipe-line seems to be endless


4. The emerging food scene. This is something that we should be really proud of and something that is only getting better.


Other places I would consider living:

Richmond, VA
San Diego, CA
Louisville, KY
Atlanta, GA

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1. It's home. Even though I wasn't born here, I was raised here. And for all the time I could comprehend what was going around me - this is home.


2. The people. Although my circle is relatively small, they make this city that much more home.


3. Growth. I love watching cities grow, and none other, IMO, has done so like Nashville has in the last twelve years.


4. Culture. We have a thriving and very mixed culture when compared to the rest of the South. Except Miami.


American cities I would live in; in no particular order


Greenville, SC

Seattle, WA

Austin, TX

Palo Alto, CA

Atlanta, GA

Pittsburgh, PA

Minny, St. Paul


Outside US Cities, in no particular order:


Wiesbaden, GER

Edinburgh, Scotland

Munich, GER (MIA SAN MIA!!!)

Prague, Czech Republic

Toronto, OTT, Can

Vancouver, BC, Can

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1. this is where i came into my own.

2. i love that i'm here and living in right where the explosion is going on.

3. southern food.

4. southern women.

where i'd move to in the us:

1. detroit, mi (favorite city)

2. chicago, il

3. st louis, mo

i like midwestern cities... as you can see, hah.

eric b

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